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First love...
And no, I'm not talking about your first sexual experience ...I'm talking about...who was the one that made you feel alive, made you realize you were attracted to girls or boys?
I was goofy over a boy in second grade...his name was Bobby...and no, not Bobby Brady...
October 21, 2008, 20:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: First love...
Bobby Ewing pershaps?
I was in grade school but don't remember her name now.
October 21, 2008, 20:46 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: First love...
It was a teacher that first got me thinking about girls, that was in grade one. But there was a redhead in grade 2 can't remember her name
October 22, 2008, 21:11 |