64 / male Heart of Illinois, Illinois, US
Redneck? Hillbilly?
Is being a Hillbilly dependent on living in hills, or are there other factors involved? What would you call someone from the rural midwest? I think I would probably answer to "hayseed" or "shitkicker" but probably not "redneck" or "hillbilly". Of course Missouri is part of the Midwest, isn't it? It's all a puzzlement.
August 4, 2008, 18:53 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
you don't gotta be frum da south to be a redneck...
August 4, 2008, 19:06 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
These are the states that make up what is called the MidWest"
Illinios Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota
Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota
August 4, 2008, 20:23 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Rednecks are farmers, the name "redneck" comes from describing the sun burnt neck the farmers got from working in the fields.
A modern redneck may not actually live on a farm but may have farm family or raised on a farm, they love and know all things farm related like tractors, livestock, country music (but may also have rap hip hop and alternative too in their ipods) Rednecks currently still living the farm life have also been called as oaks mentioned, hayseed and even stumpjumpers.
A hillbilly, such as myself comes from a culture that may not work the land, but usually owns a pretty good chunk of it. (My family's land is still in the family, every inch of every acre of great great grandfather's land is still now pretty much as it was then because that's what most hillbillies do, respect the land.)
Hillbilly involves things like old family recipes for homemade everything, jams, jellies, wines and whiskeys.
They store food by canning and root cellars, they know every bit of flower and fauna in their geographical area, they have a musical history of bluegrass and Gospel(but just as the rednecks, they may also have a huge variety of modern and alternative music on their ipods too. Generally, church is very important, and so is puttin' on your best clothes to go to town.
I can say more about hillbillies than I can rednecks, because my heritage is hillbilly.
But both cultures also have very colorful expressions and sayings they've learned from their previous generations,(just like any other culture)and usually still reference the "Farmers Almanac". (Yes, we do that online now.) County fairs are still thought of as a social event to see people you don't ordinarily get to see much of otherwise.
Sure, you may "bump" into someone once in a while at Walmart, but everyone shows up for the Fair and the Thresher's Show.
August 4, 2008, 20:37 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Sadly, some think redneck is a derogatory term used to describe any one with no amibition, little education, drinks beer, drives a truck with a gunrack and listens to hardcore country music...and use "hillbilly" as a way to try to insult by insinusting that they may be to ignorant, too lazy to work a real job and buy shoes, and too lazy to upgrade their lives with things like indoor plumbing...
All just made up sterotypes.
August 4, 2008, 20:43 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
So very true Chazzy about the term Hillbilly; another term for Redneck was the use of red bandanas tied around the neck to signify affiliation during the violent clashes between the United Mine Workers and owners between 1910 and 1920.
August 4, 2008, 21:13 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Wow, thanks goody! I'll definitly look that up! Was that the Coal Miners? My Daddy was an Iron Ore miner, in my region its clay or iron ore.
It is a shame that a term meant for the noble hardworking farmers and miners, gets tossed around as an insult, or something derogatory.
I love history, definitly going to look that up and read as much as I can.
August 4, 2008, 21:18 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
After reading and reviewing all of these posts pertaining to Redneck, Hillbilly I suppose I am a red-hill-neck-billy then, with the traits and lifestyles. Could this be possible, or is it deeper than that? I don't know.
August 4, 2008, 21:26 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
My desription is from what I know about my own region and ancestory...that's all I can really speak of.
Both sides of my family come from the hills and woods, sure at some time family moved to town, my mother's side moved out of a log cabin in the woods her father built with his own two hands, and the one rock wall...it still stands, they moved to a small town, become business people, held local legal political offices. My dad's side, they come out of the hills to help build the railroads through that area.
My ancestory, my family tree...we come from the hills and I couldn't be prouder about that.
August 4, 2008, 21:32 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
There is some very interesting reading about coal mines, of which I am interested in, particularly Appalachia.
