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I have a question for the ladies
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » I have a question for the ladies


 70 / male
 Elk Grove, California, US
I have a question for the ladies
I am a older man of 53 and I like younger women ( 18 and up ) , so how come when women on sites like this always say they are horny and they want any age . So how come when you write them they then write you back and say your too old for them . But how come it's seem's ok when I older women does the same with a younger man it's ok. I mean I have a good job , I pay my bill's , I own a harley and a truck . I may not look like a hunk , but not everyone is perfect . I just don't get it , I mean so what if I am bald , I shave my head . Maybe it's just me hell I don't know , I am about to give up on trying to find the one are even trying to get laid . Maybe I will just start going to the whore house at least that way they won't say I am too old just take the money and then I can go.
 April 24, 2008, 21:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Well sweetie, there are a lot of older women out there that are still pretty sexy. I consider myself to be one. Why are you just trying for the young chicks??
 April 24, 2008, 22:05

 61 / female
 rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: I have a question for the ladies
I can't speak to the question you asked, I don't think I quite fit your young criteria.
I do have a question for you though if you don't mind. What is the attraction to one so much younger?
Me personally would be too weird to be with someone my boys' age. Not to mention them not knowing (not all, both men & women) what they want or how to please another.
Just curious.
Good luck to you.
 April 24, 2008, 22:27

 70 / male
 Elk Grove, California, US
Re: I have a question for the ladies
That's just what I like , my ex wife was younger than me ( thats not why we split ) and my ex girlfriend was 21 when we started dating ( and her being younger than me wasn't the reason we split ) both ex's got into heavy drug's that's why. But that's just what I like and I don't like being with a women my age , I think the oldest women that I have ever been with was 35. But that's what I like , I quess I have never grown up and I quess I never will. Thanks for the advice anyway
 April 25, 2008, 01:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Hard, you can't give up. There are women out there, like me, that do enjoy the company of an older man .... Um, to be completely honest with you... The person I met will be 59 next month. We have so much in common and get along better than I ever thought we could....

Don't judge all by just a few... don't give up!
 April 25, 2008, 09:33

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: I have a question for the ladies
I would not be overly crazy to be with someone who is much, much younger than I, like the age of my own kids. Of course it was NSA one nighter, that may be different. But if I wanted to have any type of long term relationship with them, I would prefer someone who is much closer to my own age. But what would you expect from old dude.
 April 25, 2008, 11:55

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
I'm sure you're a good person, and everyone is entitled to their preferences but hey...Karma maybe? You discrimate by age, you're kinda gettin' what you give...

You age discrimate, so why can't you accept that in others?
You've narrowed your choices down by age discrimation.

Certainly you've told (in one way or another) your share of women that they are too old for you?
 April 25, 2008, 13:14

 70 / male
 Elk Grove, California, US
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Yeah your right about the age , but I seem to have more in common with someone that's younger. Most women my age are into work , wanting someone who drive's a nice car , who has a good job . I myself like to come and go when I get ready , do what I want when I want . I mean I dont go to bar's , I don't drink , I just like to kick it . In my truck I have an 800 watt amp with some big speakers and you can hear me before you see me I like rap and I love to turn the music up loud. Most of my friend's that I ride with are into that old shit for music like old time rock not me if it came out yesterday it's old. And I also have women that are my age that I am friends with and they are single , but that's just not me , and I am not meaning to put women down my age , it's just that's not me. And if anyone want's to be happy you need to find the one that's right for you. ( right ). But I am sorry if I offended anyone in here , it's just who I am
 April 25, 2008, 13:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
No offense taken but I still think that if you met up with the right older woman that you could be in HOG Heaven. There are those of us that still love adventure, (riding motorcycles, loud music ((although I can do without the rap)), outdoor sex, etc.) Besides, hon, the right older woman could probably show you a few things. LOL, To bad I am not available. I sure keep my old man happy though. Good Luck to you.
 April 25, 2008, 14:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
I'm older, but don't live in the past either, anyone here that knows me, knows that about me...I like music I haven't heard before, I like NOT looking back but always moving forward.

If you have a legal age preference, that's fine.

I personally am very social minded, and still believe that us, as the elders...should give an example to follow for the young, should watch out for them, should help them and be the pillars of the community and society for which they can lean on, count on, learn from and feel safe with...I can't see that working for us if we are sleeping with them too...and yes, I am old fashioned in that way.

