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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I believe it went something like this...
"...slightly bigoted, opinionated, judgmental..."
I was certain you were describing yourself then...pardon me If I misunderstood you.
I disagree with you, most of the time, but there's no dark feelings about it whatsoever...just a discussion of opinions and views. Anything else...I'm just joking with you.
August 8, 2008, 12:22 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Ummm....hillbillies holding a grudge and fuedin', and all that .....just another myth that grew from the Hatfield/McCoy thing.
We're generally, about as mellow as a person can get.
August 8, 2008, 12:24 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 8, 2008, 12:24)Ummm....hillbillies holding a grudge and fuedin', and all that .....just another myth that grew from the Hatfield/McCoy thing.
We're generally, about as mellow as a person can get. the Hatfield/McCoy feud has been resolved...both families got the same cell phone company now...
August 8, 2008, 12:27 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 8, 2008, 12:22)I believe it went something like this...
"...slightly bigoted, opinionated, judgmental..."
I was certain you were describing yourself then...pardon me If I misunderstood you.
I disagree with you, most of the time, but there's no dark feelings about it whatsoever...just a discussion of opinions and views. Anything else...I'm just joking with you.
Slightly bigoted? Man, what was I thinking writing that? I hereby refute my self described bigotry. Slightly "homo" sensitive? That might be the term I should have used. But even that term.......
August 8, 2008, 12:43 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Honey, whatever names or terms you decide to call yourself, has never been a problem for me!
August 8, 2008, 13:05 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
despite all the wrangling over two terms,you folks just need to watch the "Blue collar comedy tour" , or go to one of their shows. Jeff Foxworthy can describe in detail what it means to be a redneck. i was born in Arkansas and my dad always claimed i was a hillbilly cause i loved dry white bread as a kid. did i ever understand WHY i was a hillbilly??? nope,just took his word for it.........
August 10, 2008, 08:50 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (dave2big @ August 10, 2008, 08:50)despite all the wrangling over two terms,you folks just need to watch the "Blue collar comedy tour" , or go to one of their shows. Jeff Foxworthy can describe in detail what it means to be a redneck. i was born in Arkansas and my dad always claimed i was a hillbilly cause i loved dry white bread as a kid. did i ever understand WHY i was a hillbilly??? nope,just took his word for it.........
Yes indeed, very funny stuff. I love when Larry "The cable guy" Ron White, Bill Engvall do a show..hilarious.
August 10, 2008, 09:11 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Never been much of a Foxworthy fan.
My definition comes from history and my ancestry, not a stereotypical/comedic point. Just like I believe that being Polish has nothing to do with any Pollock jokes,etc.
Gonna try to catch the Billy Ray thing tonight, if I can't...it's gonna run again later this month.
Don't know about the dry white bread thing Dave, my daddy is a crackers in his milk guy, always thought that was disgusting!
August 11, 2008, 08:13 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 11, 2008, 08:13)Never been much of a Foxworthy fan.
My definition comes from history and my ancestry, not a stereotypical/comedic point. Just like I believe that being Polish has nothing to do with any Pollock jokes,etc.
Gonna try to catch the Billy Ray thing tonight, if I can't...it's gonna run again later this month.
Don't know about the dry white bread thing Dave, my daddy is a crackers in his milk guy, always thought that was disgusting!
I'm sorry sweetheart but BRS looks like a dick! Tell him to cut his f*ckin' hair......he looks r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s!!
I hope I didn't stomp on sacred ground here!
August 11, 2008, 12:43 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Send me a photo so I can comment on your choice of hairstyle?
I don't care, thank gawd, what someone looks like, or their choice of style, what clothes they chose to wear or can afford to wear, there are no good looking serial killers or asshole jerks, and there are no "ugly" good people.
I think Billy Ray looks adorable, even though I'm not a fan of his music.
August 11, 2008, 12:46 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 11, 2008, 12:46)Send me a photo so I can comment on your choice of hairstyle?
I don't care, thank gawd, what someone looks like, or their choice of style, what clothes they chose to wear or can afford to wear, there are no good looking serial killers or asshole jerks, and there are no "ugly" good people.
I think Billy Ray looks adorable, even though I'm not a fan of his music.
It's funny though I really don't mind his music but his looks? Please spare me!!
August 11, 2008, 13:11 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
now, now...let's all give Hannah Montana's dad a chance...
August 11, 2008, 13:20 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
It's fair, I'm so sure VB didn't make Billy Ray's Top Ten List of Favorite People either.
