57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Ladies,help a fella out here.Let me ask you all-is there a certain signal that a complete stranger can give to let you know he's interested in hooking up with you?Or is that totally off base?On a similar track,what kind of signals do you send (if any) to a guy to let him know you want to get to know him "better"?Just curious if I've been doing things wrong,or missing something.I know there are folks that hook up all over the place and have never had this experience-I think it would be so totally hot to have that happen;to see someone and think "I have to have her" and not be able to get that across without just walking up and saying "Let's F***!"So give a guy some insight,willya??
November 2, 2004, 07:54 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Well, I'm not a ladiy, but in my experience most women are very subtle about what they want.
If a lady wants to go someplace then she will be happy to take you there. The key is to let her lead, in the way she wants to.
One of the few one nighters I had was a first meeting with a women in another city, about 1.5 hours drive away. We talked for awhile and she suggested that I not drive home because of the hour. I asked her where would I crash and she said "Well, I won't make you sleep on the couch". I knew for sure what she had in mind when she came to bed naked (I guess I can be a little dense at times, I don't ever want to assume the wrong thing about THAT).
I've never had a woman overtly tell me what she wants. Thats one of the mysteries of the female sex - vive la difference'!
November 2, 2004, 09:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
my thoughts on this are men are blind....
i mean at least me, ladies,dont be subtle or i wont even notice... hell i might even miss obvious... but come up and say "hi sweetie, wanna have some fun?" and i might get a clue.... as far as what the ladies pick up on? again i'm clueless. 
November 2, 2004, 16:08 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
I am normally the kinda woman to tell a man when I want something. If I am interested I will ask him if he wants to fuck ! I have also been very shy about it. Learn to read a womans body and you will know it all
November 2, 2004, 16:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (Tease @ November 2, 2004, 16:12)....Learn to read a womans body and you will know it all 
what you think i been doing since age 3? the damn rules seem to change by the hour!!
November 2, 2004, 16:14 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Naw...You just havent learned yet Like you said before someone could ask you to fuck and thats the ONLY way you will get they want you
November 2, 2004, 16:15 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
they make up the rules as they go along , we will never figure out the rules, they dont even know the rules , ahead oh time
November 2, 2004, 16:17 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
I have no rules...Just expectations...Hate to be compared to all the other women...Specially when Im not like them
November 2, 2004, 16:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (Tease @ November 2, 2004, 16:18) I have no rules...Just expectations...Hate to be compared to all the other women...Specially when Im not like them 
thats what you all say... each has their very own rule book yet to be written... and revised with out notice or justifications....
now guys all go by one book...
1. We do stupid shit.
2. We like to see something naked.
3. We want a beer.
4. (well i cant give them all out)
November 2, 2004, 16:23 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ November 2, 2004, 16:23) QUOTE (Tease @ November 2, 2004, 16:18) I have no rules...Just expectations...Hate to be compared to all the other women...Specially when Im not like them 
thats what you all say... each has their very own rule book yet to be written... and revised with out notice or justifications....
now guys all go by one book...
1. We do stupid shit.
2. We like to see something naked.
3. We want a beer.
4. (well i cant give them all out) 
Im not part of that all....most people who talk to me in private for a long amount of time know Im like nobody else...
November 2, 2004, 16:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ November 2, 2004, 16:23) QUOTE (Tease @ November 2, 2004, 16:18) I have no rules...Just expectations...Hate to be compared to all the other women...Specially when Im not like them 
thats what you all say... each has their very own rule book yet to be written... and revised with out notice or justifications....
now guys all go by one book...
1. We do stupid shit.
2. We like to see something naked.
3. We want a beer.
4. (well i cant give them all out) 
4. (well i cant give them all out)
means....if we can't meet Ms. Right, we at least wanna met Ms. gimme-me-head-in-the-parking-lot ???
November 2, 2004, 23:24 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
LMAO...Good question Chazzy
November 3, 2004, 05:35 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
And where can I find this miss-give-me-head-in-the-parking-lot anyways??I'm not looking for miss right,just miss right now,LMAO!
November 3, 2004, 07:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Ms.Gimme-head-in-the-parking-lot can be any woman who's alter nymphomaniac personality surfaces after a specific level of drunkedness is reached, this precise level of drunkedness is crucial. If she falls below the mark, her moral conscience might start popping up at a very inopportune moments, leaving you extremely frustrated, go over the mark and your stuck with Ms. Puking-all-over-your-truck-interior-while-her-hand-is-stuck- down-your-pants........
