52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
i heard somewhere that you can not travel forward in time because it does not exist as it had not been written yet, so you could only go to a time which had been written, so if we went back say 500 years we could take someone back with us to our time which means he has gone in to the future which as far as he is concerned has not been written so in theory he has defied the laws of time , so on that note can we go forward in time even though we know it has not been written yet or if we go back in time are we stuck to where we go as you cant go forward in time ???
(hope you understand what i am saying here )
June 7, 2008, 03:51 |
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June 7, 2008, 05:28 |
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Not at all sure....I think I remember something about an Einstein Theory about being able to go faster than time?
Anybody know the name of that theory?
I love Physics, I don't understand it but I love it.
There's something cool about things so over my head that I can barely grasp bits of it...just stimulating I guess.
June 7, 2008, 08:07 |
User no longer registered.
I'd be happy with a teletransportation device. Just sit home, find freight and transport it from the shipper to the reciever. Never have to leave home and get paid for it.
Plus, if ya think about it, we are all traveling into the future as we speak.
June 7, 2008, 08:47 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Actually, it is easy in theory to travel forward in time, its getting back that is theoretically impossible. In Einsteins theory of relativity, the faster you are in motion compared to something that's at a fixed point in space, the slower through time you move (might be why people that exercise live longer...). Say we found a way to travel at the speed of light. The person traveling at the speed of light would be moving significantly faster than the people stuck on Earth. Einstein theorized that the closer to traveling at the speed of light you got, the closer you were to being at a point where time stopped, which is one of the many reasons why he believed that it is impossible for us to reach that speed, the other two main reasons where that as you travel faster, you actually gain mass (jogging makes you gain weight while you jog... hrmm...) and it requires more energy as you go faster (ok, so the jogging's not a waste now...). As you approach the speed of light, the mass increase and energy needed to maintain the speed become infinite.
Back from the tangent, Einstein's theory is that you can easily move forward in time by comparison just by moving faster. This actually has been proven using only two atomic clocks. Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks in the world, they always keep time perfectly and there is very little possibility of them being too slow or two fast by any increment of time (they're the perfect clock). One of them is stationed in one of the forts around here somewhere (not fort worth, the clock's not worth that much...) and the other was mounted on a military cargo plane that made frequent round world trips. After about a month, the compared the times on the two atomic clocks and the one on the plane was about 5 mins slow (some stories say the experiment was done on satellites in space... gotta love how much our government tells us). After a month, the time the clocks would normally be off by would be less than a second difference.
Now this puts a damper on space travel, as travel from one planet to the next would also cause us to travel through time as we go, so going to the next solar system and back would make everyone we know on Earth decades older than us when we return. But alternatives are another discussion.
My theory on why we can't travel backward in time is that most people would travel back in time to intentionally change an event. But if you were to go change that event on purpose, then your history would be changed and you would have no reason to go back in time to change the event because it would have already been changed, therefore you wouldn't travel back in time to change it, making the event take place anyways. The only way someone could go back in time is if it was unintentional, leaving them with no reason to travel back, and if whatever they did in the past had no effect on their future, giving their life no reason to alter from what made them go back in time in the first place. If you know anything about humanity, that is an impossibility.
June 7, 2008, 13:24 |
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QUOTE (Mooant @ June 7, 2008, 13:24)Actually, it is easy in theory to travel forward in time, its getting back that is theoretically impossible. In Einsteins theory of relativity, the faster you are in motion compared to something that's at a fixed point in space, the slower through time you move (might be why people that exercise live longer...). Say we found a way to travel at the speed of light. The person traveling at the speed of light would be moving significantly faster than the people stuck on Earth. Einstein theorized that the closer to traveling at the speed of light you got, the closer you were to being at a point where time stopped, which is one of the many reasons why he believed that it is impossible for us to reach that speed, the other two main reasons where that as you travel faster, you actually gain mass (jogging makes you gain weight while you jog... hrmm...) and it requires more energy as you go faster (ok, so the jogging's not a waste now...). As you approach the speed of light, the mass increase and energy needed to maintain the speed become infinite.
