42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Car Accident
I'll start out with I'm perfectly fine, just really sore.
On my way to work on Thursday, I got rear ended. Some idiot in front of me slowed down suddenly for no reason (a common occurrence in that area of the highway). I was obviously paying attention, so I slowed down as well. But I had been rear ended three years ago (maybe God's trying to say I'm gay ...?) so I instinctively looked in my rear view mirror only to find the guy behind me wasn't only not slowing down, but he wasn't even looking forward! Of course, instinct took over again and I tensed up (the last thing you're supposed to do in that situation) and waited all of a second for the guy to slam into me without even slowing down.
Now, my beautiful 1999 Toyota Camery that I fought my ex-wife for almost a year to keep is likely totaled. I'm almost sure it is since the damage to the vehicle is much worse than my original rear end experience and they tried totaling that car (they one my ex took... hehe). Although, I get a little upset when people are more sad about his car being totaled than me being sore! (Bastards!) He was driving a 1995 BMW 318I which is definitely totaled since he has no engine.
I know my car's worth about seven grand and they mentioned awarding me General Damages for my pain and for my inconvenience. I'm hoping to get enough to afford a new Hybrid car, but something tells me I have to really drag my feet to get that much. I don't want to get lawyers involved since they'll take most of the money anyways, and I haven't been to the doctors yet since I don't have health insurance and they won't cover medical expenses until they're all incurred. Which means I have to pay out of pocket for the time being which I can't afford.
Anyone want to share any experiences or suggestions?
March 2, 2008, 10:33 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Car Accident
Glad that you are OK. I have been there with the medical bills and the lost wages. Hope everything works out for you.
March 2, 2008, 11:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
Glad you're ok too. Make sure to take your time to make sure there aren't any hidden injuries.
March 2, 2008, 12:23 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Car Accident
QUOTE (Mooant @ March 2, 2008, 10:33)I'll start out with I'm perfectly fine, just really sore.
On my way to work on Thursday, I got rear ended. Some idiot in front of me slowed down suddenly for no reason (a common occurrence in that area of the highway). I was obviously paying attention, so I slowed down as well. But I had been rear ended three years ago (maybe God's trying to say I'm gay ...?) so I instinctively looked in my rear view mirror only to find the guy behind me wasn't only not slowing down, but he wasn't even looking forward! Of course, instinct took over again and I tensed up (the last thing you're supposed to do in that situation) and waited all of a second for the guy to slam into me without even slowing down.
Now, my beautiful 1999 Toyota Camery that I fought my ex-wife for almost a year to keep is likely totaled. I'm almost sure it is since the damage to the vehicle is much worse than my original rear end experience and they tried totaling that car (they one my ex took... hehe). Although, I get a little upset when people are more sad about his car being totaled than me being sore! (Bastards!) He was driving a 1995 BMW 318I which is definitely totaled since he has no engine.
I know my car's worth about seven grand and they mentioned awarding me General Damages for my pain and for my inconvenience. I'm hoping to get enough to afford a new Hybrid car, but something tells me I have to really drag my feet to get that much. I don't want to get lawyers involved since they'll take most of the money anyways, and I haven't been to the doctors yet since I don't have health insurance and they won't cover medical expenses until they're all incurred. Which means I have to pay out of pocket for the time being which I can't afford.
Anyone want to share any experiences or suggestions?
Glad you are ok. I know you don't like to have to use a lawyer but that may be your only recourse. Especially if you expect a fair compensation.
Insurance Company are out for one person and one person only,themselves. You should have gone to the hospital at the time of the incident,but it may not be too late,get thyself to a healer Your health is what's important. Beemer Boy's insurance would be liable. So what if the hospital sends a bill, forward it to Beemer Boys insurance. Or better yet if you have his insurance info have them send the bill.
Above all else DO NO SIGN ANYTHING until all medical costs are in and you are sure there are not residual effects from the accident. Which may not effect you for several months or even years.
I wish you the best of luck
March 2, 2008, 13:29 |
52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Car Accident
glad you are ok, you could say i have been in a similar accident, only thing different was only one car and me involved, the car hit me and i totaled the car, how i don't know but i was told i did, i dented the front & the bonnet of the car and smashed the windscreen on the way in and made another dent on the bonnet on the way back, it was her fault anyway so serves her right
March 2, 2008, 13:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
Glad your ok hun, take it easy.
