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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Sincerity


 User no longer registered.
How sincere do men really think women are? Honestly now, do men have thoughts of crocodile tears for the purpose of manipulation when they see a woman cry? Do some men, again now doodes...honestly...think that woman play up their "monthly discomforts" for the sake of pity? Do some men think women exaggerate their cramps and mood swings when they see them popping Midols, groaning and hugging the heating pad? Do some men think that women exaggerate the pain and trauma of childbirth?

I'm asking cuz I've known a few men who have the notion that if it's a "natural pain" then it can't really hurt that bad!

Sadly, I'm married to a man who I guess thinks that menstrual cramps are a conspiracy by women so they can "take a few days off, be lazy and get out of doing stuff" every month...I've tried explaining that I'd rather be healthy and well and on my feet keeping up with chores and house work, than to lay around a couple of days and watch it get out of control to the point where a day or two off just makes more work and harder work for me when I do get to feeling better. His "theory" makes absolutely no sense at all to me.

Are some men more knowledgeable about such "women things" do some pretend to be more sympathetic cuz that's just a battle they'd rather not fight? How many men out there think women exaggerate their "natural pain" and use it for some sort of self purposing actions?

Have any other women ever come across the kind of man that thinks a woman pain is nothing more than a conspiracy of some sort?
 February 26, 2008, 21:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
i don't doubt that it's painful, but...i've known some women, who on occasion, tend to blame EVERY BAD THING THAT HAPPENS ON IT!!! for instance, i work in a food place, as a cook, and one of the girls dropped a tray of food on the floor, and blamed it on "aunt flow"...could someone please explain this, i mean it was clearly obvious that she dropped it due to tripping on her shoelaces...
 February 26, 2008, 22:44

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Sincerity
I think its real, i have a friend who stops by & spends the whole evening with me till his wife is asleep when its "that time of the month". Seems there is no peace in that house during then. But others it doesnt seem to bother them much, But it must be real, otherwise midol couldn't stay in business
 February 26, 2008, 22:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Sincerity
  QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ February 26, 2008, 22:44)
i don't doubt that it's painful, but...i've known some women, who on occasion, tend to blame EVERY BAD THING THAT HAPPENS ON IT!!! for instance, i work in a food place, as a cook, and one of the girls dropped a tray of food on the floor, and blamed it on "aunt flow"...could someone please explain this, i mean it was clearly obvious that she dropped it due to tripping on her shoelaces...

Actually, she could be right to blame Aunt Flow, if a woman is bloated, cramping, backache, and all that, it really does make some women have some cloudy thinking because someitimes the constant cramping can rob her focus and concentration and can just make her less aware of little things and increase the chances for little screw ups that ordinarely wouldn't have happened....and when we feel like total crap during our period, those little screw ups are a great souce of frustration and even rage...oh man, those months when I have severe cramping...dropping something, forgetting something just brings on a big ole spasm of self loathing!

When a woman isn't dealing with all the symptoms, she can quickly deal with a little screw up and move on, during a painful menstrual day...a mole hill looks like a freakin' mountain.
 February 26, 2008, 23:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Sincerity
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ February 26, 2008, 22:53)
I think its real, i have a friend who stops by & spends the whole evening with me till his wife is asleep when its "that time of the month". Seems there is no peace in that house during then. But others it doesnt seem to bother them much, But it must be real, otherwise midol couldn't stay in business

My rare times when my symptoms are pretty severe, I sure wish me or my husband could just go somewhere else...he thinks I'm faking it which just irritates the crap outta me during a time when I'm struggling and frustrated just trying to just keep up with the necessary chores while suffering from a list of symptoms and ...ah hell...he just pisses me off somethin' fierce!
 February 26, 2008, 23:04

 54 / male
 London, England, UK
Re: Sincerity
I'm sure some women are insincere and use all manner of things as excuses, the same as some men! Don't forget that "Man Flu" is much more disabling than normal Flu! However, if this is a frequent thing, I suspect that in these cases there are more deep-seated problems in their relationships.

Equally, these things clearly do exist and pain, by it's very nature, is totally personal. No one else can know what you are actually feeling so how can they judge?

