42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Reposting Pics?
I'm sure many of you look at the recently posted pics under the Search Ads section...
I have a question for the people that do this (ok, I only look at the ones the ladies post...). I've noticed that a few people periodically take down their pics and then repost the same exact pics. Why?
June 19, 2008, 12:41 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Reposting Pics?
Good question.
June 19, 2008, 13:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Reposting Pics?
Number one reason, Some just feel more comfortable with a very vague profile and only amp it up with photos while online, they are not comfortable with having their photos up for the world to see unless they are online at the time.
It may be there is a spouse and they know where the spouse/SO is while they are online but do not want to risk the spouse/SO to stumble across this site and recognizable profile photos.
Another reason...it draws attention to your profile..."newest photos" get allot of attention, more chances of people seeing your newely uploaded photo and getting more attention for your profile.
So, one reason is less attention, and the other reason is more attention.
June 19, 2008, 14:37 |