Look for fun erotic chat or casual sex or FFM threesomes
Hi I'm an easy going man who lives in Sydney Australia who is out of a long term relationship and would like to play around for a while. In the future i'd like to end up in a fulll-timne relatiohsip again with some one I'm in love with, but right now i'm interested in some erotic chat via email, writing each other erotic stories or some casual encounters. If we get to know each other via email and turn each other on with the imagination of our minds, then who knows maybe we can meet up and have fun in the flesh. Only interested in something casual at the moment, but who knows with the right person it could evolve beyond that. If you're interested in something like this and trying to turn each other on and get horny via the safety of email first, then drop me a line.
I am also interested in linking up with a bisexual woman who is intetesred in an FFM threesome so we can try and find another woman together. While i have had a lot of wonderful lovers so far in my life, I have never been in a threesome and i would like to try it sometime before I end up back in a long term relationship with a woman who might not necessarily be into that.