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Help! Not sure what to do....
Ok, here's the thing. My daughter wants to go to the movies with a boy... she's 13. I won't say how old he is until the end of this post. This is the first time she's ever shown interest in a boy... well, the first time she's told me about it. I don't know what to do! First off, she's pretty much known him since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She said she has liked him for a long time. She told him first, he didn't come to her. I had her ask him some questions. Would he mind meeting her parents.. he said no. Would he mind me going to the movies with them.. he said no. Would he mind me taking them out to eat afterword.. again, he said no.... What kind of kid is he, how is he doing in school. He's making high B's in advanced placement classes, has never had an office referral, etc.
I trust my daughter... she was recently voted president of the NJHS for next year, she got tons of awards at the ceremony last night, she's like the perfect kid! I'll never understand how I got so lucky! LOL Her dad says "NO!" because of the age difference. He thinks that it'll be an ongoing thing. I don't think so because they're out of school all summer. Who knows, maybe she'll lose interest in him by next semester. Anyhow, if they did want to go out again, I would be going with them... Hell, I'd be the one driving them where they need to go!
She knows him pretty well because he's first chair trombone in high school. They seem to have a lot in common, especially concerning anime. I have met him once before. He's my daughter's friend's brother's friend... if that makes sense. I met him at her friend's house when I took her there for her bday party. He seemed nice enough.
Ok, here's the catch. He's 17, a junior in high school. Now, I know I should be saying "Hell no!!!" But this is the first time I've ever had to make this decision... I Don't want to break her heart. I know it won't be the first time for her, but I do trust her 100% Question is, can I trust him? Then again, what could they do with me hovering over them wherever they go? And he agreed to meet us first. If he can meet us and not run out the door screaming for his life, he may actually have good intentions! LOL
Geez, I don't know.... What do y'all think? Serious replies only, please.
May 30, 2008, 10:57 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ May 30, 2008, 10:57)Ok, here's the thing. My daughter wants to go to the movies with a boy... she's 13. I won't say how old he is until the end of this post. This is the first time she's ever shown interest in a boy... well, the first time she's told me about it. I don't know what to do! First off, she's pretty much known him since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She said she has liked him for a long time. She told him first, he didn't come to her. I had her ask him some questions. Would he mind meeting her parents.. he said no. Would he mind me going to the movies with them.. he said no. Would he mind me taking them out to eat afterword.. again, he said no.... What kind of kid is he, how is he doing in school. He's making high B's in advanced placement classes, has never had an office referral, etc.
I trust my daughter... she was recently voted president of the NJHS for next year, she got tons of awards at the ceremony last night, she's like the perfect kid! I'll never understand how I got so lucky! LOL Her dad says "NO!" because of the age difference. He thinks that it'll be an ongoing thing. I don't think so because they're out of school all summer. Who knows, maybe she'll lose interest in him by next semester. Anyhow, if they did want to go out again, I would be going with them... Hell, I'd be the one driving them where they need to go!
She knows him pretty well because he's first chair trombone in high school. They seem to have a lot in common, especially concerning anime. I have met him once before. He's my daughter's friend's brother's friend... if that makes sense. I met him at her friend's house when I took her there for her bday party. He seemed nice enough.
Ok, here's the catch. He's 17, a junior in high school. Now, I know I should be saying "Hell no!!!" But this is the first time I've ever had to make this decision... I Don't want to break her heart. I know it won't be the first time for her, but I do trust her 100% Question is, can I trust him? Then again, what could they do with me hovering over them wherever they go? And he agreed to meet us first. If he can meet us and not run out the door screaming for his life, he may actually have good intentions! LOL
Geez, I don't know....  What do y'all think? Serious replies only, please.
Hey Moon, Ive raised 4 daughters, so Ive had some experience in this area. First of all 4 years difference in age is no big deal, when you're in your 20's, 30's etc. However, 4 years difference between 13 and 17 is HUGE! 17 year old guys want one thing and one thing only. I know, I was one. If you've ever seen the movie What Women Want, Mel Gibson's character's daughter was 15 and going to the prom with and 18 year old. Everything looked peachy on the surface, but in the end, all the guy wanted to do was get laid .
