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Talk talk talk and blah blah blah
Just reading stuff this morning...one article about how women need/love to talk about the "relationship" and men just..well...just don't wanna talk about it.
This article about the book "How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It" states that even from birth, when baby girls hear a loud noise, they need to make eye contact, but when baby boys hear the same loud sudden noise, their eyes will look around and they say this is the fight or flight kickin' in.
How frustrating! Women born with the need to talk it all over, and men born with the need to avoid talk that might contain what they percieve as criitism!
It does seem that women are more open, into themselves than men in general...ask a woman what color are her eyes and she might go into a big specific deal about some odd shade of whatever with little specks of somethin' else, while a man mostly likely will just say "blue"
Looking at profiles here, you can see where women are more likely to type out in great detail all their qualities(physical and otherwise) while the men just state the basics, they don't describe their quality, they usually state that they just have that quality.
So what is it? Do woman talk too much, men don't talk enough? What's more frustrating, someone who wants to talk things over, or someone that won't respond to talking about things?
Would you ever read up on, or read books, or in anyway try to learn the communication ways of the opposite sex? I would, but I would expect any partner to also make an effort to understand.
September 27, 2008, 09:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Talk talk talk and blah blah blah
I was chatting to a new friend of mine this morning and he was shocked at how much us woman talk about relationships and sex etc, it seems guys don't talk much about that stuff. It is a shame, but it does seem that if they are with the right partner they will talk to them. I made it perfectly clear to my friend, that he can talk to me about anything and i hope he will
September 27, 2008, 09:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Talk talk talk and blah blah blah
I absolutely agree! When men see a woman that is attractive they do just that, they SEE her. When women see one they would be most likely to turn to their friend and make a comment.
Men also don't talk about sex with their friends. My friends and I, we will go into detail about certain circumstances. Heck, when I found out my best had never used or owned a vibrator I took her to a store...she didn't buy anything but it was a HUGE step to get her in there.
I can't imagine you would never see two guys walk into a store like that and have a conversation about what to buy. There may be the rare guy that would go but I'd think they would be more likely to go alone or with their partner.
And yes, women like to talk about relationships because they like to be reassured as to where they stand. I would imagine most men know where they stand from a physical stance, if they have someone touching and showing them they are attractive then they are happy. Back to that women are emotional creatures and men are physical. We all show our love differently it is just learning what the other needs and being able to adapt to it.
And yes, I would read about it and have. It didn't help my marriage but at least I have a feeling what should work.
September 27, 2008, 10:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Talk talk talk and blah blah blah
September 27, 2008, 13:14 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Talk talk talk and blah blah blah
I am willing to talk to all most anyone about anything. A couple of weeks ago, a gal at work talked with me about menstral cycles.
September 27, 2008, 17:11 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Talk talk talk and blah blah blah
I think the situation you are in depends on whether a man will talk. I can discuss anything/everything with my hubby and visa versa, but I also agree with the comments listed above. A group of men would not discuss in detail any kind of sexual act as they would end up questioning themselves or fear what the other guys would think about them or their partner.
September 27, 2008, 17:15 |