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If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
If someone sends you a private message it would be nice to have the courtesy to reply to it. Even if your not interested in that person, a reply of some kind would be considerate. So many times we, and other, people send them out waiting for some response and nothing !!! Leaving people hanging is'nt cool. If you don't want to be wrote to say so in your profile, otherwise an answer one way or another would be appreciated. Thanks by all who send them !!!
February 12, 2005, 15:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
I try very hard to answer all my messages, it can take a week or so, but I do try. There are a few I don't answer, for very good reasons, and don't feel a bit guilty about it. In general, I enjoy hearing from everyone, and enjoy answering their messages.
February 12, 2005, 15:17 |
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Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
Well Chazzy that just shows what a special and classy lady you are. !!!!
February 12, 2005, 19:15 |
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Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 12, 2005, 15:17)I try very hard to answer all my messages, it can take a week or so, but I do try. There are a few I don't answer, for very good reasons, and don't feel a bit guilty about it. In general, I enjoy hearing from everyone, and enjoy answering their messages.
Come-on chazzy,,,,tell us about the ones you dont answer,,,are they nasty?, filthy? sexy? we wanna hear some juicy stories, you dont have to use any names,,,,
February 12, 2005, 21:39 |
52 / male Las Cruces, New Mexico, US
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
Thanks for bringing that up. I check the site almost every day, here's my opinion: We are all in different moods and involved in our lives in different ways when we log on. Sometimes I am sexually aggressive and really turned on, and sometimes I am sincerely interested or intrigued by a profile. I agree that people should respond because they should realize this. Someone was moved to respond a certain way to your postings and that is part of the fun and safety of this anonymous forum. I feel this is especially true if you post nude pics or of genitalia, can you not expect some reaction?
February 12, 2005, 23:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
I think privatenurse has said allot of truths in his reply.
Some of the messages I don't respond to read something like this..."get me off, get me off now!" How could I resist such an offer? Hey it takes willpower. (that was sarcasm, by the way)
Most of the time lately, I'm only online for short amount of time, during that time, I'm checking the forums for no-no's, and replying as much as I can. Some of my time online I'm looking and/or making up new forum games and adding new topics to try to keep it interesting for everyone. Lastly, I try to answer as many messages as I can before having to go offline again. I check all the messages and those that have a specific question or problem, I answer first, then I do the introductions, and first "hello" notes. I am kinda behind right now, so anyone who may have sent me a message in the past two weeks will get an answer this coming week, I promise! If you don't hear from me, please, just resend your message. You all know how it is, sometimes, life gets out of hand, things happen...and it just takes me a little longer to do the things I wanna do, because of the things I have to do!
February 13, 2005, 06:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
i think its just respectful to return a message, if your not interested in the other person just say so.
February 13, 2005, 11:14 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
i agree it is polite to respond when you recieve a message.however being in the uk i do recieve a lot of email from ladies in the us, sometimes they may be 20 years younger and do not appear to have viewed my profile, i assume they have an automatic mailing system, perhaps chazzy could throw some light on this as to why, i always assume there is a con trick coming up. by the way this does not apply to this web site
February 13, 2005, 13:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
If I ever got a Private Message, I would be sure to return the courtesy
February 13, 2005, 15:12 |
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Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (allon @ February 13, 2005, 13:04)i agree it is polite to respond when you recieve a message.however being in the uk i do recieve a lot of email from ladies in the us, sometimes they may be 20 years younger and do not appear to have viewed my profile, i assume they have an automatic mailing system, perhaps chazzy could throw some light on this as to why, i always assume there is a con trick coming up. by the way this does not apply to this web site
Allot of sites, (NOT this one !) will send out automated mailings from not-so-real profiles when your "free trial" is up. Their thinking is, if you have mail in your mailbox from young attractive women, you will buy or upgrade your membership to retrieve the mail.
I have in the past done some webcam chat work on a few sites, (again, NOT talking about this site!) and the girls would post profiles and send out mailings from every adult dating site they ran across to increase traffic to their money earning mother site. This, I never did, I think it's just plain mean to contact hundreds or thousands of men looking for real relationships, whether it be just sexual or something more, in order to dupe them into paying for webcam time. I worked one site that posted our profiles on dating sites without us girls even knowing about it, we found out from the hundreds of men who suddenly started messaging us about dates.
Another reason...It just could be that you're really are a chick magnet!
(any suspicious profiles and ads, ads with solicitations, or "meet me in somewebsite.com chatroom", can be reported annonymously with a link at the bottom of the profile page. Please don't hesitate to report them ! It's the kinda thing, as we all know that keep this website down-to-earth real, and different from the afore mentioned type of websites. Thank you, absix!!)
