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Covert computering
Do you share a computer or let others borrow yours?
Good Gawd! The software and programs available to people who wanna spy on people.
Key loggers I think are the oldest form of spying programs, they record every keystroke made on the key board.
Not only are there are programs to reveal all your Windows login passwords, but some designed to reveal any passwords to any instant messengers, any password used on websites.
Saved passwords that show up as ******, so easy....a tiny little program will show 'em.
Programs that reveal any and all email accounts. This one along with a password reveal program and nuttin' is a secret.
"Invisible" Spy programs that will allow someone who installs them to see everything you do on your computer remotely from another computer!
Amd yes, we did talk about it before, someone can without you knowing, record your webcam sessions. Phone calls too can be recorded and saved to someone's computer.
February 16, 2008, 09:13 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Covert computering
Which is why I reprogrammed the windows password system and got a biometric fingerprint reader that requires a biostatic field to activate (a living finger actually has to touch it, no ways to trick it). All of my passwords are an encrypted word using an encrypted system that I've designed that is virtually impossible to break, and if I could, I would reprogram them all to match the level of security of my windows password system, which changes the password at varying intervals, based on the encryption system I designed.
Its such a high level of security that no one I know can break it, and if I screw things up, I won't be able to break it. I know of only three hackers on the internet that can break it, and they would only do it if I challenged them, which I never will.
And no, I will not distribute this system, that gives it an increased risk of being broken. Anyone with access to a system with this system can look at the files and figure out a way to bypass it eventually.
February 16, 2008, 10:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Covert computering
I first got XP when it was new, withing several months I had me a remote hacker!
Everyone around me thought I was a tweaking nut job! I kept trying to explain to my husband that someone else is using my computer, he kept insisting that I was doing something wrong, but I could not only see it, see all the bootleg software programs he was using my computer for, I could actually talk to him one on one, all I had to do is type something anywhere, change a file name with a remark, type something in notebook as a new file and he could respond to me...geez, me and him went head to head, toe to toe for about a month.
My husband? Our computers are networked, he finally became convinced I wasn't on drugs, crazy or lying when the hacker starting messin' with him, and I mean messin' with him bad, flipping things to their mirror image, tilting his desktop. Even then it did take a little while for him to finally accept the fact that someone else had taken complete control over our little home computers.
You think hackers are out there for the big stuff, personal information, bank account and credit card numbers...but most of the time, they will target the humble home computer for things like my hacker needed.
He needed to relay bootleg programs so they can't be traced back to him. They will also route stolen personal info and account info through your computer, they may be doing it right now and ya just don't know it!
February 16, 2008, 10:48 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Covert computering
Yea, that's a simple trick to hack into other more dangerous systems without it getting traced back to you, but when you use a system for that purpose, you don't mess with the people that won it so they have no idea what you're doing. I prefer just masking my IP through port tunneling techniques, but the only reason why I do that now is just to make the trace take longer before they can stop me. With the way our society is now, all a hacker needs to keep from getting caught is a laptop computer, as wireless access is available almost everywhere.
Its only the stupid ones that get caught. And I fear the ones that try messing with my system. What I described so far isn't the only part of my security system...
I can't wait to get a new laptop.
February 16, 2008, 11:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Covert computering
The last time I saw anything of my hacker, he was using a laptop in London...I know that cuz he was getting a little careless there towards the end!
I was so happy to be rid of him, but have to admit, I missed him a little too, hey...we spent allot of time together and he knew me very well having access to all my files including any naked nudie photos I had stored on my PC and I got to know a little more about him too, especially his sense of humor that he used frequently during our battles. Maybe that's why he got a little careless because he became a little personal?
February 16, 2008, 11:12 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Covert computering
He was probably just a newbie hacker, and just did it to mess with people, as is the normal case. Although, he may have tried bringing his skills to the next level and got nabbed. The laptop doesn't protect you completely, it just makes things more difficult.
February 16, 2008, 11:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Covert computering
He was running cabinet files of every operating system known and allot of really pricey software through my computer...but he did accidently leave behind a tidbit of info once, he came back for it, but I had the chance to read it.
February 16, 2008, 11:24 |