When my husband and I were first married he worked in the coal mines in southwest VA. Most people think you can stand in the mines, some tunnels are so small you had to lay on your back and shovel coal into the cars that hauled the coal out.
I have some of the original script the miners used to buy supplies.
I think you will find it interesting reading Chazzy.
August 4, 2008, 22:27 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I've got a few sites bookmarked already, Goody...I would like to know a little more about coal mining history, since like I said, here it was iron ore.
I'm happy to learn about the miners union, red bandana "redneck" orgin.
All I knew of the term redneck came from very early on when turn of the century farmers always wore white long sleeves shirts buttoned up completely to cover and protect their skin from the sun, and with a hat, all that was left exposed was their neck, which always ended up getting the sun burn, and they would end up with a very leathery neck too.
The orgin of Redneck to me always meant a hardworking farmer.
August 4, 2008, 22:33 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
if the dog breaks wind, and you claim it...
sorry, i just had to do it....
August 4, 2008, 22:50 |
36 / male devon, England, UK
Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I used to get called a hillybilly at school. I am a farmer and i do live on a hill. but still pretty mean i thought!
August 5, 2008, 08:24 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 4, 2008, 22:33)I've got a few sites bookmarked already, Goody...I would like to know a little more about coal mining history, since like I said, here it was iron ore.
I'm happy to learn about the miners union, red bandanna "redneck" orgin.
All I knew of the term redneck came from very early on when turn of the century farmers always wore white long sleeves shirts buttoned up completely to cover and protect their skin from the sun, and with a hat, all that was left exposed was their neck, which always ended up getting the sun burn, and they would end up with a very leathery neck too.
The origin of Redneck to me always meant a hardworking farmer.
I beg to differ sweety! I saw a program on PBS that stated that the term "redneck" was in reference to coal miners supporting the right to unionize. They would wear the red bandannas around their necks while at work in the mines. I may have misinterpreted what I saw and heard but I'll sure I got the spirit of that definition.
Chazzy, You know I luvs ya! You are on fire in your posts as you define and support the terms "redneck" and "hillbillys". I am impressed!!
Oh before I forget, is your outhouse a "one holer" or a "two holer"? I need to know!
August 5, 2008, 08:28 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Yep, been discussing with Goody about that, and have sites bookmarked to read even more about the historical miners union orgin of the term, so, if you already knew all of this...all this time you were calling me, and others.. coal miners??? Odd, very odd.
My hundred year old house still does have the old outhouse in back, I'v long converted it a garden shed, the original moss covered brick path to it is still intact, and the fixtures for hanging you kerosne lantern for night time trips to the privy are also still there. It's landscaped and quaint, and yes inspite of the indoor plumbing that was was put in during the 40's...I still have the well and pump outside near the back deck, and it too is quite cute and landscaped.
I'm certain of the alternate orgin of the term redneck as it pertains to farmers in the sunny fields, who also carried and wore red bandanas, so it's possible that redneck pertaining to the red bandana may have original started as describing farmer, then later on, the miners.
August 5, 2008, 14:21 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Your house sounds wonderful Chazzy. The best way to get information on Hillbilly's is to watch the History Channel.
I watched this show a while ago and it was very interesting. It is called "Hillbilly the real story." It is hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus. I went to the History Channel website and it comes on Monday Aug.11 at 9 and Tuesday Aug. 12 at 1am.(both are eastern time) You will have to check your time zone to see what time it comes on.
August 5, 2008, 17:23 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Goody @ August 5, 2008, 17:23)Your house sounds wonderful Chazzy. The best way to get information on Hillbilly's is to watch the History Channel.
I watched this show a while ago and it was very interesting. It is called "Hillbilly the real story." It is hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus. I went to the History Channel website and it comes on Monday Aug.11 at 9 and Tuesday Aug. 12 at 1am.(both are eastern time) You will have to check your time zone to see what time it comes on.
