Web Naughty - Come give me pleasure - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
Come give me pleasure
Well im a serious type but at the same tim a funny type, I have a strict side but at a limit other then that all nice type. Like to meet new people in my area of course. so hit me up by a chance.
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San Diego, California, United States
AGE: 39
BODY TYPE: Average
HEIGHT: Prefer not to say
WEIGHT: 162 Lbs. (74 Kg.)
HAIR COLOR: Prefer not to say
RACE: Hispanic
PROFILE: Well im a serious type but at the same tim a funny type, I have a strict side but at a limit other then that all nice type. Like to meet new people in my area of course. so hit me up by a chance.