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Speed limits
I was reading a page from the CNN site this morning about the differences in speed limits in the US.
"Nationwide, maximum speeds range from 60 miles per hour in Hawaii to 75 in most of the West. Meanwhile, much of the eastern Midwest and the Northeast has opted for maximum speeds of 65 mph, although Michigan and Indiana chose the 70 mph standard more common to the South and the Great Plains states"
I read where a judge can decide to raise the speed limits in some areas where the lower speed limit is used solely for raising revenue for that town or community...in other words...it's a speed trap.
I think 70mph is the highest in Missouri. A rural but well traveled highway near me just recently went from 55 to 60.
A town about 30 miles away was a notorious speed trap about 20 years ago, there was a song written about it.
What's the highest speed limit where you live? Do you have any existing "speed trap" areas near you>
What goes on in other countries where some of the members live? Like England, Scotland, Australia, etc...what kind of speed limits do you have in your country?
February 24, 2008, 10:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 24, 2008, 10:43)I was reading a page from the CNN site this morning about the differences in speed limits in the US.
"Nationwide, maximum speeds range from 60 miles per hour in Hawaii to 75 in most of the West. Meanwhile, much of the eastern Midwest and the Northeast has opted for maximum speeds of 65 mph, although Michigan and Indiana chose the 70 mph standard more common to the South and the Great Plains states"
I read where a judge can decide to raise the speed limits in some areas where the lower speed limit is used solely for raising revenue for that town or community...in other words...it's a speed trap.
I think 70mph is the highest in Missouri. A rural but well traveled highway near me just recently went from 55 to 60.
A town about 30 miles away was a notorious speed trap about 20 years ago, there was a song written about it.
What's the highest speed limit where you live? Do you have any existing "speed trap" areas near you>
What goes on in other countries where some of the members live? Like England, Scotland, Australia, etc...what kind of speed limits do you have in your country?
The highest here is 70. There is a speed trap between Austin and San Antonio that is very well known.
February 24, 2008, 12:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
Here is it posted 25 in town 30 and 45 at the end of town and most of the highways are 60 and 70
February 24, 2008, 12:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
In SD, interstate highways are 75 and 2 lanes are 65. Of course since it's SD most people think they can stil drive 100 mph.
Many placs opt for lower speed limits soley for the revenue. This is the ONLY reason some states still have split speed limits for trucks. This in spit of safety dadta saying this is more unsafe than trucks going 70 mph.
February 24, 2008, 12:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
I live close to a main thoroughfare where the speed limit is 65. Once you get near town it turns to 50. The highest speed IN town is 30. The speed trap is the school zone... and there are plenty of idiots to catch in the morning, trust me!
February 25, 2008, 10:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
Check out what Virginia just did about speeding fines. I heard the minimum fne is now $1,000. I understand they actually advertised that it's only purpose was to raise revenue.
Speeders are not always the dangerous ones on the highway. There are times when the police are even more dangerous. Case in point: Just recently, I got caught in Virginia with a radar detector. That was the only reason the cop stopped me. But, to do it, he had to make a "U" turn on a busy interstate highway, traveled across three lanes of fairly heavy traffic, and stopped me on top of a bridge.
The fine for this very serious infraction: $30
Having been a cop myself at one time, it wasn't difficult to understand that this clown was just being an asshole. If they are that hard up and crazy in Virginia, I think I'll simply bypass the state and take my traveling dollars somewhere else. It'll be a whole lot safer...and cheaper!
February 25, 2008, 13:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Speed limits
QUOTE (Hobscotch @ February 25, 2008, 13:40)Check out what Virginia just did about speeding fines. I heard the minimum fne is now $1,000. I understand they actually advertised that it's only purpose was to raise revenue.
Speeders are not always the dangerous ones on the highway. There are times when the police are even more dangerous. Case in point: Just recently, I got caught in Virginia with a radar detector. That was the only reason the cop stopped me. But, to do it, he had to make a "U" turn on a busy interstate highway, traveled across three lanes of fairly heavy traffic, and stopped me on top of a bridge.
