Web Naughty - we r a couple lookin for hot fun - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
we r a couple lookin for hot fun
I'm a wf age 30 5'3" bout a buck 50 32Fcup.....n wm age 34 5'10" bout 200lbs with plenty below the belt;-)we r ddfree...n wantin to spice things up a lil..woman bi male straight
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LOOKING FOR: Swinging Couple or Partner, Casual Encounters
weaver, Alabama, United States
GENDER: Couple
AGE: 41
SEEKING: Women, Men, Couples
BODY TYPE: Average
HEIGHT: 5' 3" (160 cm)
WEIGHT: 150 Lbs. (68 Kg.)
RACE: Caucasian
PROFILE: I'm a wf age 30 5'3" bout a buck 50 32Fcup.....n wm age 34 5'10" bout 200lbs with plenty below the belt;-)we r ddfree...n wantin to spice things up a lil..woman bi male straight