February 14, 2005, 05:17 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
I personaly got one answer to the many messages that I sent. It was an offer to chat on Yahoo messenger so it was not possible. I don't think this person understands why someone would use this website instead. Yahoo messenger will just pop onto the screen sometime. It is always on. I've tried to prevent this in the past and haven't found a way to work around it. Since I'm married there is no way that I'm going to message on Yahoo. It also archives all the nasty conversations.
There is no reason not to use this website for contact. My requests are to message through the website. We have a chat room also. Members can see when somebody's online and invite for chat. If you don't want that person to contact you any longer then you can simply block them. There is no reason to not answer a PM unless you're just a stuck-up classless person.............In which case, your profile is full of crap anyway.
February 14, 2005, 07:09 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 14, 2005, 05:17) Their thinking is, if you have mail in your mailbox from young attractive women, you will buy or upgrade your membership to retrieve the mail.
Another reason...It just could be that you're really are a chick magnet! ....
Thanks chazzy that explains alot, i was pestered by one lady in the uk whos profile was exactly what i was looking for. when i joined up and emailed back she changed her profile, and didnt want to know.. think i will stick here where i trust the users as i have never had a problem. and i dont get ad-wares secretly put into my computer.
as for the 'babe magnet' monicker i shall leave that handle to bcb, deye and hothands i know my place
February 14, 2005, 07:33 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
the above should have said 'spy-ware'
and a happy valentines evening to all of you. i shall be working night shift this week so i wont get any loving anyhow. but i hope you all make up for me
February 14, 2005, 08:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
"....as for the 'babe magnet' monicker i shall leave that handle to bcb, deye and hothands i know my place..."
Hey, don't sell your self short!
February 14, 2005, 10:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
I answer each and every PM I get. even if my answer is "fuck off" I do send an answer.
(if i didn't answer you last week don't feel offended, I deleted all mail without reading it last week).
February 18, 2005, 14:51 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
damn you woman i promised you earth as well, you will never know how close you came to recieving all your birthdays at once. oh yeah i forgot you dont like mentioning birthdays! oops
February 19, 2005, 05:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (allon @ February 19, 2005, 05:10)damn you woman i promised you earth as well, you will never know how close you came to recieving all your birthdays at once. oh yeah i forgot you dont like mentioning birthdays! oops
You may have promised the earth... but have you delivered? Come On... we're waiting!!
February 19, 2005, 15:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (kbateman @ February 18, 2005, 14:51)I answer each and every PM I get. even if my answer is "fuck off" I do send an answer.
(if i didn't answer you last week don't feel offended, I deleted all mail without reading it last week).
HUH!!!! I bet you read every one of the E-mails you got last week,,,,,then you deleted them, right?,,,,don't lie to me,,,,Not reading an email is like "not breathing", especialy for a woman, Thats like trying to tell us you dont answer the phone when it rings,,,we all know the phone and email is like a powerfull drug to women that they cant resist, not even you, KB
February 19, 2005, 18:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
Just wanna say, I'm behind in my messages (again!) To anyone who wrote, I'll be catching up as soon as possible, right now, I've got a husband home with the flu running me ragged.
(Anyone know a cure for his flu that doesn't require a three day handgun wait, let me know!)
March 29, 2005, 07:13 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 29, 2005, 07:13)
(Anyone know a cure for his flu that doesn't require a three day handgun wait, let me know!)
I have to say that a woman taking care of me when I'm sick is absolutely intoxicating. I have to be nonfunctioning though to allow myself a sick bed. After surgery to repair a hernia I spent two full days in bed mostly and it felt like a month!
Yup....I know of a spa he can vacation at that encourages vitality and self-worth....Army bootcamp. He just needs discilpline and values. They have masseuses called Drill Instructors that will work him over good. Thier technique will expell all impurities of physical or mental illness.
It would help him appreciate the value of such a good woman.
March 29, 2005, 08:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
Sounds to us like someone is LOL
March 29, 2005, 09:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
Hey!Hey! Hey!!!....I could use a little !!!
March 29, 2005, 10:27 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
chazzy it would be a pleasure to kiss your ass, just thinking about it right now makes me so fuckin hard! ok i know it doesnt sound like me this, but i am trying to make a difference, girls if my incincerity shows im sure you would let me know! but for the record yes i would love to kiss your ass chazzy! oh bollox i mean that, but i struggle ,
March 29, 2005, 15:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy
QUOTE (allon @ March 29, 2005, 15:44)chazzy it would be a pleasure to kiss your ass, just thinking about it right now makes me so fuckin hard! ok i know it doesnt sound like me this, but i am trying to make a difference, girls if my incincerity shows im sure you would let me know! but for the record yes i would love to kiss your ass chazzy! oh bollox i mean that, but i struggle ,
bollox ? Do you mean buttocks, as another word for "bum" ? Well, Bob's you're uncle !
(I'm learning to appreciate the British dialects! As a matter of fact, I would love for you to submit an erotic story. )
March 29, 2005, 16:13 |
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If Private Messaged ,return the courtesy