Oh please! Using Billy Gay Cyrus as a host for a show about Hillbillies was very lame. Was the producer of that show pulling everybody's leg using the ultimate shit kicker as a spokesman for that culture?
Oh, I hope I didn't offend anyone with these remarks! If I did, I could never forgive myself......
August 6, 2008, 02:19 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
What better way to host a show about Hillbilly's than to use a real one.
August 6, 2008, 03:28 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
There you go with the ' gay ' thing again VB.
Hmmmm, Is there something your not telling us?
August 6, 2008, 04:51 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I think Lib is right, you accuse Tim MaGraw as being "Homophopic" and refer to Billy Ray as "Billy Gay "
I don't like Country Music much at all, but I don't name call those who produce it. I certainly don't associate them with homosexuality.
August 6, 2008, 05:42 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Goody @ August 5, 2008, 17:23)Your house sounds wonderful Chazzy. The best way to get information on Hillbilly's is to watch the History Channel.
I watched this show a while ago and it was very interesting. It is called "Hillbilly the real story." It is hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus. I went to the History Channel website and it comes on Monday Aug.11 at 9 and Tuesday Aug. 12 at 1am.(both are eastern time) You will have to check your time zone to see what time it comes on.
Thanks, I sure will look that up and try to catch it, I know the term Hillbilly refers to Appalachia and the Ozarks.
The cultures I tried to describe much earlier on in this thread, was mostly the more modern definitions but I sure love history!
August 6, 2008, 05:46 |
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Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 6, 2008, 05:46) QUOTE (Goody @ August 5, 2008, 17:23)Your house sounds wonderful Chazzy. The best way to get information on Hillbilly's is to watch the History Channel.
I watched this show a while ago and it was very interesting. It is called "Hillbilly the real story." It is hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus. I went to the History Channel website and it comes on Monday Aug.11 at 9 and Tuesday Aug. 12 at 1am.(both are eastern time) You will have to check your time zone to see what time it comes on.
Thanks, I sure will look that up and try to catch it, I know the term Hillbilly refers to Appalachia and the Ozarks.
The cultures I tried to describe much earlier on in this thread, was mostly the more modern definitions but I sure love history!
I've seen that program and found it quite interesting and it does address alot of the stereotypes. But make sure to pay attention to the bottom of the screen because almost every local that was interviewed had to be sub texted to translate what they were saying into recognizable English. And toward the end is a segment on the "religious" practice of snake handling. Actually, that program is so full of information, its worthy of a thread of its own, depending on how many of us watch it.
August 6, 2008, 07:47 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 4, 2008, 20:43)Sadly, some think redneck is a derogatory term used to describe any one with no amibition, little education, drinks beer, drives a truck with a gunrack and listens to hardcore country music...and use "hillbilly" as a way to try to insult by insinusting that they may be to ignorant, too lazy to work a real job and buy shoes, and too lazy to upgrade their lives with things like indoor plumbing...
All just made up sterotypes.
One of the beauties, and of course dangers, of our evolving language is that the meaning of words can change over time. This is reinforced and institutionalized via our cultural references. A quick scan across a wide range of modern cultural material for "hillbilly" all show the negative characteristics you refer to Chazzy and no mention of homemade jam or ecological caring for the land! Consequently, if you use that word today, you should expect it to be understood in those terms.
Similarly, in today's society a hardline Islamist Fundamentalist probably isn't seen as a scolarly follower of his prophet's teachings.
August 6, 2008, 07:55 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I like whatcha say wandering....once someone, a long time ago made a comment here that pretty much was saying something nasty about the Islamics, of course, as much as I hate to edit and delete, I had no choice...that's just not fair or reasonable to make a derogaratory remark about an entire, religion, race, or culture.
I've lived the uppitty golfing, country club, fine dining and wine lovers kind of life, and I've been a chicken farmer and a wildcrafter* too. I love my sassafrass tea from the fresh roots I dug up myself, as much as I love a good Lambrusco ...but I've always known and been very proud of where I come from...I am of the hillbilly culture.