I know its a difficult position to be in, but you have to be graceful, yet firm. If it were any of my girls, it would be a resounding HELL NO! I Hope that helps you out.
May 30, 2008, 11:36 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
All I can say is...I do so admire you parents for the difficult decisions you're faced with when it comes to doing what's right for your children!
May 30, 2008, 12:11 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
I'm so glad that I had all boys. Moon, my answer is "NO" and "HELL NO". Your daughter is going think that your just trying to ruin her life for ever, but she'll get over it. I think that is too much of a age difference, at that age. I used to go out with 15 year old, I was 17. That was bad enough, at least in her dad's eyes. He absolutely hated my guts, for years. We broke up a year later, at the insistance of her parents, and of course I was away in the military. I hate dear john letters. She needs to hang out with the kids in her own age group/class. Boys at that age are only thinking with one head, yea the wrong one. So, NO NO NO. She'll understand when she gets older.
May 30, 2008, 12:58 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
It begins!!!!
Raised a few daughters myself. Trust me, this is only the first of the several dozen more arguments you'll have with your daughter over boys when you say "Hell NO". She is 13 years old. Enough said, I think???
May 30, 2008, 14:37 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
lol, i feel for ya moon, & since i've never been a parent, i cant add much advice, the only thing i can say is i was at my cousins house when her daughter went on her first date, & was sharpening all her cooking knives for her when the boy showed up. As the daughter was still getting ready, i said to the boy, u know shes a nice lil girl dont u?? The boy in his most polite voice answered "yes sir she is" ( i think he thot i was the father). And she will still be a nice girl when she gets home, right?? Yes sir she will. it was hard not to laugh, but i think she had a nice time that nite, while me & my cousin laughed how i musta scared him to death,,,lol
May 30, 2008, 19:03 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
I'm nearly at the same place Moon. My daughter is 13 and all she boy's are becoming the main topic between her and her girl friends. Damn they are too young to start! She a good kid in every respect but it's the boys I worry about! No matter how sweet they seem they are all driven by the same hormones! As hard as it may be to believe I use to be one so I recommend you always error on the side of caution! Lock her in the cellar till shes like 21!
May 30, 2008, 23:22 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
dont let her date till shes 32 & been married for 3 years...lmao,,,,jk
May 30, 2008, 23:49 |
68 / male dayton, Ohio, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
NO>>NO>>NO....Moon, I've been there with my daughters, and I was there as a High school guy wanting to date an infatuated teenybopper. Her dad is correct. Us men know what testosterone crazed High school boys want... NO.....
May 31, 2008, 02:02 |
57 / female South of that..., Georgia, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Well, I think question #1 ought to be, are you ready for her to start dating, period? Forget the age difference, isn't 13 a bit young to be dating? No, I'm not a parent, so I don't have a lot to go on other than the fact that I once was a teenager... but still!
At her age, 4 years is a HUGE age difference. They might truly be right for each other -- who's to say? But it's WAY too early for her to find out. On the other hand, if you say "no", are they going to see each other in secret? That would be even more dangerous than letting them test the waters now...
How about letting them spend some time together, in public places, but telling the boy VERY PLAINLY that he doesn't get one minute alone with her until she's at least 16? Is that realistic?
I was gonna add more... But I think I'll post a separate thread, cuz it's not aimed at you or your daughter. It sounds like she's a wonderful girl -- you're a lucky mom!
I've got a niece who just turned 13, and I pray she's not even thinking in this direction yet! My own mother and father were 4 years apart -- they knew each other forever, but didn't start dating until her "Sweet 16" birthday party. I heard that story many times as a kid, but it didn't register until I was much older that if she was 16, and they're 4 years apart, that means he was 20(!!!) when they started dating. I asked her about that once, and she said that it was a small-town-type community, and everyone knew everyone, and her parents knew the family and trusted him... and 40 years later, they were still holding hands when he died.
