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Me and VB!
Hey, wanna not only clear things up with VB, but with everyone...yep, me and VB...
I think of him and I as kinda...point/counterpoint...we are so much the opposite of each other..I know...DUH!!
I actually really do enjoy that we always (almost always) start out at extreme opposites of the spectrum, discuss things intensely and lively till...although we retain our original opinion, we do seem to find our common ground and I like to think that we both do gain a little insight into the how and why of the other's thinking.
First of course, I sure hope VB feels the same, and sees our discussions as I do...secondly, I hope all of you have too..but yes, maybe indeed, VB and I should take our more intense debates private more often!
OH yeah, that pee thread, so sorry about that ya'all, apparently what happened was that VB posted, I replied to a very specific sentence and while I was typing that out, VB must have used the limited editing and edited out the one sentence I was actually really replying to..oh my, not the first time circumstances have made me look like a real idiot!
July 22, 2008, 11:28 |
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Re: Me and VB!
Just wanna add, that pee thread, I tried to do what I preach, things got messed up, and after a couple of replies, it's time to stop, start a new topic or take it private...and I'm doing both right now!
I like VB, I like debating and discussing with him...
July 22, 2008, 11:31 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 22, 2008, 11:31)Just wanna add, that pee thread, I tried to do what I preach, things got messed up, and after a couple of replies, it's time to stop, start a new topic or take it private...and I'm doing both right now!
I like VB, I like debating and discussing with him...
You are a fine woman with principles and dignity. You've got yourself a pair!! My hat goes off to you, my fine lady.....that is if I wore a hat, which I don't because I think they look f*ckin' stupid and rednecky....and besides, I don't have all that much hair to cover up.
Geez, I sure hope I didn't stir any bad feelings with my redneck reference! I'd never forgive myself!!
July 22, 2008, 12:32 |
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Re: Me and VB!
I luv ya to bits...but I will always give you whatfor anytime you do something like refer to someone by thier obesity and use all those fat/fat ass references...just because it not very nice to do and it's not even funny
Ya know, we may not like, we may fight it hard but the fact is...we do live in a Politically Correct world and I don't think we're ever gonna regress back to those old days.
July 22, 2008, 12:41 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 22, 2008, 12:41)I luv ya to bits...but I will always give you what for anytime you do something like refer to someone by their obesity and use all those fat/fat ass references...just because it not very nice to do and it's not even funny
Ya know, we may not like, we may fight it hard but the fact is...we do live in a Politically Correct world and I don't think we're ever gonna regress back to those old days.
I have been the butt of many jokes about the way I look, both too my face and I'm sure behind my back. I live with it. I hate it and the people who engage in it but I live with it!! As for political correctness? I'm old school so I learned to deal with people one on one. If one person does me wrong, I take my anger out on that person, not the race or group he belongs to. It's just the way I'm wired I guess!! That's my version of political correctness!! Any problems with my way of thinking?
July 22, 2008, 13:03 |
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Re: Me and VB!
Frankly, I think its pretty damn funny watching the way you two banter back and forth!
July 22, 2008, 13:37 |
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Re: Me and VB!
Well thank you Free...that's kinda nice to hear, cuz I do worry about being considerate to everyone and the possibility that our debates may be making some very uncomfortable..
As for you VB, not always dear, when you were talking about the school teacher on the radio show, you kept using fat/fat ass/calorically challenged,references when talking about her husband, and there was no reason at all that I could see that his weight, or anyone else's weight had anything at all to do with the topic.
Stuff like that, I'm on ya...now the pee thread...that one paragragh I mentioned with the size queens, perverts, walmart shoppers...I wasn't saying you were saying anything wrong in that paragragh, I was saying I didn't get why it was there, I thought the post was funny up until that part and would have been funnier without it even but I know you do like to use all those colorful terms and labels but it just seemed out of place in that post so I just overlooked that part and went on to enjoy the thread and all its replies.
As for shopping walmart incognito, I'm not saying you are a snob, I'm just saying that sometimes your humor leaves some with the impression that you are. Sometimes your joke makes you come off as sounding uppitty and snobby.
July 22, 2008, 13:53 |
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Re: Me and VB!
Chazzy, I am both honored and feelin' a bit bad about you dedicating a post to me. Half of me is feeling special and the other half of me is sorry it had to come to this.
I am just an old fart that has to feel wanted and paid attention to. I try and get that by my sometimes odd and sometimes antagonistic posts. How else am I to get noticed around here?
July 22, 2008, 21:46 |
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Re: Me and VB!
I love ya VB and you too Chazzy. I'm like Free. I get a kick out of the 2 of you going back and forth.
