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A good cry
Why is it that people like to have a good cry by reading a tragic novel or watching a really sad movie? I understand why we like to be scared with scarey movies and stories..there's an adrenaline thrill there...but what is it about having a good cry once in awhile that makes us feel better, is it because we work too hard to control our emotions it just feels good to release them in a controlled way?
July 5, 2008, 22:29 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: A good cry
Chazzy i think you are exactly right about working to keep our raw emotions in check. all too often we dont get angry,or laugh out loud,so it seems a natural act to cry at a sad movie or a touching story on the news. great thread dear !!!!
July 6, 2008, 09:17 |
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Re: A good cry
I agree with Dave. We have to unleash our emotions every now and then. I think that to many people try to hold everything in and it makes them physically ill. A good cry is very cleansing even if it is just over a sad movie. It has also been proven that if you laugh out loud every day that you will be much healthier. As for a venting anger, hitting a punching bag or even a pillow is a good release.
I say let it all out and then LET IT GO. Don't hang on to anger.
July 6, 2008, 10:10 |
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Re: A good cry
I do appreciate the talent that goes into some TV commercials, they can sell a product or service and make you well up in tears...all in 60 seconds or less.
July 6, 2008, 12:44 |
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