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cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » cig smoking how many have the habit yet?


 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
just don't know what to do with the better half she sneaks around behind my back and buys them and begs and barrows them .i quit ten years ago after she had the surgery on her voice box,i use to smoke 2 to 3 packs aday and don't want the habit back...... i think I'm at the end of the rope.....
 September 7, 2008, 02:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
I haven't quit yet. Been cutting down some. I'd probably quit if i had someone special here but don't see that happenin'. I've been trying to get more sleep as I smoke much more when tired. Drinking water also helps.
 September 7, 2008, 02:27

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
hikeing and walk seems to help to , it hard tp do both at the same time. we used zyban the first time
 September 7, 2008, 11:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
I know friends/family that have used 'Zyban' (Welbuterin) and the new medication 'Chantix' where they had serious side effects from them.

... xox

 September 7, 2008, 11:42

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
i heard that for some folks it gives ya nightmares, a friend was on patches them things give ya nightmares too.
what kind of sideeffects , i started some leg swelling and then i ended up in the hospital after thatbut dont know if it was related ...lol
 September 7, 2008, 12:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
I used Zyban for a while and then read what it was. i quit using it as i figured a truck driver on an anti-depressant wasn't a good idea. it did work though.
 September 7, 2008, 12:23

 60 / couple
 Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
Couldnt use Zyban, tried it for a day and it sent me really weird!!, I know I'm weird anyway, but REALLY weird. have tried to pack up 3 times. Used the patches and they were good, got to 3 months without a ciggie and just couldnt hack it!!
No will power I suppose, much to the relief of hubby!!1 lol lol lol
Will stop one day, but I think it has to be something that you really want to do personally. its not something that someone can tell you to do.
My father, after 3 heart attacks, 2 strokes and prostrate cancer is still smoking!!, he doesnt want to give it up and enjoys it...at 75 why should he stop something he enjoys!
 September 7, 2008, 16:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
My best friend smoked for over 20 years then one day, she just stopped and so did my mum after over 45 years!!!
I'm so pleased my mum did.
 September 7, 2008, 16:05

 46 / male
 Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
my dad was the same. he fell over drunk one new year and split his head because he was trying to light his cig off of the cooker.

I was woke up by my gran who took my brother and I to the hospital to see him.

I've always looked up to my father (not just cause he's 6'4" ) but he is a great man, always upbeat and just general stature of greatness and it REALLY upset me seeing this great man looking so week and pathetic.

My father promised my brother and I he'd never smoke or drink again and he never did, that was 21 years ago and is still one of my earliest memories. I was 8.

Even now he's 60, I would give anything to become half the man he is. just wish I could tell him instead of posting on here. But suppose telling you guys is a start
 September 7, 2008, 16:38

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
I've tried a few times, but to no avail. I tried the patch, but got chest pains, so they were out, can't do the gum either. My biggest problem, is that after I have quit, I get very violent. Ya just have to look at me, and I'll go off the deep end. It would not be a good idea to have those kinds of mood swings at my current job, so I'll keep on smoking.
 September 7, 2008, 18:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
  QUOTE (loki81278 @ September 7, 2008, 16:38)

Even now he's 60, I would give anything to become half the man he is. just wish I could tell him instead of posting on here. But suppose telling you guys is a start

loki, I don't know you very well but I say, never left something kind unsaid, you will never regret saying something loving. We just have to watch what we say out of anger...those are words we can't take back that could hurt someone. Good deeds don't need to be undone. No war was ever started from a compliment.
 September 7, 2008, 18:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
  QUOTE (beckandcall @ September 7, 2008, 18:43)
  QUOTE (loki81278 @ September 7, 2008, 16:38)

Even now he's 60, I would give anything to become half the man he is. just wish I could tell him instead of posting on here. But suppose telling you guys is a start

loki, I don't know you very well but I say, never left something kind unsaid, you will never regret saying something loving. We just have to watch what we say out of anger...those are words we can't take back that could hurt someone. Good deeds don't need to be undone. No war was ever started from a compliment.