March 2, 2008, 15:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
Just glad to hear you are ok
take care
March 2, 2008, 17:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
Yes, glad to hear you are okay first off...
Secondly, start a journal immediately, write down everything in detail you remember from the accident including any dialog exchanged right after wards, to the weather conditions.
Keeping track of any pain, OTC medications, Dr. appointments will get you a very accurate time line from the accident till whenever...
For one thing, the pain and soreness you feel immediately following an accident may not be much, but often there are "total relapses" months down the road that will leave you more physically fucked up than originally. Allot of people have regrettably settled up quickly, only to find themselves completely screwed 6 months or so later with the relapse.
You may not want an attorney, but at one point the insurance company will start pressuring for a settlement amount that will make you laugh out loud. They bring this one themselves, they will hassle you at home and at work (they want to legally settle before you have a chance to even know if you are injured because this "relapse factor" is something that the insurance companies are very much aware of) and the only way to make it stop is to finally hire an attorney. (In accidents like this, most attorneys will take their fee out of the final settlement, so you won't be out money right off)
I've been there, I was a passenger in a truck that was the middle truck of a truck sandwich. The truck in front slowed and stopped to make a turn, we pulled up and stopped behind him, and the idiot in the truck behind us doing sixty five wasn't looking and we got the double slam.
I felt sore but fine right after the accident, then about 7 months later, then the relapse hit me while I was just bending over to pick something up, just a stick out of the yard, nothing heavy...and bam.... there was this most intense pain, I was bed ridden with it for weeks, there were deep heat treatments, lots of pills and monthly visits to a neurologist...this went on for about 5 years till I got to where I am now...I still suffer several times a year, it's permanent and residual and I'll always have medical expenses associated with it.
So..NO.1...start a detailed journal, it could take awhile to work through the insurance red tape and if it comes down to a deposition later, you'll have a source to keep your memory of the whole thing clear and accurate.
No. 2...even if you're not feeling that bad, see a doctor...you don't need the much worse relapse to happen to you later, and the sooner you have some medical documentation the better.
March 2, 2008, 18:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
go to the doctor. i'm in agreement with Shadow...the other driver's insurance should be held responsible for your medical bills, and if not, the HE, himself should be held accountable...even if it takes you 25 years of lawsuits, and don't worry about the lawyer fees, MAKE him pay for them...good luck!
most of all, i'm glad that you are ok.
March 2, 2008, 23:34 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Car Accident
Good news is that the car's gonna live! (Darn, I was looking forward to a new car...)
I'm still feeling dizzy though, I might go to the docs soon just because of that.
March 3, 2008, 19:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
I'm sorry about your car being OK... ...I'm very glad you are doing well, take care of the dizziness thing though.
March 3, 2008, 21:54 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Car Accident
Going to the doc's on Friday. Being dizzy for four days isn't fun.
March 4, 2008, 18:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Car Accident
QUOTE (Mooant @ March 4, 2008, 18:51)Yup...
Going to the doc's on Friday. Being dizzy for four days isn't fun.
I do strongly recommed keeping a journal, write down everything, including when sypmtoms begin, when you pick up prescription refills and of course all details of the accident itself...
March 5, 2008, 12:57 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Car Accident
Take care of yourself! Remember to move slower for a while.
March 6, 2008, 00:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
Where? 91 or 15?
March 6, 2008, 07:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Car Accident
Time to call a lawyer! The car which rear ended you is liable. Oh my neck!!
March 6, 2008, 07:26 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Car Accident
It was on 91 near Exit 4...
The doc says the dizziness was from the muscles in my neck being so tense that they are pinching the nerves and its feeding back into my head. She gave me some muscle relaxant to make it better, but I may need physical therapy if it doesn't improve soon.
And to make things worse, they decided to total my car without calling me... I'm thinking a 2008 car would be a nice replacement.
March 7, 2008, 17:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Car Accident
QUOTE (Mooant @ March 7, 2008, 17:53)It was on 91 near Exit 4...
The doc says the dizziness was from the muscles in my neck being so tense that they are pinching the nerves and its feeding back into my head. She gave me some muscle relaxant to make it better, but I may need physical therapy if it doesn't improve soon.
And to make things worse, they decided to total my car without calling me... I'm thinking a 2008 car would be a nice replacement.
Yeh, traffic starts to get a little hairy down near New Haven anyway! Have you contacted a lawyer yet? I certainly would!!
March 7, 2008, 20:42 |