November 3, 2004, 07:48 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Hey,but at least her hand is down my pants.... but seriously,my goal in life is bringing that alter nympho personality out in every woman I can,ergo the initial question.But this is getting fun too,no?
November 3, 2004, 10:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
You are so right in saying "...bringing that alter nympho personality out in every woman..." We (women) all have it, some can wear it confidently, but so many need the barriers broken down, barriers from things like daily stress that just doesn't allow us to focus on this part of us, or from the conflict of believing we must be the good girl who's ultimate gift must be earned, and a person with a pragmatic mind that knows sex is a physicaly gratifying biological act, the confusion of maintaining a good reputation that served no purpose except for making us think we we're somehow "better" than the easy slut girls, curiously, making us feel inferior and incomplete from denying ourselves to be a normal, sexual being with healthy minds, libidos, and biological needs. Since men are largely responsible for the double standards that cause our mother's and grandmother's to pass on ideas that respectable women don't like sex , men only want and marry respectable women and and the whores who like sex , aren't good enough for men to marry. So, maybe it's not that women are deliberatly playing head games with men, or purposely sending mixed siginals, maybe sometimes we're just so fucking confused, we can't help but be a source of confusion for men. ( Or, this all could just be the irrational babblings of a Southern Baptist raised woman,) Anyway, you all keep trying to bring out the nympho in us, and we women will keep on trying to push the nympho in us out to the surface.
November 3, 2004, 11:59 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
My nympho is always out waiting for someone to offer
November 3, 2004, 16:13 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
my offer is always out , waiting for a nympho
November 3, 2004, 16:18 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
You copying me goof ball?
November 3, 2004, 16:19 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Tease...glad to see someone with her nympho hanging out for all to see....it's good on you!!
Chazzy,you once again are right on the ball with your observations.I myself would like to be a part of the revolution that makes it ok for the "lady in the kitchen, slut in the bedroom" mentality to come to the mainstream.But there are so many factors involved as you point out that it make take a while for women to have a high sex drive to be accepted across the board.Perosnally,though many men might feel threatened by it,hence the perpetuation of the double standard,I myself find it sexy as hell when a woman knows what she wants and makes sure she gets it.I just want to be there to help her get it,know-whatta-mean??
November 4, 2004, 12:03 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Thank you!
I do have to say Im not by all means a slut ! Im the kinda girl you can bring home to momma...lol..But I know what I want when I want and HOW much I want! Alot of men..The ones I have dated anyway are very threatened by the fact that I REALLY enjoy sex ..Like 4 to 6 times a day! Im open to having a third person..Some men like it in the begining but dont continue to enjoy. Afraid of what I dunno You men make it so hard to enjoy sex sometimes
November 4, 2004, 12:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
or maybe it is as I read in an interview of Larry Flynt hustler magazine kingpin in defense of accusations against him of exploiting women it is in fact womens cunning tactic of withholding sex from men that has made him a very rich man if women were satisfing guys the pornography business would be circling the drain .
November 4, 2004, 15:07 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
I think with holding sex is the worst thing a woman can do. A man will be a man and seek it elsewhere...And with or without sex many times a day I still would buy all the toys and movies! I a year spend more on toys for myself then for my kids!
November 4, 2004, 17:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Withholding sex, as leverage, is just stupid. It's like "cutting off your nose to spite your face".
December 12, 2004, 08:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
oh, but using sex to get your own way is just practical. "no sex until you wash the dishes," "You walk the dog and I'll make it worth your while!" "i'll blow you if you run to the store for my tampons"
see.. practical!
December 13, 2004, 14:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (kbateman @ December 13, 2004, 14:38)oh, but using sex to get your own way is just practical. "no sex until you wash the dishes," "You walk the dog and I'll make it worth your while!" "i'll blow you if you run to the store for my tampons"
see.. practical!
thats not withholding sex... thats rewarding good deeds. and do you need any dishes washed??
December 13, 2004, 16:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
oh.. if you would just show up here. the list of tasks would be so long it might require months, even years to reward all of your labors.
December 13, 2004, 16:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (kbateman @ December 13, 2004, 16:21)oh.. if you would just show up here. the list of tasks would be so long it might require months, even years to reward all of your labors. 
well isn't that a to do list to kill for!
December 13, 2004, 16:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
well if the work didn't kill you.. the reward just might...
one nice candlelight dinner... venison backstrap cooked to perfection with butter, onion and a hint of garlic. Cut and Carved Baked Potato with spices. Peas, and carrots cooked in melted butter. Spiced Hot Apple Cider. Homebaked apple cobbler and Maple Candies for dessert. All served by me, wearing only my tiniest apron and Highest heels....
want to do a little work BCB?
