61 / female Plano, Texas, US
approaching hottie in neighborhood
Hello, I'm wondering if/how I should approach a recently divorced hottie in a fairly close proximity neighborhood to mine.
I am trapped in a loveless marriage and want the touch/thrust/energy of a real man .
The guy I have my eye on is tall/dark/handsome and looks like he's got the right tool for the job. (And perhaps some horny-as-hell motivation to get his rocks off - I'd like to be on the receiving end of that).
I thought about writing a note and putting it in his mailbox. (marking confidential) saying we met a few months back -- I think you're hot -- would you like to have a drink to get acquainted? I would give him a private/alias email address so he could make contact if he's interested.
BTW my husb is out of town for the next 13 days...
Any advise???
August 22, 2008, 09:08 |
74 / male Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
go for it
August 22, 2008, 12:50 |
38 / male Brooklyn, New York, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
beautiful, I have the same thing, don't know how to tell her - my neighbor...
October 4, 2008, 00:39 |
72 / male Abbeville, Louisiana, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
go for it, it shoud be me
January 16, 2009, 14:28 |
43 / couple Eastern, South Dakota, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
Is your marriage that bad? Where only having some sort of touch with others make you feel better? If so, that's not how it works.
If you feel that you have to have some sort of touch by another man, then you're better off getting divorced first before doing that.
Others might object to my idea, but that's how I see marriage. You don't go out doing that unless your husband knows about it, approves it and then I'd say go for it.
but seeing the date was back in aug of 08... who knows what happened. Just hope people wise up before doing things like that.
February 4, 2009, 11:11 |
52 / male rochester, New York, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
i reserve your right to do what you want. am struggling with infidelity myself. as to query, i have met a few people that have received notes on their cars from admirers and have often thought it a rather "safe" way to introduce a discreet relationship . you are less likely to be noticed by prying eyes in a parking lot rather than at neighborhood mail box.
February 10, 2009, 21:32 |
64 / couple greenville, South Carolina, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
you go for it girl we live once and he is away in the mail box or ask him to ask him to help you out fixing somthing in the house and take it from there
May 24, 2009, 23:14 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: approaching hottie in neighborhood
"""I thought about writing a note and putting it in his mailbox."""""
Do you realize that is illegal????
August 21, 2009, 07:03 |