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3 things you don't know.......(a game)
Name 3 things about yourself that no one here at
Web naughty knows about you....
1)I have no middle name
2) I adore antique cameos !
3) I once was a dragracer (you know, on a legal
drag strip, Saturday night, muscle cars, the christmas tree, and all that) I raced a '69
chevy chevelle supersport)
January 18, 2005, 18:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1. I was a alterboy at St.Joseph's Church in grade school.
2. I was captain of the wrestling team for 4yrs at a Catholic HS (Chicago suburb)
3. When I am in a quiet place, usualy a dentist or doctors office, I like to make people laugh and start talking, by the time its my turn to see the doctor everyone practicly knows each other, a couple of times the desk receptionist asked us to keep it down, she is trying to talk on the phone.
January 18, 2005, 20:37 |
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Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1. I have been engaged 3 times but never married.
(allergic to diamonds?)
2. I have lived in NYC, Boston, Pittsburgh, Wash D.C, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Ohio, Pakistan and Turkey. (for long terms)
(please note Ohio listed with foreign countries)
3. I dropped out of High School when I was 16.
January 19, 2005, 05:14 |
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Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1. I was a majorette
2. I have 6 other brothers and sisters
3. I scored the 2nd highest (missed one) on my college acceptance test in my group but couldn't go because of lack of money.
January 19, 2005, 12:32 |
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Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
Drivers ED teacher made me cry the first time I tried to drive. He was mean and kept yelling at me about how I couldn't drive. At the end he said something like "you can't drive, can you?" and I said "that's why I'm in this class" and went home and cried
I've only ever been in love once
I love to read. I go insane if I don't have a book to read
January 19, 2005, 16:41 |
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Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
I'LL go again,,,,
1. I have a CDL, am retired but thinking about getting a part time job driving cross country, just to travel, and maybe the job would pay for the things I do along the way?
2. I like when women have somewhat of a flat tommy, a dominent pubic area, and ware well fitted to tight slacks.
3. one of my favorite times to have sex is upon waking in the middle of the night or early in the morning, I am so charged and happy when I first wake, probably cus I dont use alcohol,cafine, or tobacco.
January 20, 2005, 12:57 |
39 / male bradford, England, UK
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
i love comic books
i love pretty much all things japanese
I am in university at the moment,but am about to drop out.
January 24, 2005, 14:11 |
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Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1) I encourage people NOT TO DROP OUT!!!
2) I can get buzzed on one drink
3) I can get sloppy drunk on the second drink.
January 25, 2005, 07:31 |
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Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1. for a short time we didnt even have a house to live in when growing up
2. i love kids (not in the perverted way!)
3. keeping with the whole school theme going... i graduated hs with a 4.08 gpa(yes its possible), i declined a full scholarship to a graphic design program to pursue land surveying, and i dropped out of college for civil engineering just because i dont like being inside.
January 25, 2005, 14:03 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1)I've landed on an aircraft carrier and been hoisted off the deck of a ship into a chopper.
2)I wrote lyrics and some songs for a band. I've played in Cannes France on the street for beer money.
3)I've qualified with an M-16 and a 9mm. I've been at "battle stations" and loaded high explosive rounds during it.
January 28, 2005, 14:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1) I blew off a full baseball scholarship to a
major college for sex and partying.
2) Have'nt had a drink of any kind of booze in almost 8 years.
3) My current wife is my 2nd ex-wifes sister.
January 28, 2005, 19:26 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
Now THIS is a good game!
1. I can wiggle my ears... Independantly! I show girls this to get them into bed (NOT)
2. I once witnessed a fatal stabbing
3. I've lived in a mental institution, a reformatory, a prison, a boy's farm, and a group home, all as a kid. And survived.
Lots more if anybodys is interested.
January 29, 2005, 09:05 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
QUOTE (armybody @ January 28, 2005, 14:26)1)I've landed on an aircraft carrier and been hoisted off the deck of a ship into a chopper.
2)I wrote lyrics and some songs for a band. I've played in Cannes France on the street for beer money.
3)I've qualified with an M-16 and a 9mm. I've been at "battle stations" and loaded high explosive rounds during it.
Coo, Cool, and Cool
January 29, 2005, 09:06 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ January 28, 2005, 19:26)1) I blew off a full baseball scholarship to a
major college for sex and partying.
2) Have'nt had a drink of any kind of booze in almost 8 years.
3) My current wife is my 2nd ex-wifes sister.
My last drink was 14 years ago in April. I don't miss it at all. good for you.
January 29, 2005, 09:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
QUOTE (armybody @ January 28, 2005, 14:26)1)I've landed on an aircraft carrier and been hoisted off the deck of a ship into a chopper.
2)I wrote lyrics and some songs for a band. I've played in Cannes France on the street for beer money.
3)I've qualified with an M-16 and a 9mm. I've been at "battle stations" and loaded high explosive rounds during it.
1) My life so far, pales in comparison to the quoted post !!
2) I was a cheerleader in highschool
3) was married and owned my first home before I turned 17
January 29, 2005, 09:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1 Im a certified scuba diver and dove thru the ice to the bottom of Racine rock quary in Wi. and the bottom of a large coral reef on the ocean side of the Grand Caymen Iland.
2 I hitch hicked 1/2 way across the united states.
3. I was on a Branif air lines 737 jet going down the runway in Sanfrancico, ready to lift off and the wing wheel broke off the plane, leaving us spinning all over the runway, what a ride, we ended un in the grass a couple miles from the terminal and they had to foam the plane where it stoped. they put us on a buss back to the terminal and refunded our tickets thats when I hitch hicked bact to chicago.
January 29, 2005, 14:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
QUOTE (hothands @ January 29, 2005, 14:06)1 Im a certified scuba diver and dove thru the ice to the bottom of Racine rock quary in Wi. and the bottom of a large coral reef on the ocean side of the Grand Caymen Iland.
2 I hitch hicked 1/2 way across the united states.
3. I was on a Branif air lines 737 jet going down the runway in Sanfrancico, ready to lift off and the wing wheel broke off the plane, leaving us spinning all over the runway, what a ride, we ended un in the grass a couple miles from the terminal and they had to foam the plane where it stoped. they put us on a buss back to the terminal and refunded our tickets thats when I hitch hicked bact to chicago.
1 (how did you get the concrete and chains off on your dives?)
2. Was it a long walk?
3. Did you ever think you weren't meant to make it to Chicago?
January 29, 2005, 14:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1 I wasnt home long enough from the sevice to get mixed up with the maffia yet!
2 got a ride right away, there was two of us, finaly we jumped a freight in Joplin, Mo. we were up for two days, fell asleep on the train and woke up in Minni,Minisota
3 Chicago,,,,? now that I think about it,,,maybe Virginia would have worked out better?
January 29, 2005, 17:47 |
70 / male Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1)I sang in the church choir for 4 years as a you teen. Ha
2) dropped out of college after the first year to pursue a 20 year career in drug and alcohol abuse.
3) been sober for 10 years!
Damn, this is starting to sound like some kind of AA meeting!
January 30, 2005, 08:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: 3 things you don't know.......(a game)
1) I think of life in terms of music. There's always bacground music to everything I do and I always associate a person with a song or type of music
2) before I could drive I had been to 4 different countries outside of the USA - without my parents
3)The first time I was drunk I was 3. I was the flower girl in my Uncle's wedding and his (stupid) friends thought it was cute that I was drinking out of their glasses, regardless of what was in it. My parents were preoccupied by the bride and groom at the time and by the time they got to me I was wasted.
January 30, 2005, 18:40 |