Any modern hillbilly or redneck, shows no shame is being who they are, and loves the history and ancestory of where they come from. Anyone who uses either term in an "insulting" manner, is just way too stuck in a bygone era.
*wildcrafting is being able to harvest the wild plants for medicine/health and food.
August 6, 2008, 08:35 |
64 / male Heart of Illinois, Illinois, US
Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
It seems to me that "redneck" was used mainly in a Southern context until the last 25 years or so, and mainly as an insult. Folks like Jeff Foxworthy and Gretchen Wilson have "popularized" the term, and some folks now embrace it. As for the origin of the term I think I remember reading somewhere that it originated in Britain and was brought over during colonial times, but what did it mean then? I think both "redneck" and "hillbilly" have been used as insults by people who think they are more "up-town" than country folk. Does living the close to the earth country life make you a redneck? I dont know. But, as an Illinois country guy descended from Scandiavian immigrants, I'm not sure I'm comfortable describing myself as one. I'm more comfortable with "shitkicker".
August 6, 2008, 10:57 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Oh no. don't tell me I've stirred the shit storm! How will I ever recover my formely stellar, cast no stone reputation?
Seriously though, by me using terms such as "redneck, hillbilly and shitkicker", just goes to reinforce my cast stones, opinionated, bad boy reputation. I'm a bad man........
August 6, 2008, 11:10 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ August 4, 2008, 22:50)
Since when is this exclusively a redneck thing?
August 6, 2008, 11:26 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ August 6, 2008, 04:51)There you go with the ' gay ' thing again VB.
Hmmmm, Is there something your not telling us?
I am not gray! I "condition" my hair!
August 6, 2008, 11:28 |
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Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 6, 2008, 11:28) QUOTE (Liberalwife @ August 6, 2008, 04:51)There you go with the ' gay ' thing again VB.
Hmmmm, Is there something your not telling us?
I am not gray! I "condition" my hair!
Do you use any oxidizing formula's like 'Just for Men', or 'Rogaine', or are we talking 'Conditioners'? (nothing wrong with them, if that is your preference)
August 6, 2008, 11:46 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Friggin VB cracks my ass up. Ya never know what the hell he's gonna say next, but ya know it wont be PC!
August 6, 2008, 11:48 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (ticaD @ August 6, 2008, 11:46) QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 6, 2008, 11:28) QUOTE (Liberalwife @ August 6, 2008, 04:51)There you go with the ' gay ' thing again VB.
Hmmmm, Is there something your not telling us?
I am not gray! I "condition" my hair!
Do you use any oxidizing formula's like 'Just for Men', or 'Rogaine', or are we talking 'Conditioners'? (nothing wrong with them, if that is your preference)
xox Actually, I color my hair.
August 6, 2008, 12:34 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (freensleazy @ August 6, 2008, 07:47) QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 6, 2008, 05:46) QUOTE (Goody @ August 5, 2008, 17:23)Your house sounds wonderful Chazzy. The best way to get information on Hillbilly's is to watch the History Channel.
I watched this show a while ago and it was very interesting. It is called "Hillbilly the real story." It is hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus. I went to the History Channel website and it comes on Monday Aug.11 at 9 and Tuesday Aug. 12 at 1am.(both are eastern time) You will have to check your time zone to see what time it comes on.
Thanks, I sure will look that up and try to catch it, I know the term Hillbilly refers to Appalachia and the Ozarks.
The cultures I tried to describe much earlier on in this thread, was mostly the more modern definitions but I sure love history!
I've seen that program and found it quite interesting and it does address alot of the stereotypes. But make sure to pay attention to the bottom of the screen because almost every local that was interviewed had to be sub texted to translate what they were saying into recognizable English. And toward the end is a segment on the "religious" practice of snake handling. Actually, that program is so full of information, its worthy of a thread of its own, depending on how many of us watch it.
