60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Is there a question that you have always wanted to ask someone but never could.
If so, what is it and who was it for?
February 24, 2008, 16:47 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Question
Of course, but she was soo far out of my league, that I knew the answer before I asked the question.
February 24, 2008, 17:56 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Re: Question
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 24, 2008, 17:56)
NO-one is out of anyones league! Thats just a myth!
February 24, 2008, 18:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Question
I've always wanted to ask my father why he is so unavailable to his daughters. I never felt like Daddy's little girl and thankfully we had a Mom that more than compensated for his lack of interested in us. I've always been curious if his childhood crippled him emotionally or if he just doesn't give a hoot.
February 24, 2008, 21:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Question
QUOTE (Juilianna @ February 24, 2008, 21:08)I've always wanted to ask my father why he is so unavailable to his daughters. I never felt like Daddy's little girl and thankfully we had a Mom that more than compensated for his lack of interested in us. I've always been curious if his childhood crippled him emotionally or if he just doesn't give a hoot.
February 24, 2008, 21:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Question
QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 24, 2008, 21:09)
Thank you sweetie, my sister's and I accepted his limitations years ago plus we have each other. I do feel sorry for him though, the things he misses out on with his daughters and his grandchildren is really heartwrenching. I can't fathom not being with my children and grandchildren for the hard parts of their lives and the exciting moments...the real part of being a parent and the satisfaction of a job well done is GRANDCHILDREN you get to spoil ROTTEN!
February 24, 2008, 21:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Question
QUOTE (Juilianna @ February 24, 2008, 21:08)I've always wanted to ask my father why he is so unavailable to his daughters. I never felt like Daddy's little girl and thankfully we had a Mom that more than compensated for his lack of interested in us. I've always been curious if his childhood crippled him emotionally or if he just doesn't give a hoot.
I'd venture the guess that Daddy loved his girls a whole more than he might have let on. I remember the days when my father would tell me that boys don't cry and all that stuff about emotion.
I cried this morning when I delivered my youngest little girl to the Army, tho. Three out of three of my girls are veterans or still actively involved with the military. I am a very proud father of these young ladies, but they all still think my heart is made of stone. 
February 25, 2008, 09:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Question
You're right Hobs, it's called the "John Wayne Syndrome"
IT's the way a generation or two of men were embedded with the idea that to be a good man, meant being a strong man, and a strong man doesn't show emotion, and if there's pyhsical pain, they don't run to a doctor, they bite the bullet, saddle up and ride on... John Wayme movie style.
February 25, 2008, 10:25 |