Web Naughty - looking for females that can keep up in the bedroom and not just talking shit all the time - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
looking for females that can keep up in the bedroom and not just talking shit all the time
Im 6ft 2 195lbs in good shape and can go all night females say i look like common or ll cool j i dont u tell me but i love to fuck all the time
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LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Swinging Couple or Partner, 1-on-1 Sex, Casual Encounters
mitchells, Virginia, United States
AGE: 51
BODY TYPE: Athletic
HEIGHT: 6' 2" (188 cm)
WEIGHT: 196 Lbs. (89 Kg.)
RACE: African American
PROFILE: Im 6ft 2 195lbs in good shape and can go all night females say i look like common or ll cool j i dont u tell me but i love to fuck all the time