Hey, even some British shows, and other foreign media need subtitles for the general American public (and others I'm sure) Anyone speaking in a dialect or thick accent of any kind, like a heavy NY accent, a Boston accent, an Aussie accent....that's a long list I'll end with etc...
The subject of snake handlers and feet washers, yep I've have researched those a tad. I'm very interested in seeing this program. I would hope it does cover bluegrass extensively?
Bluegrass is the most beautiful definition of hillbillies or Hillpeople.
August 6, 2008, 12:42 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (69oak69 @ August 6, 2008, 10:57).... But, as an Illinois country guy descended from Scandiavian immigrants, I'm not sure I'm comfortable describing myself as one. I'm more comfortable with "shitkicker".
I think that's great, that you feel more comfortable with a term that embraces your family's immigration history.
Geneology, allot of us are into that around here, flp especially.
August 6, 2008, 12:45 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 6, 2008, 11:10)Oh no. don't tell me I've stirred the shit storm!
Ummmm....don't think you can take credit hon, 69oaks is the author of this thread, he's the one that posted this great topic that I have really enjoyed seeing stay on topic (ahem)
You and your conditioned hair like being the center of attention ?
You like making everything all about you, you, you?
All the interesting posts made by so many right here, and you just wanna talk about you hair?
August 6, 2008, 12:48 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 6, 2008, 05:42)I think Lib is right, you accuse Tim MaGraw as being "Homophopic" and refer to Billy Ray as "Billy Gay "
I don't like Country Music much at all, but I don't name call those who produce it. I certainly don't associate them with homosexuality.
I thought Archie Bunker was dead..now he is called VB..
August 6, 2008, 13:32 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Just the way this Hillbilly thinks...if you call someone gay as an joke or insult, then you must believe that it is insulting to be gay ? If you call someone a fat ass, then again, you must think it's insulting to be above average in weight? ....and so on.
I just don't think it's a joke or insulting for someone to be different than I am, I love that they are different.
(Oh by the way, I sure misspoke when I said " I don't associate them with homosexuality" I sure meant to say I don't associate them with homo or hetero sexuality , seriously, their sexual preference is no business of mine!)
August 6, 2008, 15:07 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Archie Bunker!
August 6, 2008, 15:26 |
64 / male Heart of Illinois, Illinois, US
Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
If Blue grass is Hillbilly, then Hillbilly is beautiful. Bluegrass fascinates me, watchin and hearing folks play banjos, mandolins, fiddles and guitars at break-neck speed is almost, almost, as good as sex. Definitely better than hearing somebody else have sex .
August 6, 2008, 15:31 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
I love it too, I love the lighthearted fast and the "breakdowns" ....and the softer slower side of bluegrass tells all there is spiritually about being a Hillperson...love of family, home and the hills.
My father's cousin's entire family, that still live on the original acreage of my great great grandfather...play classic and their original bluegrass/gosepel, he, his wife, and all three of there children, even the youngest being only 4 years old can already play a couple of instuments.
Ah..Flat and Scruggs, Doc Watson, Bill Monroe....
August 6, 2008, 16:39 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Well now I'm really confused, I've thought for years that I was hillbilly/redneck but with this new found info about bluegrass and hillbilly I'm pretty sure I'm just a plain ole redneck. But maybe not, haven't used a red bandana since I was a kid playing cowboys & indians..whoops probably shouldn't have revealed that info since that's a boy's game..lol. Shucks now I've tripped the sexuality alarm!!! As for the outhouse thing...oh yeah we were rich rednecks..ours was a 2 seater, although I never did understand why As for Billy Ray, he was quite the performer in our town and well known for ripping his shirt off during his concerts and tossing his long sweat soaked hair. Unless something drastic happened after he became famous he was definitly a ladies man..lmao
August 7, 2008, 07:24 |
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Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Goody @ August 6, 2008, 13:32) QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 6, 2008, 05:42)I think Lib is right, you accuse Tim McGraw as being "Homophobic" and refer to Billy Ray as "Billy Gay "
I don't like Country Music much at all, but I don't name call those who produce it. I certainly don't associate them with homosexuality.
