60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
In this age of technology.
What do you spend a majority of your time doing?
Work, relaxing, on the net, playing sport, etc. etc.?
May 25, 2008, 15:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Time
Working-- My "free time" is used paying bills, or improving things on the truck.
May 25, 2008, 15:42 |
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Re: Time
My days are pretty routine. Up at 4:45, shower, cook hubs breakfast and pack his lunch, have my coffee, take care of babies when they arrive, cook supper and eat, maybe watch a little tv or play on the computer. Bed about 9 or 10. Might squeeze in a little reading if I can. On the weekends I like to sleep a little later, ride our scooters, visit friends,go to the mall and people watch, or rent a good movie to watch. Of course house cleaning has to be squeezed in there somewhere and then of course there is SEX!!
May 25, 2008, 22:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Time
Working, then again i do gets lots of time off, so it would have to be relaxing and enjoying life. It's too short not to and as we all know, time just flies by.
My relaxation time, includes spending time with friends and family, my horse and the football teams. I love my relaxation time
May 26, 2008, 14:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Time
working, sleeping, surfin' the world wide web, chattin' online w/my best friend (you know who you are... )
playing playstation games...
May 26, 2008, 17:40 |
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Re: Time
if it ain't work work work. It's chores around the house. Then the dogs need attention...which can be relaxing..then it is off to bed....next day start all over again. I guess I need more play time in my life. Someone give me a kick in the Or some of the fine women here can grap my And tell me lets go have some play time.
May 26, 2008, 19:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Time
Takin' care of 4 kids and 6 dogs... it takes up ALL of my time! But I wouldn't trade it for the world!
May 27, 2008, 10:23 |