81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
a man and his dog
a man and his dog walk into a bar, the guy says, " hey bartender,if you could give me a few drinks,this dog will give you a great blowjob"! the bartender thought that sounded pretty good,so he set the guy up with several drinks. finally, all the other customers left and the bartender turned down the lights ,locked the door and told the now very drunk guy to bring his dog to the back room.when they got to the back room the bartender dropped his pants and underwear,the dog owner says "cmon Fido,suck his cock". the dog merely yawned....the guy spoke a bit sharper to his dog. "Dammit Fido , i said GIVE HIM A BLOWJOB"!the dog flopped down and showed no interest in his masters orders. the guy finally got down on his knees,grabbed the bartenders cock and said angrily to the dog,"all right Fido,you sonuvabitch, i am only gonna show you how to do this ONE MORE TIME"!
May 8, 2008, 10:06 |
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Re: a man and his dog
May 11, 2008, 13:14 |