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It's Been Fun....
First i got a little time left but this is my goodbyes in no particular order and if you aint up here hold on i dont think i'll post them all right now tonight.....
October 27, 2004, 21:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Kbateman... since you caught my eye first i think you deserve the top! i truly will miss your sweet smile and sassy little attitude, you helped me through some dark nights when i first come here and have given me the little shove i needed lately to get my ass back out there on the market. i sincerely thank you.
October 27, 2004, 21:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Chazzy.... from early on you openly welcomed me and i've thoroughly enjoyed playing with you over the many nights i spent here. you pointed out the clues i was missing sometimes and gave me a good place to turn when i needed advice... a model of womanly perfection to say the least.
October 27, 2004, 21:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Curiousgirl.... cant think of another person i'd more love to just sit and spend hours talking about lifes little nothings with than you. You always made me feel comfortable talking to you, like one of the boys except WAY cuter! although there wasnt the romance i'd like to think there was a friendship of sorts... i'll miss your little asertive ass! take care of yourself and that little family of yours.
October 27, 2004, 21:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Hardrock.... you been great. treated me like an equal from the start and i respect that a lot. You were there for a few things (you know what i'm talking about) and i appriciate you taking the time to offer up your opinion on those. I'm trusting you to take care of some of these ladies around here. take it easy and best wishes!
October 27, 2004, 21:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Pepper.... its only been a short time since i got a chance to talk with you but i can say you are the perfect combination of sweetness with a wide side. sorry if i let out the secret of your sweetness. I trust you'll continue to still say hi once in a while by regular email!!! And like i told HR i expect you'll take care of absix (lord knows he dont need help with the ladies) but maybe keep him in line now and again. Still think you're out of my league so thank you for that first hello Pepper
October 27, 2004, 21:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Moonhowler... most of what we had was outside of WN so i'll keep it short and sweet here. you know any time you feel like telling me about that blank paper i'll be ready and willing to listen. Hope you understand what spooked me and if you arent sure maybe HR will explain to you if you ask nicely. nothing but VERY fond things come to mind when I think of you, take care and you're always welcome to say hello now and then sexy! (no blushing required!)
October 27, 2004, 21:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Hothands, Bear, Backfromaustintx, MsDizzy43.... never did a lot of chatting but i am appriciative of the concerns, advice, flirting, etc that you all gave.... especially Hothands, i could always count on you for advice when i needed someone who i could trust would shoot it to me straight whether it was good or bad!
October 27, 2004, 21:49 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
you're just moving right. you will be back! cause this sounds permanent!
October 27, 2004, 21:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Absix.... what can i say, never really got to do a lot of chatting with you but when i did you seemed to be a man i wouldnt mind having a few with. and the site... never seen anything like it before or since i been here. hope it grows to something huge for you but doesnt loose the intamacy it has now. great job and maybe you could send a few of those MANY girls this way? take it easy and watch out for yourself!
October 27, 2004, 21:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
anyone who posted or even just read the boards thanks for just being there! even though a lot of you didnt say hi when i asked!! 
well except for solonely, you're still hot in my book... even if i got lectured for that post
October 27, 2004, 21:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: It's Been Fun....
QUOTE (pepper @ October 27, 2004, 21:52)
i think both apply pepper....just moving and permenant
October 27, 2004, 21:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Luv ya to death, gonna miss ya to pieces !
October 27, 2004, 22:05 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
I swear, I'll kick your butt myself if you desert us. Moving is one thing Bcb, don't abandon us.
October 27, 2004, 22:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
DEye.... been tryin to think of a way to say that i like you around too... with out haveing kb and cg jump all over their male/male fantasies. I've enjoyed your wit and sarcasm since back in the jessejames days figure you wont have any trouble picking up the slack of stupid comments, half assed humor, unnoticed sarcasm, and too many compliments for the girls that i wont be posting. good luck to you and dont let the girls get too wild or maybe too tame!? take it easy
October 27, 2004, 22:38 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
BCB I wish you well , in your new surroundings. I hope if you dont come back to stay , maybe you will at least come back to say hello . We will all miss you here, youve been one of the best.