If they're right for each other now, then they still will be in a few years. Problem is, can you get someone that young (whether it be 13 or 17) to wait?
Good luck, moon!
June 1, 2008, 03:58 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
As usual I'm going against the flow of the preceding advice here Everyone has made some excellent points but it seems that most have the feeling that all young men are from the "bad side". I have the feeling that you and your daughter have a very close relationship just from your previous posts and that you seem to be the type of Mom that shares your opinions with her freely.
From personal experience when I was 16..if you told me NO..I ignored it simply to exert my own independence. I was raised by a Mom who overcompensated from her mistakes as a teenager and there was no middle ground..no conversation pro or con. I was a rebel and more often than not went against her orders..and yes I learned some lessons the hard way. My father on the other hand was the one person I could talk to about anything in the world. He didn't always agree with Moms orders and would actually help me break those golden rules by taking me to meet my date. The difference was he always let me know that he trusted me and I always knew that at any moment he may come walking around a corner just to make sure I was safe.
With my own kids I did the same thing..discussions began very early regarding self respect and consequences of bad decisions. And yes they both knew that I would also pop out of nowhere..and if not me then it could be anyone of a number of friends. My son used to complain when he would be leaving the house and my last statement would be.."treat your date with respect just as you would if I were riding in the back seat of the car with you" lol he said that image was always in the back of his mind.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that your kids must know that you do trust them to do the right thing. They also must have the assurance that even if they do mess up (and they will) that they still can come to you and talk about it and that you'll always be willing to listen without passing judgement.
Involve the young man in some family activities..that's usually a perfect tool to inspect his character..it also gives him the opportunity to interact with you and your husband and to see first hand what your expectations and feelings about any number of things. You'll be surprised how much common sense some kids have plus you'll also earn his respect at the same time.
June 1, 2008, 09:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Moon, you know your daughter better then anyone and i'm sure you trust her judgement 100%. I have three nieces of her age and i also have two teenage boys. When you spend time with two different age groups you see and hear how differently they act about everyday things in life.
I wouldn't be happy with my 13 year old niece going out with one of my older sons friends. It has nothing to do with trusting the boy or my niece, i just think at 13, she is too young to be spending time with a 17 year old young man .
June 1, 2008, 10:56 |
43 / male lincolnshire, England, UK
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Well lucky for me my daughter isnt that old yet but im dreading when she starts to want to go out with boys and i can tell you now my answer would be NO...
June 1, 2008, 10:59 |
38 / couple new kensington, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
from my own experiences and the experiences with my younger sisters who are now 16 and 13, i dont think it would be a bad idea for her to go on a few dates as long as you trust her and feel as though she is responsible, i mean you have to give her some credit she did come up to you and tell you, you didnt have to find out on your own after she has lost her virginity and is 5 months pregnant, right? she is looking for some guidance from you and that is a good thing, she wants your permission first, and i think it would be a good idea to let her go out with him. But these are only my opinions, hope it helps.
June 1, 2008, 11:24 |
79 / male Nothern VA, Virginia, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
The answer is NO. I have a daughter and at 13 she had other interest and thank goodness it wasn't boys. Now she is 20 and in college so I can't control what she does now. What is her girlfriends do I am sure its not going out with boys. Ask her friend her own age and see what their doing.
June 1, 2008, 12:48 |
68 / male dayton, Ohio, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
I understand your point you made. And it is a good one. But not knowing how oons decision will turn out in the long run, I want to tell how my ex and I made those decisions...
The 3 Musketeers.."all for one and one for all". Meaning if we didn't agree on it, then we left it status quot. If one wanted to go to McDonald's and 2 wanted to go to Wendy's...Then we didn't go to either place. All agreed or we didn't do it. And it kept the kids from trying to work the parents against each other...Good luck Moon
June 1, 2008, 13:01 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Moon I know I've not been around in a while and after reading everyones posts I must add.
