64 / male Heart of Illinois, Illinois, US
Armpit kissing
I like kissing/licking a woman's armpits, no anti-perspirant please, it's bitter tasting. I also like running my tongue through a weeks woth of stubble. Do any of you ladies enjoy having you pits licked, or am I totally strange?
July 26, 2008, 13:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Armpit kissing
Actually, can't say I've ever had an encounter of a man kissing and licking my armpits, not saying I wouldn't try it, and would think it would tickle to the point of giggling. If I should ever proceed with this fetish, I'd make sure as I always do that I'm super cleansed, right out of the shower.
July 26, 2008, 13:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Armpit kissing
I knew a guy who loved it once, he was paralyzed from the waist down so what he found to be arousing changed after his accident.
July 26, 2008, 13:43 |
41 / male New york, New York, US
Re: Armpit kissing
I can't agree with the stubble part, but otherwise yes, I also recently found that I am very into armpit kissing. Not super into, or ultra-must-have-fetishy-into, but very enjoyable into.
As for only doing it after washing in a shower, I don't care for that. I often prefer it after the person has been out and about for at least 2 hours after a shower, otherwise it just taste like kissing nothing, or worse, soap.
September 18, 2008, 15:21 |