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You're lookin' kinda old.......
A few theories as to the possible reasons for the upcoming divorce of Madonna and her (3rd?, 4th?, 5th?) husband.
Could it be that Madonna's husband may have woken up one morning recently with some mornin' lovin' on his mind , tapped 'ole Madonna on the shoulder, she rolled over lookin' every bit her 60 years (no makeup) and her hubby all of a sudden thought to himself, she don't look too freakin' "material" to me anymore?
Or maybe she forgot to "groom" one day and her husband was going down town, when he got a glimpse of the old forest with the grey hairs and all when suddenly he lost interest in "eating breakfast in bed" . Hey, as any good chef will tell you, "it's all in the presentation", right?
Maybe her husband's had enough of her screwing around with Alex Rodriguez and has said to himself "she owes me a shit load of money. Now it's my turn"! Share the wealth!!
Have I gone a little overboard with my theories?