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Chat Invisibility
I have seen many a times... where there is a handle totally invisible, which I can understand to a certain point, they have their point as to why, as for others, it's like they are trying to cover other things up either with others here or with their own personal life. How do you feel about this? I'm being a bubble butt with this , excuse me if I have offended anyone here. Why can't people just be upfront and honest with crap, instead of covering it up? I would rather someone just tell me, than to circle around me, I'm not a mind reader.
April 12, 2008, 12:47 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
I'm not at all sure if you are talking about some people in general or specific people but I usually don't like to jump to conclusions and always start with the benifit of the doubt and I'm rarely ever let down.
I'm not a chatter, so I'm not even sure what you mean by "invisible"...haven't been in the chatrooms for a month of longer now...but maybe there is just a simple reason for it, not everyone feels that comfortable mixing it up with other people from the git go...as hard as some of us work to try and make everyone feel welcomed...maybe they've had bad experiences on other sites and it's a once bitten twice shy thing, maybe they are more of a voyeur type than a mingling type...I dunno...I don't know enough specifics about it to really make a judgement.
Are you talking about just in chat or people using the privacy stealth setting while browsing the site?
April 12, 2008, 13:24 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
Can someone clarify this a little more for me? I don't understand that you can see someone who is totally invisible?
Sorry, I should know more about the chatroom, I'm just not much of a chatter ya know....anyway... a clarification please?
April 12, 2008, 13:36 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
Certainly not seen any invisibles in the lobby... though... how would I be able to see em. lol.
Only non talkers you get are the shy ones that just log in and watch the chat, or the revolving door pm seekers who pop in and out of the lobby.
Tica... do you mean people's profiles being blank? Or the stealthy chatroom types?
April 12, 2008, 15:30 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Chat Invisibility
I must admit I dont understand what she means. Maybe its the ones who go into the chat rooms and dont say anything, only watch?
April 12, 2008, 15:32 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
I've tried the redroom acouple times,but I prefer the forums to get things out in the open.lotta BS during chats,and yeah,some people don't say anything at all.also a little too fast-paced for me,i don't type all that fast!
April 14, 2008, 23:45 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Chat Invisibility
the lobby is fun, i have a good time with friends there, but if ur looking for cyber sex , u wont find that there, but i enjoy chatting to friends, but i also play in the forums, as far as ur typing skills, i admit to being the worlds slowest typist
April 14, 2008, 23:49 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
My profile is invisible but easily accessible through the forums... and if someone in the chat room says, "I can't find your profile." I tell 'em they can access it by clicking on my name in the forums. I'm not hiding from anyone... just happened to set it that way many moons ago and never changed it...
April 15, 2008, 09:40 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
I use privacy setting when I'm online just to cut back on the messages from too- horny men mass mailing every chick online, saves me allot of time from trying to politely reply to a ton of "wanna watch me jack it?" ... "u r hot, meet me in red room" messages ...
Just simplifies life, I also will turn on private instant messaging as soon as I hit the chatroom, or otherwise I'd be doing nuttin' but closing the dialog boxes that pop up.
April 15, 2008, 09:45 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
April 15, 2008, 13:53 |
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Re: Re: Chat Invisibility
April 15, 2008, 14:14 |
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Re: Chat Invisibility
Yeah, some people like to just check out a site and not be active and visible, they are just not that kind of people, ...but it's whatever people are comfortable about posting on the internet...maybe later they will be more specific..maybe they just like looking and listening...they may just wanna see what every one is doing, just shy but curious, worried too much information will get them recognized. Some people just don't like filling out profiles, they just wanna hurry up already, get in here and look at dirty stuff!
Some people who conflict with other people sometimes make a seperate account as a way of checking in first to see if someone they don't like or don't get along with is online or not.(I don't recommend that method but....)
The kind you're talking about, someone spying on their mates, it happens but it's pretty rare...someone coming in under a fake account just to mess with people, that's rare too and they always get caught.
April 15, 2008, 15:37 |
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Re: Re: Chat Invisibility
QUOTE (ticaD @ April 15, 2008, 13:53)When you see a profile stating not available or whatever it says when you pull it up you just wonder who it is.
I'll talk to you by PM about this, I might know what you're talking about...
April 15, 2008, 18:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Chat Invisibility
OKay tica...I think I know what you may be talking about now...
Right now while I'm typing, I see 6 people chatting in the Red Room...one of them is anvil25252940, now that is NOT the correct nickname to put into the "search by nickname" search box...when you see a nickname with quite a few numbers on the end, it's someone who got booted out of chat by the server, then they log back into chat, and the chat server adds these extra numbers(for techie reasons I don't really understand)
So if I searched for anvil25252940, I would get that error page that says
Sorry, 'anvil25252940 ' was not found.
You might want to check the spelling of the nickname and try again. If you are looking up a profile of someone who has emailed you, we suggest to copy and paste their nickname in the search form to avoid spelling errors. If you can not find someone it may be that they canceled their account.
Now, if I put in just "anvil" and do a nickname search, I get several results and one of those is anvil2525 and he is online so I have find the right profile...the extra 2940 is just something the chat server software added on because he got booted by the server then logged back in...
There is an "anvil2525" but there is no "anvil25252940
So, if the first search doesn't turn up someone's profile that you know exist, try again but shorten the search name, take off the numbers at the end or just use the first 4 or 5 letters in their nickname.
Hope that clears that up for you and anyone else who may have been wondering the same thing..there's nothing sinister or sneaky going on there, it's just the chatroom server software/program
April 15, 2008, 23:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Chat Invisibility
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 15, 2008, 23:09)OKay tica...I think I know what you may be talking about now...
Right now while I'm typing, I see 6 people chatting in the Red Room...one of them is anvil25252940, now that is NOT the correct nickname to put into the "search by nickname" search box...when you see a nickname with quite a few numbers on the end, it's someone who got booted out of chat by the server, then they log back into chat, and the chat server adds these extra numbers(for techie reasons I don't really understand)
So if I searched for anvil25252940, I would get that error page that says
Sorry, 'anvil25252940 ' was not found.
You might want to check the spelling of the nickname and try again. If you are looking up a profile of someone who has emailed you, we suggest to copy and paste their nickname in the search form to avoid spelling errors. If you can not find someone it may be that they canceled their account.
Now, if I put in just "anvil" and do a nickname search, I get several results and one of those is anvil2525 and he is online so I have find the right profile...the extra 2940 is just something the chat server software added on because he got booted by the server then logged back in...
There is an "anvil2525" but there is no "anvil25252940
So, if the first search doesn't turn up someone's profile that you know exist, try again but shorten the search name, take off the numbers at the end or just use the first 4 or 5 letters in their nickname.
Hope that clears that up for you and anyone else who may have been wondering the same thing..there's nothing sinister or sneaky going on there, it's just the chatroom server software/program
Thank you Chazzy.
April 16, 2008, 00:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Chat Invisibility
There was a time that when someone got booted from chat by the server and logged back in, their orginal name and the name with the added numbers would both show up.
I'm not sure how much the server has been tweaked and if the extra numbers only show up when someone has been booted and if they show up on everyone that does get booted, but I do know for sure it does happen.
April 16, 2008, 09:35 |