Back from the tangent, Einstein's theory is that you can easily move forward in time by comparison just by moving faster. This actually has been proven using only two atomic clocks. Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks in the world, they always keep time perfectly and there is very little possibility of them being too slow or two fast by any increment of time (they're the perfect clock). One of them is stationed in one of the forts around here somewhere (not fort worth, the clock's not worth that much...) and the other was mounted on a military cargo plane that made frequent round world trips. After about a month, the compared the times on the two atomic clocks and the one on the plane was about 5 mins slow (some stories say the experiment was done on satellites in space... gotta love how much our government tells us). After a month, the time the clocks would normally be off by would be less than a second difference.
Now this puts a damper on space travel, as travel from one planet to the next would also cause us to travel through time as we go, so going to the next solar system and back would make everyone we know on Earth decades older than us when we return. But alternatives are another discussion.
My theory on why we can't travel backward in time is that most people would travel back in time to intentionally change an event. But if you were to go change that event on purpose, then your history would be changed and you would have no reason to go back in time to change the event because it would have already been changed, therefore you wouldn't travel back in time to change it, making the event take place anyways. The only way someone could go back in time is if it was unintentional, leaving them with no reason to travel back, and if whatever they did in the past had no effect on their future, giving their life no reason to alter from what made them go back in time in the first place. If you know anything about humanity, that is an impossibility.
So, if I understand correctly.---- If I don't physically move, I'm moving faster?
June 7, 2008, 14:53 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
You age faster the more you sit around, yes. So to travel forward in time in your current condition, you need to be moving more. But the speed we are able to move at will only extend out life a few minutes so its not really a practical application.
June 7, 2008, 14:58 |
User no longer registered.
QUOTE (Mooant @ June 7, 2008, 13:24)Actually, it is easy in theory to travel forward in time, its getting back that is theoretically impossible. In Einsteins theory of relativity, the faster you are in motion compared to something that's at a fixed point in space, the slower through time you move (might be why people that exercise live longer...). Say we found a way to travel at the speed of light. The person traveling at the speed of light would be moving significantly faster than the people stuck on Earth. Einstein theorized that the closer to traveling at the speed of light you got, the closer you were to being at a point where time stopped, which is one of the many reasons why he believed that it is impossible for us to reach that speed, the other two main reasons where that as you travel faster, you actually gain mass (jogging makes you gain weight while you jog... hrmm...) and it requires more energy as you go faster (ok, so the jogging's not a waste now...). As you approach the speed of light, the mass increase and energy needed to maintain the speed become infinite.
Back from the tangent, Einstein's theory is that you can easily move forward in time by comparison just by moving faster. This actually has been proven using only two atomic clocks. Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks in the world, they always keep time perfectly and there is very little possibility of them being too slow or two fast by any increment of time (they're the perfect clock). One of them is stationed in one of the forts around here somewhere (not fort worth, the clock's not worth that much...) and the other was mounted on a military cargo plane that made frequent round world trips. After about a month, the compared the times on the two atomic clocks and the one on the plane was about 5 mins slow (some stories say the experiment was done on satellites in space... gotta love how much our government tells us). After a month, the time the clocks would normally be off by would be less than a second difference.
Now this puts a damper on space travel, as travel from one planet to the next would also cause us to travel through time as we go, so going to the next solar system and back would make everyone we know on Earth decades older than us when we return. But alternatives are another discussion.
My theory on why we can't travel backward in time is that most people would travel back in time to intentionally change an event. But if you were to go change that event on purpose, then your history would be changed and you would have no reason to go back in time to change the event because it would have already been changed, therefore you wouldn't travel back in time to change it, making the event take place anyways. The only way someone could go back in time is if it was unintentional, leaving them with no reason to travel back, and if whatever they did in the past had no effect on their future, giving their life no reason to alter from what made them go back in time in the first place. If you know anything about humanity, that is an impossibility.
