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We're not here for a long time...........
Yesterday my wife and I drove 2 hrs from home to Newport RI to attend a free outdoor Huey Lewis and the News concert at the naval base there. We got there to the Newport area around noon and toured the wharf area, shopping, eating and drinking! The concert venue was to open it's gates at 4pm for military personnel and 5pm for non military personnel with a tentative pre-Huey acts set to begin at 6 and 7pm. The acts before were to be kind, yawners!! Oh well, Huey would make up for the earlier acts, right? Right!!! Being it was a free concert and that military had first dibs on the better sight lines, all in all, we didn't have too bad of a location, except for......(wait for it).....a group of rude ass portly pattys that refused to sit the f*ck down and give people who had the misfortune of sitting behind their larger than life bodies, a chance to see the stage.
At exactly 8pm, HL and the News came on and rocked the house. The only problem with the entire evening was those rude-ass wide bodies that chose to block the view of the stage and Hl. Oh and did I fail to tell you who happened to "mention" to those large lindas that other people behind them just might want to see the concert and not their fat asses and their equally expansive upper torsos. That "who" was my wife Lori. She was the only one in the large group of adults and children to approach those "ladies" and "express" her displeasure with their selfish attitude. Surprisingly, they did sit their expanses down and that was appreciated by the forlorned viewers behind them.
My wife is one of those individuals that pulls no punches when it comes to what's right and wrong. She's all of 5ft and takes no prisoners. I've known this woman 33 years and I've never known her to back down from anyone or anything where principle is involved. Get in a "discussion" on principle with her......you will lose!! She'll take the path of righteousness so she'll win, at least in principle!!
All in all. I would much rather pay to see an artist then see them for free. At least with a paid admission, there is some decorum among the attendees and security will enforce the sight lines.
Have you ever had the misfortune to be "disrespected" at a concert? How did you react, including any action you may have taken to confront the offender or offenders?
August 25, 2008, 07:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Yes, I have taken the time to confront "offenders"...I've always tried to take the time to kindly confront them, not only take so much time to explain, but taken so much time to also listen and yes VB...I'm sorry hon, but right now I am talking about you.
How many times now VB, have I taken so much time to talk to you, right here and by private message about your habit of berating people by their "above average weight"
Way before you joined here, there was always a "nice" rule here, and that rule will stay, fight it all you want, that rule will stay.
I'm sorry again dear, I tried to ignore this thread, in this time of mine, it has meant much to me to be able to browse this forum and read even though I just don't feel much like talking or typing.
Again I'm sorry for what I'm about to say right now...I know in your heart, you really mean no harm to no one...but I and just about all of us have been to concerts and half the joy of it, maybe even more than half of the joy is being around all those people who for awhile can forget their real lives, relive a bit of their youth and it doesn't matter who sits in front of you, be it a tall man, be it a woman with the biggest hair you've ever seen, be it the petites, when that concert starts, they will rise to their feet. You can call these people rude if you want, but we've talked many times dear, don't ever again refer to someone you are angry with about one thing and one thing only, and bring up something that has nothing at all to do with that "one thing"...their physical appearance (weight)again.
I'm sorry VB, I love you but you know we've talked about this many times before and it does hurt my already broken heart that I somehow feel I must talk about this again, and this could very well be the last time we do....because I'm just so tired right now.
If anyone wants to continues sharing concert experiences, talk about the rude or strange things they have seen, that's cool.
And since this was near a military base, and the military did get the prime seating, that is how it should be of course...I sincerely hope that the military and their families had a uplifting and wonderful time at this concert.
(VB, I know, I know dear, it was just your colorful way of sharing an experience, I know you meant no harm or hurt to anyone and I still luv ya doode, thank you for your PM's during my recent dark times.)
August 27, 2008, 12:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Yeh I know,I'm a callous, opinionated and generally nasty person at times! Point taken! Maybe I should have used less colorful terms to describe the calorically challenged ladies that rudely blocked views of many. Point taken! Thank goodness I have already seen HL about 8 times before or I would have personally spoken to the two women in question but being that my wife also "has a pair" , I didn't even have to rise out of my lawn chair. She enjoys tearing someone a new one when it's called for. I'm so proud of my little badger
(oh and welcome back sweety. You'll be fine. We all go through this at one time or another. It ain't easy but you're amongst friends. )
August 28, 2008, 07:13 |
80 / male temple, Texas, US
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
ther reason i show my little ass to people at a concert is beause i cant see.at concerts you have a right to stand up shout or dance.if you want for all people to sit .well go to church.
