Web Naughty - Hello, Ladies! - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
Hello, Ladies!
I love dirty talk, I could do it alllllllllll day. Hit me up if youre interested. I'm 6 feet tall, athletic, native american, and well, as for my cock... you won't believe me if i told you about it. (:
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myrtle beach, South Carolina, United States
AGE: 31
BODY TYPE: Athletic
HEIGHT: 6' 0" (183 cm)
WEIGHT: 204 Lbs. (93 Kg.)
RACE: Native American
PROFILE: I love dirty talk, I could do it alllllllllll day. Hit me up if youre interested. I'm 6 feet tall, athletic, native american, and well, as for my cock... you won't believe me if i told you about it. (: