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Bed sharing
Sharing a bed doesn't work too well in my house.
Husband likes to crank up the heat, pile on a whole bunch of blankets....I like a sight chill in the air so it feels good to curl up and hunker down under a single blanket.
I'm always trying to keep his extra layers of blankets off my side of the bed, the sheer weight of 'em makes me feel trapped!
He likes to spread out, stretch out, even go diagonal across the bed to sleep, I just want my small half to curl up in, constantly have to tell him to "move it...I'm hanging off the edge over here!"
He likes to fall asleep to a movie...I can't do that cuz just when I'm dozing off, a gun battle, or screaming, or bombs or something start happening in the movie...I prefer to fall asleep to documentaries...ahhh...it's almost hypnotic listening to just once soothing voice talk on and on about one subject.
Should I even mention snoring, twitchy leg, and arm flailing?
He works nights, so while he's working and I have the bed to myself, it's heaven....on his nights off....I sleep on the couch allot.
How well do you share a bed when it comes to getting some serious sleep?
January 6, 2008, 07:59 |
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Re: Bed sharing
My wife and I have a king size bed and neither of us wanders to the other side unless it's shimmy-sham time!! I've been married what.....310..er..31 years and not once have I gotten slapped or punched (in bed at least) in all those years !!
January 6, 2008, 08:50 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Bed sharing
since i have only shared a bed once since 1989, i am probably the wrong guy to comment,but, i KNOW that i snore. nuf said ???
January 6, 2008, 11:53 |
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Re: Bed sharing
Sharing a bed in my house has a whole different conotation. Not only does the husband snore but there are two Boston Terrors that take up residency in the bed after I've drifted off...two small children that find their way into our bed from time to time and my five year old sleeps like Chazzy's husband without all the covers.
I sleep with alot of pillows. Two under my head, two under my knees (the old back feels better that way), one under my feet and one under each arm. I'm not certain if it is self defense from the child that has been known to connect his heel with the side of my face in the middle of the night or if I just like to feel cozy.
My husband...sleeps on the couch alot...he falls asleep watching TV on a regular basis.
I like to sleep with one blanket, two makes me feel twisted and bound up. We've never been good at sharing covers so we each have our own. Most of the time I like the fan moving the air around. I love a little chill in the air so I can snuggle under my one blankie...oh, and "squishy" is the name of my favorite pillow to put my head on at night. And yes, I did sleep with a teddy bear when I was a little girl until...well...for a very long time...
January 7, 2008, 22:04 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Bed sharing
I miss sharing my bed with someone who doesn't kick and suck his thumb. My young son still has nightmares so he comes to mommy to feel safe.
When I used to have someone it was wonderful and I never slept so completely and safe. Who knows, I may have that again some day if my cats are willing to make room.
January 8, 2008, 04:24 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Bed sharing
I absolutely love the nights when I get the bed to myself. Then it doesn't matter if I wake up with my head in the right hand corner and my feet in the opposite left, OR... totally upside down - which has been known to happen, lol! I should set the video and see just exactly what I get up to in my sleep!
January 8, 2008, 09:40 |
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Re: Re: Bed sharing
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ January 8, 2008, 09:40)I absolutely love the nights when I get the bed to myself. Then it doesn't matter if I wake up with my head in the right hand corner and my feet in the opposite left, OR... totally upside down - which has been known to happen, lol! I should set the video and see just exactly what I get up to in my sleep!
Oh, so now I know how my little one will turn out...LOL...definately could be worse!!! LOL...love ya Lib!
January 8, 2008, 10:48 |
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Re: Bed sharing
works out ok for me...i'm hot, naturally...and the wife is cold...so that helps..but, for pure sleeping comfort..i like the comfort of one layer of covers on me but only the middle of the body. usually lay on my side so one foot out of the covers...ceiling fan on is a must!!
the nights where i have had the bed to myself...is the best!! i angle across the bed from the upper right corner to the lower left corner..sometimes allow the dogs to jump up and snuggle next to me..if the wife isn't home and is traveling. (the dogs and I keep that a secret!)
January 9, 2008, 10:17 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Re: Bed sharing
QUOTE (TropiFun @ January 9, 2008, 10:17)works out ok for me...i'm hot, naturally...and the wife is cold...so that helps..but, for pure sleeping comfort..i like the comfort of one layer of covers on me but only the middle of the body. usually lay on my side so one foot out of the covers...ceiling fan on is a must!!
the nights where i have had the bed to myself...is the best!! i angle across the bed from the upper right corner to the lower left corner..sometimes allow the dogs to jump up and snuggle next to me..if the wife isn't home and is traveling. (the dogs and I keep that a secret!)
