Web Naughty - young couple seeking a young woman to join us :) - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
young couple seeking a young woman to join us :)
I am 25 years as old, 5'8", 135lbs, my boyfriend is 6'1, and has an athletic build. in most cases we can host at home or get a hotel or if you have other arrangements we can figure all the out later.
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LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Erotic Chat/E-Mail, Casual Encounters
Dickinson, North Dakota, United States
GENDER: Couple
AGE: 35
BODY TYPE: Prefer not to say
HEIGHT: Prefer not to say
WEIGHT: Prefer not to say
HAIR COLOR: Prefer not to say
RACE: Prefer not to say
PROFILE: I am 25 years as old, 5'8", 135lbs, my boyfriend is 6'1, and has an athletic build. in most cases we can host at home or get a hotel or if you have other arrangements we can figure all the out later.