I raised 2 daughters myself and know the difficulties you face. Taking in account of your daughters accomplishments and maturity level. 13 to 17 IS a big difference at the age group. Not to mention the legal stand point,check your state laws, they may help you out if your are still in a dilemma or need to the laws as a crutch.
Chaperon may be an alternative if you decide to let her go through with the date. I don't believe it'll last no 17 year old will want Momma tagging along. Even then you gotta watch them like a hawk. (a friends 15 year old son admitted to having sex with his g/f in his bedroom, with the door open,while his parents were in the next room. The parents didn't even know it was going on until he told them, sneaky little darlin's )
Basically I would and have did say: "Absolutely Not" your daughter may hate you for it but she'll get over it..
Good luck
June 1, 2008, 13:15 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Sorry to your daughter moon, but I too would have to say no. But as HBG said, you know your daughter and her judgement, a very difficult decision to make. But what keeps rattling around in my head is "what does a boy like him, see in your 13 year old daughter"?
In my teens I went out with a man who was 10 years older than me, I was 15 at the time, but the difference between 13 and 15 is huge and it was nearly 30 years ago and attitudes in young people have changed enormously.
But, I would have to still say no. Be honest with her and honestly tell her of your concerns and ask what she would do in your position? It may help to turn the tables and try and make her see the situation from your point of view.
Only a suggestion, I have my two little ones to grow up yet and have to face these situations.
June 1, 2008, 17:26 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
I want to thank you all for your advice. It has been very helpful... a bit confusing, if you know what I mean, but helpful. Gives me things to think about.
There was always a part of me that says, "Heeeeeeeeeeell NO!" And like I said, that's her dad's viewpoint. But I've always been one to ponder things... a LOT! I had a talk with her the other day and only then did I find out that SHE'S the one who asked HIM to the movies. I asked her why and she said that it's because he's into the Bleach series and she is, too.
Let me see if I can explain this correctly. The mother of her friend, whose brother is friends with "this guy" is overly protective of her daughter, in my opinion. Her friend is having an end of the year party this Friday and wants my daughter and a few more friends to stay the night. Her mom said that if she comes over, she won't allow "this guy" to be there. That gives me 2 things to ponder. Is she being overprotective of her daughter's friends? Or does she know something about this kid that I don't?
I'll get my first chance to meet "this guy" Thursday night. Him and my daughter will be playing side by side at the graduation. They'll be riding the bus together... only about 20 minutes away. I'm going to ask the band director to please keep an eye on them. I know him well and I know he'll do this for me.
I know that most guys think of one thing when they're at this age, but I have know some guys in my life that weren't like that. I'm so confused....
This is one of many bridges I'll have to cross in raising my kids.... From what I've learned growing up... no matter if that bridge stands strong or whether it comes crashing down, I grew to respect and love my parents for all of the choices they made for me. I'm hoping they'll do the same....
Thank you all again... very much!
June 3, 2008, 11:00 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
If you weren't confused before, i bet you are now
June 3, 2008, 12:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
You might already know this but my input is this. Does your daughter know what could happen if the guy tried things? Does she know what to do, does she know she can stop things or do whatever? You know where im going with that, don'tcha?
I would say if the guy you know well is going to be around the two of them that you plan on asking (or have if you already done so) if he knows anything about the guy?
Find out why that... mother's friend's daughter... (however that went)... find out what they know for why they're saying no.
That's the best i can give you. I haven't had to go through this myself yet with our kids, nor did i date at that age either.
June 3, 2008, 21:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
lol i already have my base plan... I'm going with the old put the fear of god into the boy then trust my daughter. but mines only 3 months... wait 13 years and see if i still have the same plan or a bigger shotgun.
June 3, 2008, 23:18 |
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Re: Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ June 3, 2008, 23:18)lol i already have my base plan... I'm going with the old put the fear of god into the boy then trust my daughter. but mines only 3 months... wait 13 years and see if i still have the same plan or a bigger shotgun.
you're so adorable.