Yeah Trop, Thats mine and my little dogs secret too.....I even let her use his pillow, then just turn it back over...lol!
January 9, 2008, 12:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Bed sharing
I've even thought to myself about twin beds! I don't think it would adversely hurt the relationship or the sex.
I would get more sound sleep and generally be in a better perkier mood, and hell...as far as the sex goes, a twin bed is just as good, or the floor, or kitchen table, etc....
January 9, 2008, 13:06 |
54 / male XHAGIRA, Malta
Re: Bed sharing
for instance I thought you were speking about me ,because thats what my wife complaints about, all the nights.By the way ,if you sleeep with tv:that does not help ! your brain keeps awake for what sounds is hearing ,you wont get the deep sleep.
January 9, 2008, 18:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Bed sharing
QUOTE (XATAR @ January 9, 2008, 18:04)
...By the way ,if you sleeep with tv:that does not help ! your brain keeps awake for what sounds is hearing ,you wont get the deep sleep....
I do agree with you on that, I use the timer on both of our TV's when I'm falling asleep...I set it for about an hour, then it shuts off when I'm fast asleep.
January 9, 2008, 18:15 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Re: Bed sharing
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ January 8, 2008, 09:40)I absolutely love the nights when I get the bed to myself. Then it doesn't matter if I wake up with my head in the right hand corner and my feet in the opposite left, OR... totally upside down - which has been known to happen, lol! I should set the video and see just exactly what I get up to in my sleep!
LOL, for some reason that visual seems to suit you to a T. I can just see it now
I curl up in the fetal position and don't move unless of course there is someone else there but then back to the fetal position in my lil corner, one blanket or sheet. Nothing like the cool air to make you feel cozy and warm. Oh and the feel of the cool other side of the pillow. God, i think I'll go to bed
January 9, 2008, 18:43 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Bed sharing
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 9, 2008, 13:06)I've even thought to myself about twin beds! I don't think it would adversely hurt the relationship or the sex.
I would get more sound sleep and generally be in a better perkier mood, and hell...as far as the sex goes, a twin bed is just as good, or the floor, or kitchen table, etc.... ... or against the door, the counter.
So many places so little tiime.
January 9, 2008, 21:08 |
80 / male phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Bed sharing
QUOTE (40something @ January 8, 2008, 04:24)I miss sharing my bed with someone who doesn't kick and suck his thumb. My young son still has nightmares so he comes to mommy to feel safe.
When I used to have someone it was wonderful and I never slept so completely and safe. Who knows, I may have that again some day if my cats are willing to make room.
I am not that far from you and my cat can meet your cats and they can protect us both ---lol.
January 10, 2008, 01:22 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Bed sharing
We do pretty well. I do leave the TV on all night. Helps with the ringing in my ears. We have a queen sized bed, which at time is still not large enough. I like it warm, as my feet will freeze at the slightest hint of coolness. Sleep mostly on my left side, but at times with 3 cats claiming part of the bed, it makes it hard to change positions. Something on me has to touch Ma. Whether it be my foot on her leg, my ass against hers, or my hand on her hip, side or what ever else it comes into contact with. I have one cat that sleeps around my head, another one that sleeps by my side, and when the third one is there, she sleeps between my legs. I only snore when I'm totally exhausted. I don't flail about, most of the time. But I did give Ma a good elbow in the nose one night. Ma thought I broke it, and damn good thing I was asleep, or I'd be a hurting unit. I guess I was practicing how to be Bruce Lee or something.
January 10, 2008, 10:02 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Bed sharing
We have a queen sized bed at the moment, at any time during the night, only one half of it is in se...my side for fun time, and his side for sleeping. We sleep wrapped around each other, normally me around him to start, then later on we turn the other way. I can't sleep in our bed alone, so if he has to go out, I sleep on the couch till he gets home. I like one heavy quilt and one sheet, though I've been known to pile on two or three, lol!
January 10, 2008, 17:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Bed sharing
i wouldn't know how to share a bed after all these years.oh i guess my grandson crawls in with me alot
January 12, 2008, 20:59 |