47 / female north, England, UK
Chucker or Hoarder?
Are you one of those people who saves everything you've ever owned and have a home full of treasures and trinkets, right the way through from your wardrobe to your sticker collection started at the age of 10! Or is less, more, when it comes to you and your home?
I am a chucker, though sometimes I have regretted it, like with all of my diaries/reports from school days, I'd love to read through those now.
That said, I do have a tatty old box full to bursting with wires and cables, old phone parts and chargers - and anything remotely electrical, every once in a while I will need a cable for something and you can put money on it being the one frigging cable that isn't in that bloody box.
November 9, 2007, 04:11 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
I have cables and wires, have no idea what they go to 
I keep playbills from shows I've been to. have boxes of them everywhere. I figure when I die, someone will throw them out, so why am I keeping them but can't bring myself to chuck. I think I need psychiatric help
November 9, 2007, 06:07 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
I'm a pack rat also. But there comes a time to get rid of the old junk. We have been going through the basement and finding all kinds of junk that need to hit the garbage. But we are also keeping some of the things that have memories. A lot of stuff from the kids when they were in school etc.. I still have some of my old 45 rpm, 33 rpm records, and things like that. I usually keep all the cable connectors for TV's and things. Just never know when one will break, or the dog/cat will chew them. We kept all the stuff from our grandparents. It has no monetary value, just sentimental value.
November 9, 2007, 08:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
Andy Warhol comes to mind right now! He never threw anything away, everything went into a box that was labeled with the date and stored in a warehouse.
Those boxes date so far back, and every box in that warehouse is a time capsule. So many things are valuable because at the time, it was just junk and everyone threw them away, but not Andy!
I keep things packed away that I feel could be of some value as a collectable down the road.
Other than that, I live in a 100 year old farm house, and these houses weren't built with allot of storage. So stuff has got to go! (I'm looking into a rental storage shed now for my husband's old bachelor 1980"s furniture that he just can't seem to let go off, it's all stacked and stored in my computer room here)
November 9, 2007, 09:03 |
53 / male millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
I refuse to throw away anything!!!
I learned this behavior from building cars...that shit's exspensive! I might use it some day...
I also got it drilled in my head regarding bills/receipts...however...once in a while, when the mess is just too much to bear...I have been known to get fed up and just reduce my life to some clothes, and tools.
I'm very cyclic, binge and purge.
I probably need help!
November 9, 2007, 09:26 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
used to hang on to clothes, now if i haven't worn them in a year, goes to salvation army or some charity, except for suits. Bought a new suit 3 yrs ago , wore it once.
November 9, 2007, 09:32 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
Oh no I'm a pack rat. I got scraps of wood,bits of wire,plumbing bits and pieces specially drain parts. Letters,awards,and my complete military record. Police reports,investigation,interviews,copies of every ticket I've written, accident reports with side notes. (Mainly cause I don't trust anyone). And if that ain't enough when I bought out my grandparents place I have their stuff and Grandpa was a "tinker" I got "stuff" dating back to the early 1900's. Is it any good? Who knows haha. But you never know when someone might need something.
November 9, 2007, 10:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
I'm a hoarder, i even brought loads of crap from my old house to this one. Not sure why it didn't go in the skip!!!
Oh i know, i might use it again!!!
November 9, 2007, 11:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Chucker or Hoarder?
As I always say..you never know when you might need it down the road some day. When you do chuck it out...damn why did I get rid of that.
November 9, 2007, 20:32 |