Sincerity is the key - once you can fake that, you're made!
 February 27, 2008, 02:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
Since I've known several men with this notion that menstrual, pre-menstrual pain and disorders can't be that bad, I was very curious to know how men really feel and think about this...and curious to know if other women deal with the "man thinking" that natural woman pain can't hurt that bad...
 February 27, 2008, 07:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
When I went through menopause I had the heat flashes night sweats mood swings terribly and my ex said it was all a put on to make him for sorry for me I would wake a night to a soaked bed nightie and me and to him it wasn't that big a deal I would cry over stupid petty things and his answer was ah shut up you are just trying to get attention

to him women things aren't that big a deal but if he got sick it was baby him time

 February 27, 2008, 08:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
For some women it's worse than others. If it's extremely bad, there could be some serious underlying cause that can go unchecked. And Chazzy's absolutely right about the "cloudiness" thing. When "aunt flo" comes along, we're losing blood, for heaven's sake! lol I get dizzy spells at times and I'm dog tired most of the time... but no rest in sight *sigh*
 February 27, 2008, 09:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
I don't have much personal experience with "that time of the month". I'm sure it effects some women worse than others. I equally as sure that some women use it for a manipulation tool.

"Man flu" I as bad in the maniulation department. I've nver used any excuse to not do something other than I didn't want to.
 February 27, 2008, 10:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
Wandering5star...never heard of "man flu" but the second I read it in your post, I knew exactly what it is...I think man flu might be the reason why my husband doesn't beleive I'm reallyl sick when I'm sick...cuz he knows he's exaggerating his "flu" for manipulation and I guess he thinks that's normal and that must be what everyone else is doing! When he gets sick he's in bed for a solid 7 day week, calls in to work sick, and wants babied to death..he whines and whines.

....and I sure know what Moon is saying about being dog tired, the fatigue factor is awful.

Right now, I'd love to be on the couch with my heating pad, an industrial size bottle of Midol but...I have to get up, haul firewood for the night to keep us all warm, I have the pets to tend to, food to cook and laundry to do....and I know I'll hear this from my husband more than once on his 2 days off that if I really felt as bad as I say I do, I wouldn't be up doing all of this....idiot...what's he think I'm gonna do, let us all freeze tonight while we go hungry, let the dog poop and pee all over the house while the smell from the dirty cat box and smelly laundry permeates the entire interior of our home? Nope...life goes on...things have to be done and he'll be in bed sleeping or watching movies...

 February 27, 2008, 16:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
I did not ever have problems as far as really bad days to where I couldn't move or called into work regarding being on the rag. I might be bitchy with little stomach cramps and that's bout as bad as I've had it. So when i do get the bleeding again soon, we'll see if it remains the same or not.
 February 27, 2008, 21:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
It's an off and on thing for me, the majority of the time I barely even have any discomfort, once in awhile it really jacks me up bad...percocet bad...
 February 27, 2008, 22:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
bah... you're all just faking.

my official opinion is that is more of a personal integrity issue than a gender issue... some people will exploit any and every thing possible.
 February 27, 2008, 23:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Sincerity
  QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ February 27, 2008, 23:18)
bah... you're all just faking.

my official opinion is that is more of a personal integrity issue than a gender issue... some people will exploit any and every thing possible.

Why, you little shit! C'mere!

 February 28, 2008, 09:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Sincerity
I have no doubt that there is pain issues, and no one can tell how much pain there is except the one that is enduring this pain. Everyone has a different pain tolerance. However, I do believe that some women take this to the extremes, and ride that pity wave as long as they can. But for the most part, I am very sympathetic towards my wife when the visitor comes, because I know it is not good. I try to keep the kids back, and stay back myself so she can get some rest. Love you Hun.....
 February 28, 2008, 10:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Sincerity
  QUOTE (troybuilt @ February 28, 2008, 10:09)
I have no doubt that there is pain issues, and no one can tell how much pain there is except the one that is enduring this pain. Everyone has a different pain tolerance. However, I do believe that some women take this to the extremes, and ride that pity wave as long as they can. But for the most part, I am very sympathetic towards my wife when the visitor comes, because I know it is not good. I try to keep the kids back, and stay back myself so she can get some rest. Love you Hun.....

What a good man!!

Hell, I sure don't play up any pain or sickness for the pity, there's no pity in this house, if I get down with cramps or even the flu...it's nothing but constant bickering cuz the hubs just hates the idea that I need the rest he might have to feed himself and wipe his own ass...Gawd forbid he might be asked to fetch me a glass of water..
 February 28, 2008, 12:50

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Sincerity

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