August 28, 2008, 08:37 |
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Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Ir's been awhile since I've attended a concert. but I know for me and many others, so much of the thrill and exicitment of it all...is the crowd. Some sing loudly out loud to their favorite songs and just can't help but to jump up and stand on their feet, yell and jump. It's always been just a part of the whole event and never really bothered me at all, as a matter of fact, it just adds to it. Anyone who through sheer excitement jumps up from their feet at a concert will of course block the view of those sitting behind them, and it doesn't take a larger person to have that effect, just a thoughtless person, a rude person, a person who through their own excitement didn't realize they were in anyway annoying someone else.
I"m sorry, but I have always told you how distasteful it is to refer to anyone by their weight, my own mamma, who in her youth was Betty Grable curvaceous and had the face of a beauty queen, but as the years passed and the children came, the added weight came too...I saw her depression from it, the efforts of trying to meet a social standard, I've seen looks and heard the comments from those when she was in public, and it is all nothing less than just cruel. Oh sure now, the nutritional specialist, stomach stapling, liposuction, lap bands and even in the grocery stores, shelve full of low fat/no fat foods that are sometimes twice and triple the price of regular foods.
No, sorry but no....I can't bear the thought of anyone, not even here on this site, feel that sting of those kind of terms used, or being exposed to that old way of thinking....
August 28, 2008, 08:38 |
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Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Point taken!
August 28, 2008, 20:12 |
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Re: Re: We're not here for a long time...........
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 28, 2008, 20:12)Point taken!
yeah, I know...you've said that over and over but yet...here we are again...
Let's just both try harder please.
August 28, 2008, 22:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
But on topic....oh yes, the things I've seen at a concert, I just consider it all to be part of the "circus"
August 28, 2008, 22:14 |
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Re: Re: Re: We're not here for a long time...........
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 28, 2008, 22:13) QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 28, 2008, 20:12)Point taken!
yeah, I know...you've said that over and over but yet...here we are again...
Let's just both try harder please.
My problem is that I was raised not to be selfish and to have some decorum about myself. That includes NOT obstructing other peoples views at a concert! What am I wrong in this?
August 28, 2008, 23:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
A concert is what it is....a large gathering of people not only celebrating the music, but celebrating an event that draws all the characters imaginable....the vendors outside the concert, the people that remember a band and it's music and the impact it had on their youth, etc....it's a gathering of people...yes, there are always going to be those excitable ones in a way that may seem rude...and all of those that just get carried so away with the entire event and behave in a way that some of us may find rude
has NOTHING to do with how wide their asses are...that's all I'm saying.
I've been seated near drunks that started the party long before they arrived, those that sing out loud with every song, those that just jump and scream, and for me...all of that is just a expected part of the concert experience.
Now...cell phones in resturants and movie theaters, that is a whole other matter...
August 29, 2008, 00:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Personally, I think the cell phone usage at restaurants has waned a bit. It used to be that all people wanted to do is find a seat and then a call would come through and they'd spend the whole time yappin' with no regards to their fellow guests.
August 29, 2008, 14:42 |
46 / male Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Hey bill,
I've just read this post and it seems like you're really unhappy.
I attend concerts a lot and do often get carried away dancing, singing etc isn't that what concerts are for.
I'd find it more strange if everyone was seated but I do suppose it depends on the kind of music. If classical then I agree, sit and take in the strings etc and that's the decorum I would expect, maybe standing ovation.
But you wouldn't last long at a metallica concert if you asked someone to please stay seated.
And what do you mean by calorifically challenged ? if you mean over weight then I feel quite offended that it upset you that the person on their cell phone who for all you know is a travelling sales person and are talking to their wife and children who he misses dearly.
You should concentrate on enjoying your own life and not letting these silly things bother you.
Is only life you've got pal.
August 29, 2008, 14:51 |
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Re: We're not here for a long time...........
I rarely ever use my cell phone, it's for only the very important things, or emergencies, even then I will make the call or answer, excuse myself and step out somewhere to actually carry on with the conversation.
I agree with lok on the concert thing, if ya just wanna sit in your seat and watch the whole thing, maybe it's best you just rent a DVD and watch at home, myself...I love the electricity of the crowd and all the characters that go with an open event. I mean, really....what could be better than to be at one place watching that many people have that great of a time!