June 4, 2008, 10:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Bless his heart, wait till the boys start knocking at the door
June 4, 2008, 11:04 |
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Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
I like Bill Engvall's bit about this: "So I said to this kid, 'Thats my Baby right there and she means the world to me. So if you get any ideas about huggin or kissin or holdin hands, I want you to remember these words - I'm not afraid of goin back to prison!'
June 4, 2008, 15:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
QUOTE (freensleazy @ June 4, 2008, 15:43)I like Bill Engvall's bit about this: "So I said to this kid, 'Thats my Baby right there and she means the world to me. So if you get any ideas about huggin or kissin or holdin hands, I want you to remember these words - I'm not afraid of goin back to prison!'
And although he seemed like a nice kid, even came up to me in the band hall and introduced himself to me and shook my hand, ultimately the answer was still no. The age difference being the only factor. Plain and simple!
June 10, 2008, 08:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ June 10, 2008, 08:07) QUOTE (freensleazy @ June 4, 2008, 15:43)I like Bill Engvall's bit about this: "So I said to this kid, 'Thats my Baby right there and she means the world to me. So if you get any ideas about huggin or kissin or holdin hands, I want you to remember these words - I'm not afraid of goin back to prison!'
And although he seemed like a nice kid, even came up to me in the band hall and introduced himself to me and shook my hand, ultimately the answer was still no. The age difference being the only factor. Plain and simple!
I knew you'd make the right choice Moon, when my children were in their teens I had to make similar decisions and my answer was always NO, NO, NO!
June 10, 2008, 08:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Oh, and they remember everydamnthing you tell 'em, too, don't they? She tried to pull my own line on me..... "I thought age didn't matter, mom?!" HA, smartass! Had to pull out the old "barely a teenager" and "almost a man!" bit on her, put her in her place
June 10, 2008, 08:23 |
65 / male stockport, Ohio, US
Re: Help! Not sure what to do....
Hey how are you doing?I had teen girls and don't we worry about them more that teen boys.He's not too old for her I don't think.This sounds like giving permission but,give her birth control.After all If she is really into someone,Sometimes we don't think.At least she won't become a 13 year old mother.
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ May 30, 2008, 10:57)Ok, here's the thing. My daughter wants to go to the movies with a boy... she's 13. I won't say how old he is until the end of this post. This is the first time she's ever shown interest in a boy... well, the first time she's told me about it. I don't know what to do! First off, she's pretty much known him since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She said she has liked him for a long time. She told him first, he didn't come to her. I had her ask him some questions. Would he mind meeting her parents.. he said no. Would he mind me going to the movies with them.. he said no. Would he mind me taking them out to eat afterword.. again, he said no.... What kind of kid is he, how is he doing in school. He's making high B's in advanced placement classes, has never had an office referral, etc.
I trust my daughter... she was recently voted president of the NJHS for next year, she got tons of awards at the ceremony last night, she's like the perfect kid! I'll never understand how I got so lucky! LOL Her dad says "NO!" because of the age difference. He thinks that it'll be an ongoing thing. I don't think so because they're out of school all summer. Who knows, maybe she'll lose interest in him by next semester. Anyhow, if they did want to go out again, I would be going with them... Hell, I'd be the one driving them where they need to go!
She knows him pretty well because he's first chair trombone in high school. They seem to have a lot in common, especially concerning anime. I have met him once before. He's my daughter's friend's brother's friend... if that makes sense. I met him at her friend's house when I took her there for her bday party. He seemed nice enough.
Ok, here's the catch. He's 17, a junior in high school. Now, I know I should be saying "Hell no!!!" But this is the first time I've ever had to make this decision... I Don't want to break her heart. I know it won't be the first time for her, but I do trust her 100% Question is, can I trust him? Then again, what could they do with me hovering over them wherever they go? And he agreed to meet us first. If he can meet us and not run out the door screaming for his life, he may actually have good intentions! LOL
Geez, I don't know....  What do y'all think? Serious replies only, please.
June 10, 2008, 08:44 |