I thought Archie Bunker was dead..now he is called VB.. Come on now Goody, I'm not an Archie Bunker. I am educated and somewhat refined. My posts are never politically correct and never will but are from my heart .....with a sprinkling of humor!!
August 8, 2008, 02:12 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 8, 2008, 02:12) QUOTE (Goody @ August 6, 2008, 13:32) QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 6, 2008, 05:42)I think Lib is right, you accuse Tim McGraw as being "Homophobic" and refer to Billy Ray as "Billy Gay "
I don't like Country Music much at all, but I don't name call those who produce it. I certainly don't associate them with homosexuality.
I thought Archie Bunker was dead..now he is called VB.. Come on now Goody, I'm not an Archie Bunker. I am educated and somewhat refined. My posts are never politically correct and never will but are from my heart  .....with a sprinkling of humor!!
If you say so VB
August 8, 2008, 03:14 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Goody @ August 8, 2008, 03:14) QUOTE (voyeurbill @ August 8, 2008, 02:12) QUOTE (Goody @ August 6, 2008, 13:32) QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 6, 2008, 05:42)I think Lib is right, you accuse Tim McGraw as being "Homophobic" and refer to Billy Ray as "Billy Gay "
I don't like Country Music much at all, but I don't name call those who produce it. I certainly don't associate them with homosexuality.
I thought Archie Bunker was dead..now he is called VB.. Come on now Goody, I'm not an Archie Bunker. I am educated and somewhat refined. My posts are never politically correct and never will but are from my heart  .....with a sprinkling of humor!!
If you say so VB
Have I said something that has rubbed you the wrong way? Please elaborate.
August 8, 2008, 07:33 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
VB you love to argue and that's ok. I am just trying to help Chazzy out with some threads. You have a nice day.
August 8, 2008, 09:40 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
No VB, of course you're not JUST like Archie Bunker...but you do come off kinda Bunkerish sometimes...even you used the word "bigot" describing yourself once..
I think the Archie thing is just a cute comparison, and if you can dish, then we know you can take it too, right?
August 8, 2008, 10:32 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
...and...I am so anxious to see this Billy Ray two hour hillbilly history program!
August 8, 2008, 10:33 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 8, 2008, 10:32)No VB, of course you're not JUST like Archie Bunker...but you do come off kinda Bunkerish sometimes...even you used the word "bigot" describing yourself once..
I think the Archie thing is just a cute comparison, and if you can dish, then we know you can take it too, right?
You do have a way with words Chazzy.
August 8, 2008, 10:46 |
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Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Actually, I have thought of him as a "walking tabloid"
He takes something quite simple and sensationalizes it till I don't even recognize the facts in it anymore!
Yes, VB, hillbillies have electricity, wear shoes, are very computer literate and do further their educations...
August 8, 2008, 12:02 |
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Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 8, 2008, 12:02)Actually, I have thought of him as a "walking tabloid"
He takes something quite simple and sensationalizes it till I don't even recognize the facts in it anymore!
Yes, VB, hillbillies have electricity, wear shoes, are very computer literate and do further their educations...
Color me surprised!!
August 8, 2008, 12:10 |
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Re: Re: Re: Redneck? Hillbilly?
Chazzy, lay it on me momma. I can take it. But I don't remember using the term "bigot" to describe myself. I'm a lot of things: asshole, shithead, a know-it-all, sexist, ugly, stupid, sometimes clever, playful, small packaged, a pussy whisperer, very talkative and argumentative but NOT a bigot. That is not how I'm wired!!
You and I could and would be the best of friends. I would keep a smile on your face......well at least between "disagreements"!!
August 8, 2008, 12:13 |