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is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
one of my co-workers, a 16 year old boy, is an avid hunter. last week, he went hunting before school, and accidentally forgot to drop his gun off at home. so, it was in his truck, on school grounds. one of his friends saw it, and told him. he figured that the kid that spotted it would tell. so he reported it himself. he got an immediate one day suspension. and this week, he had to meet with counselors, and other school officials, and a police officer. the school board is deciding of what to do. he faces a possible one year expulsion, or just be expelled until November 4th, having to report to school for a one hour session with one of his teachers, and then he gets to go home...the big deal is, his superintendent told him he'd have been better off skipping school and taking the gun home. his mom will fight it, she asked "my son is in trouble for doing the right thing then?"
October 14, 2008, 01:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
October 14, 2008, 06:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
These are the times, I'm kinda with the Super on this one, he should have taken the gun home first, taken a absent day or showed up late.
Even if he is innocent on his purpose for taking the gun with him.
The reason for allot of the school shootings, violence and tragedies came about because others DIDN'T say anything about what the saw or knew.
I feel for the kid, I think he made a bad judgement here, and that's a pretty normal thing for a 16 year old. I do hope he can plead his case and avoid the harsh punishment.
But, schools have a zero tolerance for such things, and it's sad that they have to. But a zero tolerance for weapons at school is right to me.
October 14, 2008, 07:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
Im afraid that society as a whole has lost every degree of common sense.
October 14, 2008, 07:54 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
I can rememer going to school and seeing several trucks with gun racks in the back window, yes they had one or two guns setting in it.
L&H, remember hearing the story about the 17 year old that was suspended from school, as the school security saw he had a box cutter sitting in the cup holder in his car? He was from the Anoka area I think. This student need this box cutter for his job that he went to right after school, at Cub Foods. After a bunch of meetings with school officals, they did allow him back.
October 14, 2008, 08:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
It a hard one, he should have taken the gun home, as someone else could have got hold of it, and who knows what might have happened. But i feel the school is going a bit over board with the punishment. Yes, he was extremely stupid taking it to school, but we're all guilty at that age of making a bad judgment and luckily he did the right thing in telling someone the gun was there. They should punish him for being irresponsible, but, not that far.
October 14, 2008, 12:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
A bit but I read recently about that brain dead couple who left a loaded gun on their nightstand only to have their very young son pick it up and accidently shoot himself to death. That is fucking stupid!
I do hope they get jail time for being so fucking brain dead.....just like their dead son!! jmo
October 14, 2008, 20:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure in just guessing, the kid was aware of the zero tolerance rules about weapons, and just made a bad decision of taking it to school.
October 14, 2008, 21:12 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
sounds to me like the kid made a bad decision and the superintendent overreacted . yep stupid is the word.........
October 15, 2008, 10:15 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
As stupid as it may sound I agree that he should just be late for school.
You never know who may see it and there's nothing stopping them from breaking a window to get to it.
October 15, 2008, 19:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
Yep, I'm still with the Superintendant on this one for sure. We now have zero tolerance and the school has no choice but to follow through with the rules for this, no choice at all really. I don't think the school over reacted, they have to follow the rules on weapons and safety, and the kid, good kid he might be, made a bad decision and left the school no choice but to react as they did.
I disagree with the mother that her son is being punished for "doing the right thing"....he didn't.....the right thing would have been NOT to take the gun to school, zero tolerance means NO excuses.
I do however, still hope that a board decision will hear out everything, take the kid's past record into consideration and take some of the harshness out of his punishment. It's a shame when a good kid gets something on his record that can effect his future.
Kids do dumb things.
October 15, 2008, 20:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?
It's not so stipid. I've seen adults [and do most everyday] do far more stupid things. He should have taken it home when he realized it was still there. He could have simply explained why he was late.
Of course they probably would have put him through the same BS.
October 18, 2008, 08:18 |
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is it just me, or is this kinda stupid?