December 15, 2004, 05:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
A guy knows when I'm interested. I give the look and grab em!
January 7, 2005, 23:06 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (Chazzy @ November 3, 2004, 11:59)You are so right in saying "...bringing that alter nympho personality out in every woman..." We (women) all have it, some can wear it confidently, but so many need the barriers broken down, barriers from things like daily stress that just doesn't allow us to focus on this part of us, or from the conflict of believing we must be the good girl who's ultimate gift must be earned, and a person with a pragmatic mind that knows sex is a physicaly gratifying biological act, the confusion of maintaining a good reputation that served no purpose except for making us think we we're somehow "better" than the easy slut girls, curiously, making us feel inferior and incomplete from denying ourselves to be a normal, sexual being with healthy minds, libidos, and biological needs. Since men are largely responsible for the double standards that cause our mother's and grandmother's to pass on ideas that respectable women don't like sex , men only want and marry respectable women and and the whores who like sex , aren't good enough for men to marry. So, maybe it's not that women are deliberatly playing head games with men, or purposely sending mixed siginals, maybe sometimes we're just so fucking confused, we can't help but be a source of confusion for men. ( Or, this all could just be the irrational babblings of a Southern Baptist raised woman,) Anyway, you all keep trying to bring out the nympho in us, and we women will keep on trying to push the nympho in us out to the surface.
I agree with everything you've just said Chazzy, except for one little point: "Since Men Are Largely Responsible". Thats BS. Like the price of fine wine, the price stays high if the availablity remains as low as possible. Simple supply and demand economics.
So, who's interests are served? Oh, and the role of the church in these matters wasn't to serve men, it was to protect women. Where else can a woman get complete financial suppoirt for her and her kids in exchange for regular sexual favors? Women were protected and society served as a whole because men didn't fight over women.
January 8, 2005, 06:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (ceturner28 @ January 7, 2005, 23:06)A guy knows when I'm interested. I give the look and grab em!
Be carefull when grabbing, you might grab the guy your mother warned you about
January 8, 2005, 11:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (backfromaustintx @ January 8, 2005, 06:40) QUOTE (Chazzy @ November 3, 2004, 11:59)You are so right in saying "...bringing that alter nympho personality out in every woman..." We (women) all have it, some can wear it confidently, but so many need the barriers broken down, barriers from things like daily stress that just doesn't allow us to focus on this part of us, or from the conflict of believing we must be the good girl who's ultimate gift must be earned, and a person with a pragmatic mind that knows sex is a physicaly gratifying biological act, the confusion of maintaining a good reputation that served no purpose except for making us think we we're somehow "better" than the easy slut girls, curiously, making us feel inferior and incomplete from denying ourselves to be a normal, sexual being with healthy minds, libidos, and biological needs. Since men are largely responsible for the double standards that cause our mother's and grandmother's to pass on ideas that respectable women don't like sex , men only want and marry respectable women and and the whores who like sex , aren't good enough for men to marry. So, maybe it's not that women are deliberatly playing head games with men, or purposely sending mixed siginals, maybe sometimes we're just so fucking confused, we can't help but be a source of confusion for men. ( Or, this all could just be the irrational babblings of a Southern Baptist raised woman,) Anyway, you all keep trying to bring out the nympho in us, and we women will keep on trying to push the nympho in us out to the surface.
I agree with everything you've just said Chazzy, except for one little point: "Since Men Are Largely Responsible". Thats BS. Like the price of fine wine, the price stays high if the availablity remains as low as possible. Simple supply and demand economics.
So, who's interests are served? Oh, and the role of the church in these matters wasn't to serve men, it was to protect women. Where else can a woman get complete financial suppoirt for her and her kids in exchange for regular sexual favors? Women were protected and society served as a whole because men didn't fight over women.
This could be a most interesting debate !I hope this thread continues in that direction.
Yes, I largely blame men for our double standards. Anyone not aware of the work and life of Margaret Sanger and her husband should do a google search. Extrodinary couple, but they suffered for their cause, and their cause was to bring contraceptive methods to the married woman , who was forced to bear child after child till they died far too young, or deny their husbands, and themselves sex,to prevent pregnancy. Husbands denied sex at home, sought for it with the local prositutes, and indulged themselves in oral and other sexual variations that they did not felt appropriate for their wives, the mother of their children, to do. (You know it's true, any woman who could have just given a blow job instead of chancing an 6th, 7th or 8th pregnancy, would have dropped to her knees in a second) Margaret Sanger was even imprisioned for trying to bring reliable contraceptive methods to the married women , and even encouraged them to enjoy sex . She fought against, and was even imprisoned by men! Politicians, bueauracrats, religious leaders, government office holders, the majority at that time were men,a very, very large majority.
January 8, 2005, 17:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
unfortunitly dbl standards are the basis of most countries, Its just to bad that most couragous people cant separate the difference from doing good or loosing their lives or their freedom, after all being such head strong egotistical people to start with, then to sacrifice everything, does not help their cause one bit. Especialy when the people you are fighting know exactly whats going on and are laughing at you.
January 8, 2005, 18:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Excellent points made, hothands ! (I love a good debate that leans towards the liveler, rowdy side!) I must admit that Sanger could not have follwed through with her contraceptive campaign, without her husband, and without other men (God bless 'em) who had the open mind to listen to a woman. I'm not a total raving feminist, I believe that allot must change in our society and government on the issues of father's rights.
January 8, 2005, 19:43 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Chazzy... I could go on for hours when it comes to subjects like this. Ones about male-female differences and relationships.
Something that usually gets me is this whole blame men trend. It is the ultimate in ignorance to blame men for the problems that women have faced. In fact, I will know that women have achieved true equality when they truly understand history and accept that men played no lessor nor greater role than their own.
We always seem to make the same mistake: We assume that women then were like women today, and then complain that their living conditions and freedoms were substandard.
Women 100 years ago were for the most part (in terms of numbers) uneducated and ignorant of the workings of the world. Men made the world and women didn't participate in it, nor were they educated or otherwise prepared for it. So, when a women expressed an opinion it was recognized as ignorant by their men. Of course, as the saying goes "You don't know what you don't know", women would be offended that their opinions were not taken seriously - very much like a child would.
Now how did we get to the point where women had a lesser involved role in the world than men did? Thats an easy question to answer: Women had children.
When a women had a child it takes pretty much all of her time and effort to raise that child up to a couple of years of age.
From this one simple and pervasive fact comes the seed of all of the differences that exist between the sexes today.
Women became gatherers while men became hunters. Women worked the gardens on the farm while men tilled the soil. Women preferred to do those things that allowed a child to hang on to her and for her to suckle it as needed.
Men could spend blocks of time away from the home simply because they didn't have kids hanging on to them. So, as society progressed, men were free to do so, while women were not.
Now, please don't blame men for women being saddled with children. Thats nature, not oppression. Women want children and will have then in the middle of a war or famine if need be.
We also forget that women were just as active in keeping their girls uneducated as the men were. Women didn't want family resources spent on educating a girl, when she would be married and a dowry paid. Educating boys on the other hand meant that someone would support her in her old age. Keep in mind that women have always lived longer than men have.
The problem that women face today or have faced in the past are ALL the result of what was normal, accepted, and natural. Nothing to do with evil men at all.
Why have things changed? Again an easy question to answer. Because, due to sanitation, public health care, and the benifits of the industrial age that mankind created out of his own ingenuity and sweat, women can now do more.
Most babies now survive to adulthood, meaning that a women doesn't need to have 8-12 children anymore. Families were large because many kids would die in the first year, and because "Many hands makes light work", which is very important in an agrarian society.
We have refrigeration, allowing a women to feed her kids from milk bottles, etc. Ovens, vacuum cleaners, LAUNDRY MACHINES! Did you know that most girls were pulled out of school 2-3 days a week to help mom with the laundry? Thats how long it took to do it!
Women now have the time to follow their men out into the world. And I, for one, welcome them.
The only thing I can't stand is whinny females complaining about the facts of life. Women historically have depended on men for everything they needed, yet understood nothing of the ways of the physical world. So, they whine and complain, which has been a fairly succesful strategy for a dependant.
We have seen the maturing of women over that past 6 decades. But much more is needed.
Instead of women blaming men and hating them for "oppressing" them (LOL!!!), they should THANK men for bringing our society to the point we are now at, which has allowed women the opportunity to realize their own potential. Can we all say "Thank You Men!". AMEN.
Do you think women have fully arrived yet? I don't. Women are still more likely than men to believe in angels, ghosts, psychic healers, voodo medicines, and that THE WORLD SHOULD BE AN IDEALIZED PLACE, instead of what it actually is!
Men are shallow in that they look at the surface beauty of a women, and not as much as what's inside. Women are the same in that they usually have no idea what's inside a device or most anything else. How many women do you know understand the basics of a 4-cycle engine? Hence they vote for a man that sounds and looks good instead of for his policies and ideas, etc.
One day, men and women will have similar understanding and experience with the realities of the world - and we will all be the better for it.
Just look at the women on WebNaughty! Intelligent, beautiful, fully realized women. Gawd, we love you!