No war was ever started from a compliment.

... xox
 September 7, 2008, 20:23

 47 / female
 north, England, UK
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
I hate smoking, and everything that goes with it.
It's expensive, it stinks and it kills!!
 September 8, 2008, 04:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
  QUOTE (loki81278 @ September 7, 2008, 16:38)
my dad was the same. he fell over drunk one new year and split his head because he was trying to light his cig off of the cooker.

I was woke up by my gran who took my brother and I to the hospital to see him.

I've always looked up to my father (not just cause he's 6'4" ) but he is a great man, always upbeat and just general stature of greatness and it REALLY upset me seeing this great man looking so week and pathetic.

My father promised my brother and I he'd never smoke or drink again and he never did, that was 21 years ago and is still one of my earliest memories. I was 8.

Even now he's 60, I would give anything to become half the man he is. just wish I could tell him instead of posting on here. But suppose telling you guys is a start

Ah.......give your dad a call right now! I only wish I had felt that way about my dad. He was so disappointed in me and he let me know it all the time. No love lost there. To this day, I do not miss the man in any way, shape or form. That's sad, isn't it?
 September 8, 2008, 05:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
i guess i never re3ally got hooked on smoking, yeah i used to do it, but not that much, I've smoked maybe 3 cigarettes over the last 20 years or so...my dad smoked up until he went into the hospital with emphysema (which is what killed him), but the doctor's didn't blame his smoking habits (it didn't make it any better though), but the main cause of it? my dad worked in grain elevators during the 1970's abed 1980's, before grain dust was linked to causing lung defects and they weren't required to wear respirators and dust masks. so the way i see it? smoke or not, eventually SOMETHING will kill you.....if you enjoy it, go ahead and do it.
 September 8, 2008, 10:18

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
no but lots of wars were started with A misunderstanding I'm sure,like i said i took welbutrin and its a anti depressant and i took two pill for 2 weeks and quit and then i quit them after 2 months and haven't smokes since.
and being a x smoker and i turned into a hypocrite i cant stand the smell even ten years later i can smell someone who does 12 feet away,and like liberal says it plain stinks.
i grew up with the ole man smoking and turning 3 shades of purple while driving down the road with us all in the car, and he smoke Paul mall non filter.
was starting to tell mom about grabbing the wheel when he was choking....:|
well as to smoking its is your choice and if ya don't well like brisko darling says " more power to ya" and if ya do think about it for a whiles.....
 September 8, 2008, 14:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
I'd like to at least cut how much I smoke but half or more.

I have to wonder though. Most everyone I know that has quit in the last 10 years, has grown much more serious illnesses. No, not heart problems, but things like non smoking related cancers, diabietes and such. I've also been informed by the nurse and doctor that didi my DOT physical that smoking dialates the blood vessels, not constrict them as so many claim. So, is it possible that smoking can help prevent heart attacks from colestoral blockage? Makes me wonder----------------
 September 13, 2008, 10:59

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cig smoking how many have the habit yet?
well i don't know about that, i been told that it causes Harding of the artery's and that me quiting was better for me even though i gained weight with my diabetes and that being the case, that smoking dilates the veins,then why do i have a touch of ED which is coursed by a lack of blood flow, i just love seeing Alice. them pill aren't cover ether. them my father that got it from his father and handed it down to me, had to have surgery's to install plastic tubes to improve blood flow to his leg, he already lost half of the other leg due to poor circulation and gang green. well that makes it a horse apiece i guess. i didn't have to quit, the wife did she had lesions on her voice box and we been told only woman get it from smoking and started up again thanks to a friend and we have been going at it....for a few years now.....and what pisses me off is she Lie's right to my face about it....
 September 13, 2008, 12:13

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » cig smoking how many have the habit yet?

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