Mooant, may I be your student? I enjoy reading your posts!
June 7, 2008, 15:41 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
hehe, sorry I haven't posted one like this in a while, there just haven't been that many posts like this worth going on a rant about.
June 7, 2008, 17:18 |
User no longer registered.
QUOTE (Mooant @ June 7, 2008, 17:18)hehe, sorry I haven't posted one like this in a while, there just haven't been that many posts like this worth going on a rant about.
Hey, I was so hoping that someone would come on in with the whole Einstien thing! I remember allot about it, but my wicked pain pills are kickin' my ass...so...anyway...thanks a bunch Moo! Where do ya stand on the whole black hole thing? Did I last hear that that Hawking's theory was flawed and now the concensus is that black holes don't exist??? Still feel like rantin' on Moo...or maybe it was the worm hole thing that has been questioned recently? Wasn't worm holes another theory of possible time travel, or are they just for making traveling great impossible distances possible?
June 7, 2008, 20:19 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
well, black holes and worm holes are two entirely different beasts.
Basically, a black hole is something (usually a star) that has acquired so much mass that its gravity is too great to support any real shape. Everything is crushed to such an infinitesimal point because the gravity is so great than not even light can escape. But that's only true if you can assume that light has mass. We assume that light has mass simply because of the way it behaves, it acts like a particle and a wave at the same time, but all of the evidence for it acting like a particle is how it acts with mirrors and energy transference between molecules (light makes things hot...). But these are things we can't prove yet... Although there is evidence that black holes exist...
Worm holes is a breakdown in the Space-Time Continuum, where two points in space fold together to be the same point, creating a "tunnel" from one end to the other. Supposedly unstable, too unsafe to pass through, and may connect to different points in time. Again, all theoretical, although there is evidence they do exist.
June 8, 2008, 01:50 |
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I wish I could go back in time changing and correcting certain things, staying in that era of time, being happy.
June 8, 2008, 13:28 |
User no longer registered.
QUOTE (ticaD @ June 8, 2008, 13:28)I wish I could go back in time changing and correcting certain things, staying in that era of time, being happy.
Butt if you went back and changed stuff so there was a new out come, how would you ever know you changed it- if the bad stuff didn't happen? Also what if the change lead to something worse happing in the future? Now the ideer of going back to a time in your life where you were happy sounds good but then again think of all the people and things you interacted with after that time that molded the current time or future. By changing any single event in the past you in-fact might change the entire present for many people...All the things that you have done for people that unknowingly or knowingly influenced their lives and made them make some sort of choice would never have happened so there are more changes that happen...It's a huge chain of events that each life is linked to.
June 8, 2008, 13:57 |
User no longer registered.
String theory deals with some of this time space stuff. It is pretty interesting stuff even for a simple country boy like me
June 8, 2008, 14:06 |
User no longer registered.
QUOTE (Jessejames @ June 8, 2008, 13:57) QUOTE (ticaD @ June 8, 2008, 13:28)I wish I could go back in time changing and correcting certain things, staying in that era of time, being happy.
Butt if you went back and changed stuff so there was a new out come, how would you ever know you changed it- if the bad stuff didn't happen? Also what if the change lead to something worse happing in the future? Now the ideer of going back to a time in your life where you were happy sounds good but then again think of all the people and things you interacted with after that time that molded the current time or future. By changing any single event in the past you in-fact might change the entire present for many people...All the things that you have done for people that unknowingly or knowingly influenced their lives and made them make some sort of choice would never have happened so there are more changes that happen...It's a huge chain of events that each life is linked to.
Very good point, thank you JJ!
June 8, 2008, 14:34 |
User no longer registered.
June 8, 2008, 16:06 |
User no longer registered.
QUOTE (Jessejames @ June 8, 2008, 14:06)String theory deals with some of this time space stuff. It is pretty interesting stuff even for a simple country boy like me
I remember a "Nova" episode on the string theory stuff, pretty wild!
June 8, 2008, 20:28 |