August 29, 2008, 20:34 |
43 / couple Eastern, South Dakota, US
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Even so, its kinda of a ripple effect to an extent. The people in front of you stand, you're going to more than likely be standing too just so you can see what you can by doing so. You dont have much of a control especially whe being at a concert, on who you're sitting next to and vice versa. Concerts are meant to be a fun time, get up and move around a bit, dance if you wish, etc.
Unfortunately, at the concert we were at most recently, the drunks in front of us were drinking soo much that they had actually farted... who exactly? Not sure, but it sure as hell was one of them at the very least. We just kinda laughed it off even though we wished it didn't happen and tried making the best of it anyhow, as much as it stunk for the time being which didn't happen just once either.
August 30, 2008, 00:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Yeh, I'm unhappy.....with fuckin' rude ass people! I grew up in a different time. A time when manners were thought of as a virtue. Nowadays, it's alright to be selfish and not give a shit about anybody but yourself. That goes for cell phone usage in restaurants, in movie theaters and using your body as a barrier at a concert.
As for me not lasting long at a Metalica concert.....yeh, as if I'd be at one of those cluster fucks! Hell, they're too loud and I'm too old!!
Oh no, I am getting old!!!!
August 30, 2008, 05:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
As this title says: We're not here for a long time........... No need to say anything else.
... xox
August 30, 2008, 07:01 |
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Re: We're not here for a long time...........
VB hon, I was raised with very proper and strict manners too, but sometimes, there places and times when ya gotta let go a bit. If 5000 people (more or less) all gather in one place, ya gotta just loosen up!
August 30, 2008, 07:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: We're not here for a long time...........
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 30, 2008, 07:26)VB hon, I was raised with very proper and strict manners too, but sometimes, there places and times when ya gotta let go a bit. If 5000 people (more or less) all gather in one place, ya gotta just loosen up!
I suppose I am being a bit too picky here but right is right and rudness is on my shit list!
August 30, 2008, 09:29 |
46 / male Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
I agree that rudeness is out of order VB but I don't believe dancing and singing along to a band you've also paid good money to see is rude.
If you mentioned to these guys that you couldn't see as not as tall as them you may have got a very civil response, I'm a big guy and know my bulk can be a pain to people. if a lovely couple like you and your wife couldn't see cause of my jumbo ass you'd be more than welcome to stand in front of me.
And as for the cell phone issue i'm afraid that this is the times we live in now, there are certain places in uk that block cell signals so you can't recieve calls during your meal, do those places exist over there ?
August 30, 2008, 13:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
Oh now, VB....rudeness on your shit list? You've been known to be a bit "rudish" at times hon, its human, it's in all of us I guess.
You were at a rock concert, not sure what you expected.
Ya know I agree with lok, you know I don't like you refering to people about their weight and size like you do.
That to me, is very rude.
August 30, 2008, 14:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: We're not here for a long time...........
QUOTE (loki81278 @ August 30, 2008, 13:07)I agree that rudeness is out of order VB but I don't believe dancing and singing along to a band you've also paid good money to see is rude.
If you mentioned to these guys that you couldn't see as not as tall as them you may have got a very civil response, I'm a big guy and know my bulk can be a pain to people. if a lovely couple like you and your wife couldn't see cause of my jumbo ass you'd be more than welcome to stand in front of me.
And as for the cell phone issue I'm afraid that this is the times we live in now, there are certain places in uk that block cell signals so you can't receive calls during your meal, do those places exist over there ?
Nowhere in the US that I'm aware of....yet! I've heard rumors about some movie theater chains entertaining the thought of cell signal blockers but from what I understand, they are an expensive proposition so it's not happened. I still think that, like smokers feeling like they're not wanted, maybe that feeling can transcend to cell phone users in a restaurant.
August 31, 2008, 04:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
The resturant thing doesn't bother me nearly as much as the movie theaters, you expect conversation of some kind going on in a resturant, and as lok said, I'm sure there are those that are away from home and just wanna talk to family when they can.
August 31, 2008, 08:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: We're not here for a long time...........
The problem I have with cell phone usage in a restaurant is that some tend to talk in a loud tone of voice. I don't want to hear their conversation and neither does anyone else.
Secondly, some will tend to carry on their cell phone conversation while completely ignoring the guests at the same table Now that is f*ckin' rude!
September 1, 2008, 03:36 |