January 9, 2005, 06:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
too many presumptions, not enough facts and to much opinion.
but interesting nonetheless...
January 9, 2005, 16:05 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (kbateman @ January 9, 2005, 16:05)too many presumptions, not enough facts and to much opinion.
but interesting nonetheless...
Yes, lots of opinion, but all based on facts. I just don't have time to write a book referencing all of the articles, documentaries, and science shows that discuss the history.
If you want to know more, then I suggest reading anything by desmond morris, dr. jonathan miller, and any 'popularized' book on socio-biology.
Because this is a topic of interest of mine I have paid attention for years (decades) to the information. Everything from nature vs. nurture, the biological differences between the brains of men and women, the actual experiences of women from the agrarian era, etc.
I couldn't possibly recount everything I've absorbed over the years, and then draw the lines between those elements that have led me to my point of view. However, I would like to summarize, if I may:
1) Men and Women are different. Phsically and mentally.
2) Men and Women have undergone parallel but different evolutionary paths, leading to these differences.
3) Men and Women have different mental gifts and see the world differently. Men are more logical, are better at orienting themselves in space, etc. Women are much better at doing more than one thing at the same time, etc.
4) Women nurture their kids and their families. Men also nurture by protecting, guiding, and providing for their families. So why do we think of women as nurturers and not men?
5) Men and Women are no better and no worse than each other. Women cheat on their mates as much as men do. Men manipulate as much as Women do. We each do what we can to survive and get what we want.
Now, this is reality, whether people want to accept it or not.
Ladies in general: Don't blame me for your shortcomings. If you want something you have to earn it, not stamp your feet and demand it.
Reality is: You will deserve something the moment you have it, because you were able to get it by earning it or convincing others to provide it. Not one moment before.
January 9, 2005, 17:15 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 8, 2005, 19:43)Excellent points made, hothands ! (I love a good debate that leans towards the liveler, rowdy side!) I must admit that Sanger could not have follwed through with her contraceptive campaign, without her husband, and without other men (God bless 'em) who had the open mind to listen to a woman. I'm not a total raving feminist, I believe that allot must change in our society and government on the issues of father's rights. Was this livlier and rowdy enough for you Chazzy!
January 9, 2005, 17:17 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
I hope everyone understands that this is argument, not fighting, and while I strongly believe in what I've been saying here, I am not trying to force it down anyone's throat.
All in all, I just want men and women to stop blaming each other, and accept each other for the great people they are. I have undergone a divorce where my kids lives were turned upside down and 'want' to blame my EX for this. I am trying very hard to not be bitter and rage against the social policies that have destroyed my family and my relationship with my kids.
Yet, I can't let that happen and expect to stay healthy and find love again, can I?
So, the solution is to accept reality for what it is. Understand the driving forces and root causes if I can, but accept whatever comes along. That way I can concentrate of being the kind of man that I want to be.
Men are not to blame. Women are not to blame. "The variation of the individual swamps out any general tendencies". In other words, don't pre-judge!
January 9, 2005, 17:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (hothands @ January 8, 2005, 11:21) QUOTE (ceturner28 @ January 7, 2005, 23:06)A guy knows when I'm interested. I give the look and grab em!
Be carefull when grabbing, you might grab the guy your mother warned you about 
January 10, 2005, 14:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
QUOTE (backfromaustintx @ January 9, 2005, 17:27)I hope everyone understands that this is argument, not fighting, and while I strongly believe in what I've been saying here, I am not trying to force it down anyone's throat.
All in all, I just want men and women to stop blaming each other, and accept each other for the great people they are. I have undergone a divorce where my kids lives were turned upside down and 'want' to blame my EX for this. I am trying very hard to not be bitter and rage against the social policies that have destroyed my family and my relationship with my kids.
Yet, I can't let that happen and expect to stay healthy and find love again, can I?
So, the solution is to accept reality for what it is. Understand the driving forces and root causes if I can, but accept whatever comes along. That way I can concentrate of being the kind of man that I want to be.
Men are not to blame. Women are not to blame. "The variation of the individual swamps out any general tendencies". In other words, don't pre-judge!
When it comes to men and women, I have to admit, I love our differences ! Although it becomes easy for one sex to blame the other for specific issues, what I really believe is that these differences put us in a kind of symbiotic relationship. We feed off of, and nourish each other differences, and the cycle will never be broken.
January 11, 2005, 11:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the ladies of Web Naughty...
Exactly. Without men, we wouldn't have women, and without women, we wouldn't have men. We need each other.
January 13, 2005, 19:22 |