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Noob help....
I'll start this thread now,(it's not just for Noobs really) probably have to get back to it when I can and anyone who can also give some input, that would be great...and anyone who may want to ask a question or ask for an opinion ....that's great too!
I'm gonnna start off with those that are looking for online cybersex and chat....
If you just send out messages with your yahoo ID or a "come see me in Red Room now"....I dunno if your gonna get the kind of results you want. The best thing to do is while you are online, open a separate browser window to log into the red room with. You can still browse who's online, check out profiles, send notes and frequently check back to your red room browser to see if anyone has popped in.
Why this way? Cuz we do have "regulars" that frequent the chatrooms and this is the best way to learn who they are!
And...if they see you in the red room, they will most likely check your profile and come on in to see you and the whole experience is mutual then.
Just messaging people won't work as well because....there are people who like the red room and people that don't and the best way to hook up with the people that do is to just go there.
Doodes, just sending your yahoo id out in messages to women you've never talked to before probably won't work out too well...you have no idea how many of yahoo id messages these women get in a day's time...it's just not enough to get their attention.
January 14, 2008, 15:48 |
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Re: Noob help....
Since adult personal site usually means men out numbering women by quite a bit, I am kinda aiming this whole thing at the men members here...
I can just imagine how it must be for the guys...they see naked nudie pics on a profile of a woman with a sexy dirty nickname like "sloppywetpussyluvspenis" ...they read her text and all she has to say is how much she likes dicks or how she likes to get off on her webcam...so you write and nothing happens, write again...and nuttin' again...that's gotta be frustrating as hell!
So...if any guys here have a pretty good sucess rate with at least getting a reply...please do share what works for you!
January 14, 2008, 18:34 |
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Re: Noob help....
I'm not going to say I have a huge success rate or anything, I suppose it's about 50/50 for getting a reply, with the non-repliers a mix of unintersted ladies and people who have moved on from the site...
I find that most women are swamped by guys who ignorantly launch straight in with a line like " Nice Tits , or "Wanna Cam" so you'll improve your chances dramatically by saying something polite like "Hello" 
As a non VIP I've met most people through the chatroom where I just talk random nonsense until I find I'm getting on pretty well with somebody, then I'd express in interest at keeping in touch by swapping email addresses or instant messenger handles
Of course the usual rules apply for giving out personal details... I HAVE given out my phone number in the past and lived to regret it :p
But as a rule, just be nice. I find it shocking the number of women who've thought I was a pretty nice guy just because I didn't demand photos, cyber sex or webcams like there was no tomorrow.
And to the guys who think that works - Keep it up! You make us normal guys look good!
January 14, 2008, 18:47 |
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Re: Noob help....
Hey Hap, I just luv your common sense as much as I luv your random nonesense...you made allot of good points with your post.
Let's bust a few myths...
MYTH..every woman on an adult personals site wants cybersex with all inquiring strangers.
MYTH...the only thing worth looking at on a womans profile are the pictures.
I know some profiles may send mixed signals, the profile may be really hot and the photos spread eagle, but take time to read the text, if she states a certain age group preference that you don't fall into, if she clearly says she's looking for a bi-female (her ad may even state NO MEN) don't annoy her with your manly mail. If she writes she DOES NOT CAM or she states she is looking for a long term relationship , don't waste your time and hers by asking her to come on over to yahoo and masturbate with you.
...and...like Hap said...I'll be blunt here...the dirtiest horny little cum sluts on here deserve respect! Try starting with at least an "hello, how are you doing" or somethin' like that...
January 14, 2008, 20:55 |
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Re: Noob help....
Yes, my profile clearly states I don't do the cyber thing and that I'm just a flirt but some of the things I've seen in my mailbox...jeez...
I'd much more likely strike up a conversation with a guy being nice and chatty than some guy that basically says "wanna fuck online."
And Hap may "spout" nonsense but we love his nonsense!
January 14, 2008, 21:45 |
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Re: Noob help....
I have known a few women that chose a really dirty nickname and paired that up with some really up close in your face all spread out photos...and then would get a little peeved when they started reading their mail declaring that all the message they got were just crude and rude.
So yep...can't entirely blame the guys, they do get some mixed signals now and then.
It all should be so simple...we write out our profiles to reflect who we are and what we are looking for, and those that view them should take the time to really read them.
Oh..I guess it's just a big ole jumbled up mess of a world.
January 15, 2008, 00:16 |
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