I'm guessing, VB...you're hair style hasn't changed in how many years or decades, and it's very conservative and "normal"...right?
August 11, 2008, 18:07 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I'm gettin' ready to watch this hillbilly/Billy Ray thing on the history channel! Gonna have it on the upstairs and downstairs TV's so I can catch it all and get my chores done too.
Thanks Goody, for tippin' me off to it!
August 11, 2008, 20:46 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Oh man, I'm watching....and I'm actually homesick for the hills!
In all these pages, I've failed to mention it..but yep...I have drank pure moonshine from a mason jar...I have lived!
August 11, 2008, 21:17 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 11, 2008, 18:07)It's fair, I'm so sure VB didn't make Billy Ray's Top Ten List of Favorite People either.
I'm guessing, VB...you're hair style hasn't changed in how many years or decades, and it's very conservative and "normal"...right?
As my hair thins , my choices of styles are limited to a comb back (not a comb over) but the blond "conditioning" makes it all good!! Wouldn't I look like a freakin' a**hole if I wore my hair like BGS? Please!!
Seriously though, it's time that his little girl take him aside and say "dad, you are f*cking embarrassing me! It's time to grow the f*ck up and look like a normal looking dad, not an *sshole"!
August 13, 2008, 10:37 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
So..hon...what I've been telling you all along, now you appear...I said appear...to be abit insulting and intolerant of men (on this site) who choose to wear their hair differently than you, who choose longer hair...men who chose to wear their hair differently than you, do not look like "fucking assholes"...and nope I don't use the aterisks...I spell it all out!
August 13, 2008, 12:03 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 13, 2008, 12:03)So..hon...what I've been telling you all along, now you appear...I said appear...to be abit insulting and intolerant of men (on this site) who choose to wear their hair differently than you, who choose longer hair...men who chose to wear their hair differently than you, do not look like "fucking assholes"...and nope I don't use the asterisks...I spell it all out!
Moi? Insulting and intolerant? You must have the wrong opinionated, know-it-all! I simply stated that to my eyes, he looks like some dickhead frialator cook at McDonalds, that's all!
Geezzzz, a man can't even point out the obvious around here without being taken to the wood shed.....not that I wouldn't mind that.....as long as it's you that's taking me there!! Now that's what I call humpin' your leg sweety!!!
August 13, 2008, 12:56 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I'll tell ya what's obvious, that Billy Ray is a good looking man (yet, I'm not a fan of his music) He has had throngs of women throwing themselves at him back when he wore a mullet, and still now with his new look, and will continue to be a bit of a hearthrob for thousands and thousands of women for years to come...So what's obvious is that Billy Ray probably doesn't give a shit what a guy like you thinks of his looks....when he's got crowds of hot women that tell him he looks good dammit!
Hair style means nothing really, I mean if you grew your hair to your waist and braided it like Willie Nelson, it wouldn't change the fact that I still have the impression that you can be a very conservative and intolerant kind of person...
(Gawd, I'm wearing out this emoticon on you, VB dear)
August 13, 2008, 13:03 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 13, 2008, 13:03)I'll tell ya what's obvious, that Billy Ray is a good looking man (yet, I'm not a fan of his music) He has had throngs of women throwing themselves at him back when he wore a mullet, and still now with his new look, and will continue to be a bit of a hearthrob for thousands and thousands of women for years to come...So what's obvious is that Billy Ray probably doesn't give a shit what a guy like you thinks of his looks....when he's got crowds of hot women that tell him he looks good dammit!
Hair style means nothing really, I mean if you grew your hair to your waist and braided it like Willie Nelson, it wouldn't change the fact that I still have the impression that you can be a very conservative and intolerant kind of person...
(Gawd, I'm wearing out this  emoticon on you, VB dear)
Oh yeh????? Well.....same to you lady!!!
August 13, 2008, 13:06 |
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Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 13, 2008, 13:06)
Oh yeh????? Well.....same to you lady!!!
Yeah...see that...there's that streak of intolerance!
August 13, 2008, 13:09 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
...and quit insulting fast food workers dammit! Geez, people work hard at an honest job, they deserve respect!
August 13, 2008, 13:16 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 13, 2008, 13:16)...and quit insulting fast food workers dammit! Geez, people work hard at an honest job, they deserve respect!
I haven't been spanked since I was oh....6 or 7. Maybe that's what I need to see the world as the next President of the US sees it!
August 13, 2008, 13:28 |