I was once married to a man 20 years older, I was so young, the marraige lasted quite a long time, but...the age difference did factor in eventually...I felt so much when it all fell apart, it was horrible, I even felt guilt, but ya know...the fact is...he was older and knew what he was getting into...I don't think at my young age of 18..that I truly knew what I was getting in too...

I did mention in a thread once, that all medical and scientific studies state that the human brain isn't even fully formed until we are in our early 20's at the soonest, and that I personally prefer brains that are fully formed.
 April 25, 2008, 14:11

 63 / female
 St. Louis, Missouri, US
Re: I have a question for the ladies
To bad I'm to old for you, think we might of had a few things in common
 April 25, 2008, 23:25

 54 / female
 Licking pussyville Essex, England, UK
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Maybe if you stopped chasing girls and went for someone older your relationships might last.
Not all woman who are closer to your age want money and a decent car, most are independent with their own houses, money and cars, could that be another reason you prefer 18 year olds, they are less independent
 April 26, 2008, 08:44

 70 / male
 Elk Grove, California, US
Re: Re: I have a question for the ladies
  QUOTE (prettyplze1 @ April 26, 2008, 08:44)
Maybe if you stopped chasing girls and went for someone older your relationships might last.
Not all woman who are closer to your age want money and a decent car, most are independent with their own houses, money and cars, could that be another reason you prefer 18 year olds, they are less independent

sorry i just cant deal with women my age , it doesnt turn me on as much as a young girl . I mean yeah sure I can go through the motion's with a older women , but my heart's not in it.
 April 27, 2008, 17:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
I think a lot of younger women won't be playing games, younger people interact differently especially if there's a big age gap. Yeah, we're all the same physically when we reach adulthood but not socially or sexually, so you need to change tack.

You sound pretty keen and pretty pissed off so it might be worth relaxing a bit and not going into conversations with any expectations. If you go in friendship first you might get further.
 April 27, 2008, 17:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Is it more because of the looks? More of a chance of having a trophy girl?
 April 27, 2008, 19:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: I have a question for the ladies
I don't think age should be an issue, but i find it hard to see what you could have in common with an 18/19 year old girl.
 April 30, 2008, 10:50

 60 / couple
 Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Have always gone for older men myself. As a young teenager (the age you like), realised the older man liked a young girl for the looks and physicalities, as a much older woman now with more confidence, ability to have real fun and cherish what happens in life still enjoy the older man !, really couldnt handle the immaturity of a youngster!!
 April 30, 2008, 16:32

 57 / female
 South of that..., Georgia, US
Re: I have a question for the ladies
When you're 18, it's hard to imagine life after 30. So I'm not surprised that there aren't a lot of girls out there looking for a guy who's 35 years older than them. Maybe you need to be a little more realistic?

On the one hand, you're looking for a girl who's barely out of high-school, but who's looking for a guy nearly three times her age. But on the other hand, in your other thread, you complain that the girls you go for are playing mind-games with you -- maybe a sign of immaturity?

Here's an idea. Instead of looking for an 18-year-old girl with the maturity level of a 35-year old woman, how about looking for a 35-year-old woman with the body of an 18-year-old? And before you start talking about how you can't go for "older" women, do the math -- she'd still be young enough to be your daughter.

 May 4, 2008, 02:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: I have a question for the ladies
  QUOTE (AmberZed @ May 4, 2008, 02:17)
When you're 18, it's hard to imagine life after 30. So I'm not surprised that there aren't a lot of girls out there looking for a guy who's 35 years older than them. Maybe you need to be a little more realistic?

On the one hand, you're looking for a girl who's barely out of high-school, but who's looking for a guy nearly three times her age. But on the other hand, in your other thread, you complain that the girls you go for are playing mind-games with you -- maybe a sign of immaturity?

Here's an idea. Instead of looking for an 18-year-old girl with the maturity level of a 35-year old woman, how about looking for a 35-year-old woman with the body of an 18-year-old? And before you start talking about how you can't go for "older" women, do the math -- she'd still be young enough to be your daughter.

 May 4, 2008, 06:49

 54 / female
 Licking pussyville Essex, England, UK
Re: I have a question for the ladies
Great point Amber, i might be in my late 30's but i still behave like a 21 year old when i'm not at work!!! Most 30+ woman have a young exciting side.
 May 4, 2008, 07:01

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » I have a question for the ladies

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