The fine for this very serious infraction: $30
Having been a cop myself at one time, it wasn't difficult to understand that this clown was just being an asshole. If they are that hard up and crazy in Virginia, I think I'll simply bypass the state and take my traveling dollars somewhere else. It'll be a whole lot safer...and cheaper!
This isn't the only thing in Virginia. A couple years ago, they made a law that made it illeagal to pass on the right on an interstate. the sole purpose was to fine trucks that pass slower traffic that's in the left and center lanes.
February 25, 2008, 16:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
the highest here in Mn that i know about are 65. but if you drive that speed, ya better watch out, you'll get passed like you were standing still. some days i feel like i'm in the indy 500...
February 25, 2008, 22:27 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Speed limits
I often hit 95 on the way to work... Oh, and the speed limits are 65.
But pretty much everyone drives that speed, so I don't have much of a choice if I like to keep my car looking pretty and whole...
February 25, 2008, 22:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
It's a 30 mph zone on my road, and we only have one cop in our tiny town, sometimes we have no cop at all....people turn the corner four blocks up and just gun it, by the time they reach my block they're doing 70 or better....somedays it's all I can do to NOT throw rocks at 'em as they race by.
I don't understand why some people thing going that fast is alright in a residential area full of children, pets, and people just wanting to walk out get their mail!
February 26, 2008, 08:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Speed limits
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 24, 2008, 10:43)I was reading a page from the CNN site this morning about the differences in speed limits in the US.
"Nationwide, maximum speeds range from 60 miles per hour in Hawaii to 75 in most of the West. Meanwhile, much of the eastern Midwest and the Northeast has opted for maximum speeds of 65 mph, although Michigan and Indiana chose the 70 mph standard more common to the South and the Great Plains states"
I read where a judge can decide to raise the speed limits in some areas where the lower speed limit is used solely for raising revenue for that town or community...in other words...it's a speed trap.
I think 70mph is the highest in Missouri. A rural but well traveled highway near me just recently went from 55 to 60.
A town about 30 miles away was a notorious speed trap about 20 years ago, there was a song written about it.
What's the highest speed limit where you live? Do you have any existing "speed trap" areas near you>
What goes on in other countries where some of the members live? Like England, Scotland, Australia, etc...what kind of speed limits do you have in your country?
As a matter of fact, just outside Boulder City near the Hoover Dam in Nevada, there is an area of town where the speed limit is 20 miles per hour. You have to pass through this area from Las Vegas to get to the dam. The speed limit is posted in plain sight. I've heard that the local police stop quite a few drivers and give them a ticket. You are commanded to pay the fine immediately. I don't know what the fines are.
Up here in New England, all 6 states have a 65 mph speed limit.
February 26, 2008, 09:15 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: Re: Speed limits
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 26, 2008, 08:03)It's a 30 mph zone on my road, and we only have one cop in our tiny town, sometimes we have no cop at all....people turn the corner four blocks up and just gun it, by the time they reach my block they're doing 70 or better....somedays it's all I can do to NOT throw rocks at 'em as they race by.
I don't understand why some people thing going that fast is alright in a residential area full of children, pets, and people just wanting to walk out get their mail!
The problem is they don't think! The attitude is don't tell me what to do. Post a speed limit..just means go 10mph faster. Their getting to the pizza shop or the hairdresser is more important than your child walking to school, Granma getting her mail or your dog. "I have to get there yesterday!!!! Come on get outa the way or I will run you over!!!!" In general---People don't care. I used to jog, ride a bike or just take walks in town or the country with my wife and our dog. I don't do it much anymore it's not fun anymore, have to watchout for the wife, the dog because most drivers and it isn't just young driver, don't pay attention and drive like they got sense.
February 27, 2008, 10:31 |
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Speed limits