Big guy, petite girl looking for good time
She is petite, (5'0, 107 lb, 36C). He is athletic (6'2", 183 lb, 9" long, and thick). She is 20 years old, he is 30. Looking for educated, humorous, discreet relationship with another couple. Please email with a picture. Couple must be attractive....he should be well endowed (at least 8"), she should be no older than 25 and petite as well.
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About Me
LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Erotic Chat/E-Mail, Discreet Relationship, Swinging Couple or Partner, 1-on-1 Sex, Casual Encounters, Bondage & Discipline, Long Term Relationship, Other or Special Interest
Converse, Texas, United States
GENDER: Couple
AGE: 49
SEEKING: Couples
BODY TYPE: Athletic
HEIGHT: 6' 2" (188 cm)
WEIGHT: 180 Lbs. (82 Kg.)
RACE: Caucasian
PROFILE: She is petite, (5'0, 107 lb, 36C). He is athletic (6'2", 183 lb, 9" long, and thick). She is 20 years old, he is 30. Looking for educated, humorous, discreet relationship with another couple. Please email with a picture. Couple must be attractive....he should be well endowed (at least 8"), she should be no older than 25 and petite as well.
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