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Have you ever had some good news yet it hasn't arrived yet but knowing it will? Then you're afraid to get all your hopes built up knowing it could turn for the worse. Right now I can't believe something good is happening to me, I've been through so much these past few years. I'm full of exuberation, yet I have my reservations of getting all happy, happy about it, not wanting to jinx myself.
... xox
September 7, 2008, 20:52 |
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Re: Jinx
I've learned not to get excited about any alleged good news. Been too many times that it hasn't paned out.
September 7, 2008, 21:02 |
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Re: Re: Jinx
QUOTE (JCSOS @ September 7, 2008, 21:02)I've learned not to get excited about any alleged good news. Been too many times that it hasn't paned out. 
I know especially after you've had someone tell you whatever it is they were going to do, then they don't do it. I'm walking lightly on it. If I say I'm going to do something for someone, I pretty much follow through, unless something major is occuring, but will make every effort in every way.
... xox
September 7, 2008, 21:06 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Jinx
It really is better not to raise your hopes up. It just crushes you later.
September 8, 2008, 19:53 |
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Re: Jinx
I tend to need alot of time building trust and faith in anything or anyone and still have my reservations. Life is like a drift of sand, what you have today, tomorrow you might not have... live your life the best you can! 40something, like you said, you get crushed, if not today, down the road after investing every last drop of blood, sweat and tears, I'm not pertaining this to everything or everyone, we're all different.
... xox
September 8, 2008, 20:14 |
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Re: Jinx
Just keep thinking positive and go with the flow, there isn't anything you can do about certain situations, so why waste time worrying about them. Lifes way too short, lifes for living and enjoying what we have.
Like the song says."Always look on the bright side of life". That's how i try and live my life, being worried about stuff can't change it!!!
I also believe good things come to good people, so tica, you should be ok hun
September 9, 2008, 04:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Jinx
Thanks Bubbles, you're a Sweetie! All of us have those moments (especially at times with what I'm dealing with here).
... xox
September 9, 2008, 07:42 |
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Re: Jinx
You'll be just fine hun
September 9, 2008, 15:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Jinx
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ September 9, 2008, 15:38)You'll be just fine hun
... xox
September 9, 2008, 18:48 |