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Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
What do you suggest when cleaning the underside (Eaves/Soffitts) on a house that was damaged by a fire recently? Cleaning agents, strength of a power washer and anything else I should be aware of pertaining to safety purposes for the house and myself. Thank you.
August 2, 2008, 11:57 |
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Re: Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
Hire some cute doodes that work in the heat shirtless...
August 2, 2008, 12:20 |
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Re: Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
Seriously, what kind of eaves and soffitts? Vinyl, wood, aluminum?
Then google "How to clean up (fire damage?) Vinyl (or whatever kind of ) siding...putting a whole even lengthy search phrase will usually turn up exactly what you are looking for.
August 2, 2008, 12:23 |
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Re: Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
Yeah, yeah... I just encountered that when my parents resided their house, they were here for over a week with the installation. Dad will be receiving the rest of the insurance allotment once all the cleaning is done, and one of my family members tears down the back porch, replacing it with a new one due to damage by the fire. From what it looks like, it was a electrical fire and I was the one that extinguished it along with getting burnt on my legs/feet (felt like hot lava on my skin). Talk about being scared out of your mind! Btw... they are aluminum.
August 2, 2008, 12:30 |
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Re: Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
We sooooo need this hundred year old house rewired, the wiring just freaks me out...we had a short in the attic a few years back, and the wiring in the living room, it shorts a bit if you bump the recepticle. The wiring was redone once, but redone by a hack idiot who really cheated on the job. Sad that someone would have so little regard for another's life, safety and property to do such shoddy electrical work.
I would think aluminum siding would be the easiest to clean, I should have know it wasn't vinly, that would have melted, and wood would have burned.
August 2, 2008, 13:08 |
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Re: Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
Speaking of receptacles... I've been taking off the face plate to each of them here at my parents house, making sure all wires are in good shape, and dusting around inside each box. I've also been checking out small appliances, or anything that gets plugged into these receptacles, checking for any hot wires, etc. If any of them get hot... they go to the garbage, replacing them. I've also purchased 2 new fire extinguishers, along with upgrading the fire alarms in the house. No need to have any more experiences with fires!
August 2, 2008, 17:42 |
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Re: Suggestions to cleaning Eaves/Soffitts
Servicemaster has post fire damage cleanup. They do a really good job and have stuff the can spray tht eliminates the smoke smell too. The insurance should cover this as well.
August 2, 2008, 18:27 |