October 27, 2004, 22:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
artful1.... i havent tried to hide the fact i worship your mastery of words and enjoyed your post and exploits... although i'm not sure where your heading with this last "giving it up" stuff?? but if thats truly what your set on good luck with that!!
October 27, 2004, 22:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
judaskiss... one unique boy you are if anyone can handle KB around here i think you're the one... keep on writing i really enjoyed your stuff.
October 27, 2004, 22:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Littlegothicslut... was just starting to get to know you when things happened... kinda wish i had tried to talk with you sooner. who would of thought a country boy liking a goth city girl? good luck with everything!!
October 27, 2004, 22:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Bawbie... you been gone for a while but if you still get back now and again... it was always fun talking with you and keep that maggie may outta trouble!!
October 27, 2004, 22:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
like I said.... Route 80 east to Twin Cities, south to Route 70. East to Route 81 in Hagerstown MD.. South on 81 to Winchester VA, East on 7 to Route 704 in Hamilton VA...... Turn Right at bottom of ramp go to end of road.... turn right... go .4 mile turn right.... Honk....
October 28, 2004, 03:55 |
41 / male Web Naughty
Re: Re: It's Been Fun....
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ October 27, 2004, 21:52)Absix.... what can i say, never really got to do a lot of chatting with you but when i did you seemed to be a man i wouldnt mind having a few with. and the site... never seen anything like it before or since i been here. hope it grows to something huge for you but doesnt loose the intamacy it has now. great job and maybe you could send a few of those MANY girls this way? take it easy and watch out for yourself! 
October 28, 2004, 03:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: It's Been Fun....
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ October 27, 2004, 22:38)DEye.... been tryin to think of a way to say that i like you around too... with out haveing kb and cg jump all over their male/male fantasies. I've enjoyed your wit and sarcasm since back in the jessejames days  figure you wont have any trouble picking up the slack of stupid comments, half assed humor, unnoticed sarcasm, and too many compliments for the girls that i wont be posting. good luck to you and dont let the girls get too wild or maybe too tame!? take it easy 
My friend, it won't be the same without you. Be well and happy. I'll do my best round here. Peace my brother
October 28, 2004, 04:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....

October 28, 2004, 05:21 |
57 / male Manhattan, New York, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
Artful1 here.There is an honesty an integrity of spirit that I have always sensed from you.It is not
because of the kind remarks you have sent my way...
but rather..that is who you truly are.Your posts have
always been consistent in terms of your unspoken character.You express things in a way that all who read your statements can get the thrust of your
...My older brother died before I could get a chance to tell him that I loved him.....The one true love of my life left because I could not tell her what I felt...I lost a major job opportunity
because it required an emotional committment from me...
...I wish I had gotten to know you better,chat with you,shoot the breeze..gained a friend...I am always
left on the dock holding a ticket on the
luxury liner I just missed...
Bored,be well...always.I sense nothing but good from you....and good things for you.
Peace and Blessings-Always,
October 28, 2004, 05:44 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
BCB, you take care of yourself. best of luck in what you do. These ladies are going to miss you.
Again best wishes.
October 28, 2004, 07:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: It's Been Fun....
Sorry to hear your leaving us. I will personaly miss reading your post's, I often felt the things you wrote came from the heart. I hope the fruits of life surround you and love, laughter and happiness wash away all your pain. hothands.
October 28, 2004, 10:31 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
You have forgotten me..But Ill never forget you! Bye Miah!
October 28, 2004, 18:04 |
70 / male Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: It's Been Fun....
What in the hell is going on here! I disappear few a few weeks, when I come back Boredcountryboy is leaving? What are you doing? There's no internet where you are going? Gonna MISS you! Take care, Bye for now.
October 28, 2004, 20:08 |
67 / male Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: It's Been Fun....
OMG I missed this!
BCB I wish nothing but the best for you, that you get to realize your dreams, that you are always loved and are able to love, and that you are cherished by many grandkids one day.
Take care Buddy.
November 2, 2004, 09:08 |