Web Naughty - Very into kinky chat. - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
Very into kinky chat.
A young male, very musical and artsy but has a naughty side as well. If you wanna be punished by me, hit me up. If you want to do the punishing, hit me up.
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LOOKING FOR: Erotic Chat/E-Mail, Bondage & Discipline, Other or Special Interest
El Segundo, California, United States
AGE: 34
BODY TYPE: Muscular
HEIGHT: 5' 8" (173 cm)
WEIGHT: 140 Lbs. (64 Kg.)
RACE: Hispanic
PROFILE: A young male, very musical and artsy but has a naughty side as well. If you wanna be punished by me, hit me up. If you want to do the punishing, hit me up.