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Hit the "New Topic" button please (NO HIJACKING< PLEASE!!!!)
Use the new topic button ya'all... instead of hijacking a thread.
Off topic means that one topic discussion leads to another topic, but it's still a sincere and open discussion. Off topic isn't too bad of a deal, but a "spin off" post when a thread goes off topic would be even better.
Hijacking is when (usually two people) turn a thread into a personal chatty discussion among themselves regardless of what the topic is. I know it's fun for the hijackers, I use to be a hijacking Queen way back when, but let's make a little bit of effort to keep the forums fun and interesting for everyone and a little in moderation of anything is just fine.
(Ummm....and just to politely mention that the "quote me..quote you...quote me...quote you...means at one point, one post will pretty much takes up a whole page of stuff that's already been posted, read and replied too.)
Both "off topic" and hijacking are natural phenoms of forums, but curbing the hijacking and starting new threads would keep the forums more interesting and lively for everyone else too.
I swear I'm not being all bitchypants about this, I'm just trying to throw a polite reminder out there and encourage new thread posts, Okay?
We all love "new topics" don't we?
July 4, 2008, 09:14 |
60 / male everett, Washington, US
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please
Yes Dear.
July 5, 2008, 18:48 |
74 / male Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please
So glad someone else sees this happen GREAT job
July 5, 2008, 18:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please
Yep, there's just been a bit too much of the same threads getting bumped back up to use for chatting....it's just not really fair to others to see a topic title, think by clicking thats what they are gonna read about and instead end up seeing that it's just two people chatting and flirting with each other page after page.
If you like flirting, giving and getting attention, that's a good thing, no harm in just posting a new topic like "I'm so horny"..." talk dirty to me" instead of hijacking an existing thread.
July 5, 2008, 20:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please
Thanks so very much for your understanding and cooperation.
July 9, 2008, 08:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please (NO HIJACKING< PLEASE!!!!)
Sorry, but if two members wanna "chat"....we have chatrooms for that...PLEASE DO NOT TURN A TOPIC OR THREAD INTO A PERSONAL CHAT!!!! STAY ON TOPIC, START A NEW TOPIC, BUT DO NOT...PLEASE...DO NOT HIJACK A THREAD!!
October 1, 2008, 10:19 |
39 / male Orlando, Florida, US
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please (NO HIJACKING< PLEASE!!!!)
Sorrry Chazzy and everyone else that has been bothered by this, u kinda get carried away with talkin to someone through these things so again, I apologize. Love the site
October 1, 2008, 12:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please (NO HIJACKING< PLEASE!!!!)
Oh I understand hon, it's an easy thing to do for sure.
If you ever have any problems or questions, just write me.
October 2, 2008, 10:26 |
39 / male Orlando, Florida, US
Re: Hit the "New Topic" button please (NO HIJACKING< PLEASE!!!!)
Ok thank Chazzy..and for the record, u are a very sexy woman
October 2, 2008, 20:03 |