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Do you belive in Ghost entities etc?
When i was very young i had something happen to me that i cannot to this day explain.My grandfather was a conductor for the Southern railroad company.Often he would travel with his work and be gone for as much as a week at a time.This particular night he had been gone for a few days .It was during the winter and a fresh snow fall was still on the ground.
Back then my sisters and i shared a big bed together .There are 4 of us counting me.any way that night i awoke from a bad dream and some how managed to hit my head on the sharpest corner of the bed post and it started to swell and bleed .well naturally i called out for my father.(we were staying with my grandparents at the time due to my Mother and Father divorcing)My father came into the room picked me up and we headed down the hall way to the bathroom.As we approcheded the bathroom you could see a light glowing underneath the door.as we rounded the corner to go into the bathroom my dad stopped dead in his tracks.I peered around my dad to see what made him stop.There standing in the middle of our bathroom was a man dressed in a green uniform holding a cigar in his hand.The only thing about this man was that he was dressed in the uniform like the conductors wore back then and his feet were hovering off of the ground.He was not touching the floor at all .There was a light that hovered a around him.As my dad and he locked eyes.My dad reached for the light switch to flip it on .He also had his fist clinched to hit this guy had he come toward him.In that second this guy started floating up through the ceiling and disapered before our eyes.my dad and i stood there in shock at what we just saw.The next day we received a phone call telling us that my granfather had been in a railroad accident and had been found in the snow badly hurt.My father still talks about this to this day .BTw the next morning you could see ashes on the bathroom floor where they had fallen the night before.So what do you think this was?
August 16, 2008, 11:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Do you belive in Ghost entities etc?
I grew up in a very old house, with two "ghosts"...and later on in my life, I was being bothered by something, I always called "it" for months...."it" pissed me off, kept waking me up at night, annoying the crap outta me...I started cussing it out "it" and "it" just finally went away.
I do believe that you can't just walk into a lab and create something or invent something out of nothing at all, that's is impossible...everything comes from natural elements already present...so just as a recorder can record, I do believe that when certain elements and circumstances are right, past events, people can be recorded and played back...sometimes over and over again.
I also believe that the earth's electromagnetism and things like bad electrical work in a house can play havoc on our brains, they say it can make us see or "feel" things that don't really exist, or..maybe that is what it takes sometimes for us to see things that we wouldn't normally see?
The rest of my beliefs are of a spiritual nature, so here with this sites rules, I could only hint at what those are.
I can say, yes I believe we have souls.
August 16, 2008, 14:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Do you belive in Ghost entities etc?
Through my life, I've had many of these experiences.
... xox
August 17, 2008, 01:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Do you belive in Ghost entities etc?
Our's has lived with us and moved with us for the past 15yrs. He's sometimes a prankster but mostly a protector. Am I crazy? Noooooo!! He's presented himself to each of us seperately and together as well as to visitors. It is sometimes unnerving when he walks past you or stops to sit on the arm of a chair to watch TV. Our kids had a few friends who refused to come back in our house after one of those experiences. He's been with us for such a long time that when he takes a day or two off we always wonder where the heck he is!!
August 17, 2008, 22:44 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Do you belive in Ghost entities etc?
we seen our share of spirits too,the place we like in now for 20 years has a guy, have to say that it stomps around too much for a lady and come more before Easter....our place is the old parsonage, its been rebuilt once in 1935 it was leveled by a twister, the wife even claims she seen green eyes in the basement several times, i would say your goofy its one of the cats, but this would been the day time when shes alone doing the wash,we do have a graveyard down the road a stones throw away.once i seen a shadow guy in a hat and trench coat paceing infront of the atic window at my grand paren\ts place and there was no one up there!
last we were out riding on the cycle and stop to take a pic at a cave in a park and i had some orbs turn up in 2 photos and it was day time again..and if it was dirt on the lens it should bee on all the one i took that day...
August 22, 2008, 12:01 |
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Do you belive in Ghost entities etc?