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Separate vacations
Could you, would you, do you...like to take vacations or weekends without your spouse or SO?
What do you think of the jealousy/trust issues? Would you worry about what your SO is doing all the time, would you worry about your SO worrying about what you're doing?
I had a long time boyfriend, and separate time was never a problem, he could take off anytime and just go camping, off to another county for a weekend of bluegrass and beer and I could spend my time any way I chose, with him, or plans of my own. I don't think I could do that now with the hubs, he doesn't like venturing off on his own at all.
May 25, 2008, 09:08 |
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Re: Separate vacations
I tend to be more of a venturer than hubby. Because I am involved with a chapter of The Red Hat Society (women over 50 that love to live, love, and laugh) I often get away. Last weekend I was away with 14 other gals from Thur. thru Sunday. Missed the hubs but sure had a wonderful time. We had a chalet in the mountains and it was awesome. He misses me when I am gone but we touch base a couple times a day by phone. He trusts me and I trust him so that is not an issue.
May 25, 2008, 13:06 |
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Re: Separate vacations
It can be nice, spending a little time apart and having different interests to follow, gives ya something more to talk about and share when you are together.
Just like the old cliche, absence does make the heart grow fonder sometimes, and the best part of spending time apart can be the homecoming.
But..I can see how it could be destructive to a couple when one or both has some serious trust issues.
May 25, 2008, 20:55 |
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Re: Separate vacations
Yes, if you do not trust each other it definitely would not be a good idea.
May 25, 2008, 21:53 |
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Re: Separate vacations
My wife and I have for the last 6 years, been apart during the last weekend of June or the first weekend of July due to her spending that time to attend the Nascar race in Loudon New Hampshire. She loves #24 and she would rather die than miss an opportunity to see her boy race so close to our home (roughly 2.5 hrs away). She goes there with 2 gentlemen and 3 lady friends. She has asked me to tag along quite a few times but I have declined due to my complete and utter disdain for that "sport" what with that "sport" being so cerebral and all! I know I wouldn't be accepted and I would definetely stand out amongst the crowd. I have all my teeth! I could not do the tail gate party thing 6 hours before the race because I don't have the patience. And besides......the dress code for the Nascar fans is far too stingent for the likes of me! You know, the required wearing of a clever saying logo tshirt or wife beater top, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
Seriously though, my wife enjoys her few days away from home with her friends while I will stay close to home watching videos and sucking up the remaining few molecules of clean air!
May 26, 2008, 01:03 |
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Re: Separate vacations
You are quite the comic Bill. What do you like to do in your free time (besides watching women masterbate, that is)?
May 26, 2008, 10:12 |
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Re: Separate vacations
When i was married, i used to go on girlie spa weekends. My hubby could trust me 100% as cheating was something i would never do.
It was all girls and it was strickly no men whatso ever.
I still go four times a year with the girls and even though some of us are single, it's still a no guy zone!!!
It's just good to relax and be pampered, men don't understand how something so simple can make you feel so great.
May 26, 2008, 14:14 |
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Re: Separate vacations
i'm on the best separate vacation of all from my wife, it's called DIVORCED....
May 26, 2008, 17:38 |
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Re: Re: Separate vacations
QUOTE (irishwoman @ May 26, 2008, 10:12)
Oh, you know me too well! I like to window shop for the latest in big screen tvs and audio equipment. As you have revealed for all to see, I do like to watch women masturbate every chance I get so all things considered, I don't really have too much free time to do real world things.
May 27, 2008, 09:24 |
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Re: Separate vacations
Big screen tvs huh. We have a 52 inch Toshiba HD. Hubby works at Toshiba so we can get pretty good deals. Almost like being in a movie theatre. By the way, what do you like to watch on that big screen?
May 27, 2008, 09:33 |
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Re: Re: Separate vacations
QUOTE (irishwoman @ May 27, 2008, 09:33)Big screen tvs huh. We have a 52 inch Toshiba HD. Hubby works at Toshiba so we can get pretty good deals. Almost like being in a movie theatre.  By the way, what do you like to watch on that big screen?
I have a 60inch Pioneer Elte Plasma flat screen with accompanying Sony Blu-Ray player and a Bose Lifestyle audio system. I rent my Blu-Ray movies from Netflix.....pretty much all types of movies such as the Planet Earth series. They look freakin' spectacular on the Pioneer.....and the sound?
As for my porn viewing, I'm strictly a 19in laptop man!!
May 27, 2008, 09:55 |
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Re: Separate vacations
Very nice hon and you are right about the quality of the pictures. It is just like being there. During a football game you can see the nubs on the football and even tell what color eyes the people in the audience have. It is incredible. Wish we had the Bose system to go with ours.
May 27, 2008, 10:01 |
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Re: Re: Separate vacations
QUOTE (irishwoman @ May 27, 2008, 10:01)Very nice hon and you are right about the quality of the pictures. It is just like being there. During a football game you can see the nubs on the football and even tell what color eyes the people in the audience have. It is incredible. Wish we had the Bose system to go with ours.
Go to your local Tweeter store and check to see if they have any demonstrator Bose Lifestyle systems they might be trying to get rid of. I've seen them for half of the retail price I paid 15 months ago. The system is fantastic!
May 27, 2008, 10:59 |
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Re: Separate vacations
Thanks hon, I'll talk with hubby and we may give it a try.
May 27, 2008, 14:10 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Separate vacations
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ May 26, 2008, 14:14)When i was married, i used to go on girlie spa weekends. My hubby could trust me 100% as cheating was something i would never do.
It was all girls and it was strickly no men whatso ever.
I still go four times a year with the girls and even though some of us are single, it's still a no guy zone!!!
It's just good to relax and be pampered, men don't understand how something so simple can make you feel so great.
I do understand. If Ma wanted to do something like that, she would have my blessing.
May 27, 2008, 15:41 |
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Re: Re: Separate vacations
QUOTE (irishwoman @ May 27, 2008, 14:10)Thanks hon, I'll talk with hubby and we may give it a try.
I forgot to tell you, I also have the same Toshiba 52inch DLP-hd you have. I religated it to the 2nd bedroom when I got my plasma tv. The Toshiba plays well but sadly, it doesn't get used much at all anymore.
If you need any information about that Bose system, send me a message so I can give you my number. I'd love to tell you about it!
May 27, 2008, 19:40 |