July 22, 2008, 21:53 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (irishwoman @ July 22, 2008, 21:53)I love ya VB and you too Chazzy. I'm like Free. I get a kick out of the 2 of you going back and forth.
You know what they say about opposites.....hard in the head, good in bed!!
July 23, 2008, 07:10 |
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Re: Me and VB!
I've never been pissed at ya, VB....I just strife to both of us to understand and be understoon by each other, it'll happen!
July 23, 2008, 08:06 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 23, 2008, 08:06)I've never been pissed at ya, VB....I just strife to both of us to understand and be understoon by each other, it'll happen!
Typical woman! Oh, so not PC!!
July 23, 2008, 08:17 |
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Re: Me and VB!
Let me see if I can explain why I sometimes see you remarks as objectionable instead of funny...
Scenario...I'm angry with my husband about a money issue and I think he's being a cheapskate...now, my hubs happens to be kinda short, balding, pot gut...I'm arguing about money, so I might tell him "you're such a cheapskate"...I will NOT tell him "You're a fat ass bald runt of a cheapskate"
Does this make any sense to you?
July 23, 2008, 11:07 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 23, 2008, 11:07)Let me see if I can explain why I sometimes see you remarks as objectionable instead of funny...
Scenario...I'm angry with my husband about a money issue and I think he's being a cheapskate...now, my hubs happens to be kinda short, balding, pot gut...I'm arguing about money, so I might tell him "you're such a cheapskate"...I will NOT tell him "You're a fat ass bald runt of a cheapskate"
Does this make any sense to you?
July 23, 2008, 14:22 |
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Re: Me and VB!
I never thought there was a problem between you both, it is just healthy banter between you, you have both made the forums fun and interesting,
You are both great people who i admire very much and have always enjoyed reading what you both write.
July 23, 2008, 14:27 |
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Re: Me and VB!
We (me and VB) luv you all too!!!
VB...you honestly can't see the difference in the two statements of
"You're such a cheapskate" and "You're a fat ass bald runt of a cheapskate"
If I'm out of sorts with him over money, why should his height, weight and hairline matter?
(This thing with the hubs, it's fictional, it's just an example of our difference in our thinking)
July 23, 2008, 14:35 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ July 23, 2008, 14:27)I never thought there was a problem between you both, it is just healthy banter between you, you have both made the forums fun and interesting,
You are both great people who i admire very much and have always enjoyed reading what you both write.
Yeah, what she said!
July 23, 2008, 14:35 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ July 23, 2008, 14:27)I never thought there was a problem between you both, it is just healthy banter between you, you have both made the forums fun and interesting,
You are both great people who i admire very much and have always enjoyed reading what you both write.
Oh stop......I'm all embarrassed and yet strangely aroused!!
July 23, 2008, 15:06 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 23, 2008, 14:35)We (me and VB) luv you all too!!!
VB...you honestly can't see the difference in the two statements of
"You're such a cheapskate" and "You're a fat ass bald runt of a cheapskate"
If I'm out of sorts with him over money, why should his height, weight and hairline matter?
(This thing with the hubs, it's fictional, it's just an example of our difference in our thinking)
What, you want me to agree and make this easy for you? What fun would that be?
July 23, 2008, 15:11 |
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Re: Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ July 23, 2008, 15:06) QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ July 23, 2008, 14:27)I never thought there was a problem between you both, it is just healthy banter between you, you have both made the forums fun and interesting,
You are both great people who i admire very much and have always enjoyed reading what you both write.
Oh stop......I'm all embarrassed and yet strangely aroused!!
July 23, 2008, 15:19 |
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Re: Me and VB!
Hey Hot, I wish there was one of those little yellow icons below the message box that clearly represented what I like to do when I see your pic. Now that would be a !!
July 23, 2008, 16:44 |
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Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ July 23, 2008, 16:44)Hey Hot, I wish there was one of those little yellow icons below the message box that clearly represented what I like to do when I see your pic. Now that would be a  !!
Would it make me blush???
July 23, 2008, 17:23 |
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Re: Re: Re: Me and VB!
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ July 23, 2008, 15:11) QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 23, 2008, 14:35)We (me and VB) luv you all too!!!
VB...you honestly can't see the difference in the two statements of
"You're such a cheapskate" and "You're a fat ass bald runt of a cheapskate"
If I'm out of sorts with him over money, why should his height, weight and hairline matter?
(This thing with the hubs, it's fictional, it's just an example of our difference in our thinking)
What, you want me to agree and make this easy for you? What fun would that be?
Oh no, just want to share something of myself with you, and I want you to be able to share something of yourself with me....we'll get to that soon enough I'm sure...as sure as you have a keyboard and internet connection...we'll get to it.
July 23, 2008, 19:03 |