Web Naughty - hard and horny247 - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
hard and horny247
my name is Chris I'm 26 years old but look 22 and have the sex drive of a horny teenager.Looking to meet new people .I loved masturbating in front of my last girlfriend so I hope to enjoy group sex just as much.
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LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Discreet Relationship, Swinging Couple or Partner, 1-on-1 Sex, Casual Encounters
surrey, British Columbia, Canada
AGE: 45
BODY TYPE: Athletic
HEIGHT: 5' 9" (175 cm)
WEIGHT: 178 Lbs. (81 Kg.)
RACE: Caucasian
PROFILE: my name is Chris I'm 26 years old but look 22 and have the sex drive of a horny teenager.Looking to meet new people .I loved masturbating in front of my last girlfriend so I hope to enjoy group sex just as much.