76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Should we feel honored
Just curious, wondering abouth thoughts on this , male and female.
There are women here who will just send unrequested nude photos.
Do they feel that we men should feel honored that they sent them to us. I mean naked pics are a dime a dozen.If I wanted to see them I would ask
Or is it just their insecurity that makes them send them. If someone isn't paying attention, they feel it's a challenge
LADIES, do you have the same experience with men sending them to you
December 3, 2007, 10:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Should we feel honored
If they send them,I will look!LOL,not that any have been sent to me.But I would rather see them in person!
December 3, 2007, 15:09 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Should we feel honored
Have had quite a few sent to us, unrequested. We dont request naked pics as we like to get to know the person first. Some I dont even bother to look at, as you say naked pics are so easy to get.
Its a shame when these individuals feel that naked pics are the only way they can get attention, when in actual fact if they chatted first, something in their personality would grab your attention and you would pursue the friendship for more interesting reasons.
December 3, 2007, 16:43 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Should we feel honored
We've gotten a few pictures that were not requested, but that's not the norm. I have never sent any nude photo's, like why, if you want those types of pictures, look in our photo album here. Now if the person had no photo at all, that maybe a different story.
December 3, 2007, 18:00 |