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Rachal Ray and the evil scarf
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Rachal Ray and the evil scarf


 User no longer registered.
Rachal Ray and the evil scarf
Well, Dunkin Donuts are pulling thier Rachel Ray ads because of complaints about her scarf...it seems that it too closely resembles the pattern of head wear that infamous terrorist wear...aww c'mon...it's Rachel, it's a scarf...is it really a big deal?

Maybe so...

I dunno, maybe so to some, or maybe we just prefer the little things to tackle and would rather avoid the heavier controversies?

Is it just a scarf, or is it an offensive insult?
 May 29, 2008, 09:05

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
Are you kidding me???? I haven't seen what they are whinning about, but come on now. When does it end?
 May 29, 2008, 09:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
I saw it on the news this morning. Thats the one of the dumbest things Ive seen in a long time. This PC thing is WAY outta control!
 May 29, 2008, 09:32

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
People are too frickin' uptight these days! It's like the dress code at our middle school. They can't wear red shirts... only thing I can figure is that it supposedly evokes "anger"... Can't wear green, either... what the hell's wrong with green? Actually, there are a lot of colors they can't wear. People need to chill out!
 May 29, 2008, 09:37

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ May 29, 2008, 09:37)
People are too frickin' uptight these days! It's like the dress code at our middle school. They can't wear red shirts... only thing I can figure is that it supposedly evokes "anger"... Can't wear green, either... what the hell's wrong with green? Actually, there are a lot of colors they can't wear. People need to chill out!

My personal opinion, is that all schools should adopt uniforms. There are way too many colours that are affiliated with street gangs.
 May 29, 2008, 09:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
I'm not arguing with you there. I stood up and spoke "pro uniform" at the meeting last year and I voted yes for adopting uniforms at the elementary school starting next year. But these are solid colors... they're not like bandana colors... They can't even wear pink? What gang in their right mind would have pink as their color?! Yellow, that's another one they can't wear... and they're talking about ousting black, too. It's insane if you ask me.

Besides that, the only gang that would ever form in my town would probably be the John Deere riders....
 May 29, 2008, 09:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
Maybe we should just all go naked. That would solve any issues about color or type of clothing.
 May 29, 2008, 09:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (irishwoman @ May 29, 2008, 09:57)
Maybe we should just all go naked. That would solve any issues about color or type of clothing.

Thats the most intelligent solution Ive heard!
 May 29, 2008, 10:06

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ May 29, 2008, 09:53)
I'm not arguing with you there. I stood up and spoke "pro uniform" at the meeting last year and I voted yes for adopting uniforms at the elementary school starting next year. But these are solid colors... they're not like bandana colors... They can't even wear pink? What gang in their right mind would have pink as their color?! Yellow, that's another one they can't wear... and they're talking about ousting black, too. It's insane if you ask me.

Besides that, the only gang that would ever form in my town would probably be the John Deere riders....

Now ther's a gang that I could get into.
 May 29, 2008, 11:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ May 29, 2008, 11:41)
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ May 29, 2008, 09:53)
I'm not arguing with you there. I stood up and spoke "pro uniform" at the meeting last year and I voted yes for adopting uniforms at the elementary school starting next year. But these are solid colors... they're not like bandana colors... They can't even wear pink? What gang in their right mind would have pink as their color?! Yellow, that's another one they can't wear... and they're talking about ousting black, too. It's insane if you ask me.

Besides that, the only gang that would ever form in my town would probably be the John Deere riders....

Now ther's a gang that I could get into.

watch out for the International Harvester clique....
 May 29, 2008, 18:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ May 29, 2008, 09:37)
People are too frickin' uptight these days!

I'm thinkin' you're right there, people are just over reacting. It's alright to have an opinion about something, and if something comes across my PC monitor, TV, or in another form of media, and I find it offensive, insulting or just tacky, I can choose to remove the offensive material from my sight, but I don't believe I have the right to remove it from everyone else's sight.(Even here, I just hate, hate, hate deleting anything, I'd rather give a warning, I'd rather lock it, but I hate deleting.)

The Cure for Breast Cancer adopted the pink ribbon as their symbol of support, but not every pink ribbon carries this meaning, sometimes a pink ribbom is just a pink ribbon.

A Confederate flag being waved about at a rally with hate threats spewing about does not carry the same symbolism as the Confederate flags displayed in a museum or in history literature, movies, battle re-enactments...

I'm pretty sure that Rachel, her stylist, and Dunkin Donuts did not have that scarf around her neck to show support for terroism...it is what it is, and it was just a scarf.
 May 29, 2008, 21:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
Very well said, Chazzy. Some people just need to get a life.
 May 29, 2008, 21:50

 57 / female
 South of that..., Georgia, US
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
No red, no green, no yellow, no pink, no black....


What's left? Orange, Blue, purple, brown, and white?

The entire student body is suddenly a "Fashion DON'T"!!!!!

(nothing against those colors, of course... especially the purple ones!)
 May 29, 2008, 22:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
Oh please, why is everyone up in everyones face...give me a freakn' break! Why doesn't everyone leave well enough alone, and mind their own business?! ERRRRRRRR!

 May 29, 2008, 22:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (AmberZed @ May 29, 2008, 22:41)
No red, no green, no yellow, no pink, no black....


What's left? Orange, Blue, purple, brown, and white?

The entire student body is suddenly a "Fashion DON'T"!!!!!

(nothing against those colors, of course... especially the purple ones!)

I hear ya....if that many colors have to be banned, then it would just make good sense to go to uniforms.
 May 29, 2008, 23:15

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scarf
As it stands now, the only slack colors they can wear are navy, black and brown/caches. As for the shirt colors, I was corrected by my daughter yesterday about the yellow... they can wear it, although my kids choose not too for some odd reason.. guess they don't like it. They can also wear blue, navy, and white... and black for now, but not for long. That's about it! They haven't adopted the dress code at the high school yet, where it NEEDS to be! Maybe next year.
 May 30, 2008, 10:08

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scarf
These are the most popular gang colors:
Blue, Black, Green, Gold, Red, Yellow, Purple, Grey and Brown.
Not much left to choose from.
 May 30, 2008, 12:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scarf
I saw the commercial with RR wearing the "scarf". All I see is a gorgeous woman doing a commercial for DD. I watch and read news everyday and am very aware of terrorists and their scarves. I have to tell ya, I didn't see anything overt or subliminal with that scarf. All I saw is a woman who is beautiful and has the best ass on tv, not any support for the crazy f*ckers in the desert.
 June 1, 2008, 13:07

 70 / male
 Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scart
  QUOTE (irishwoman @ May 29, 2008, 09:57)
Maybe we should just all go naked. That would solve any issues about color or type of clothing.

Yeah lets all go naked
 June 1, 2008, 13:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: Rachal Ray and the evil scarf
Lets all dress Civil War-------Blue and Gray
 June 1, 2008, 17:16

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Rachal Ray and the evil scarf

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