Web Naughty - Irish Green - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!


Irish Green

There's really too much to say - and besides, what do you expect a person to say??? I'm been working in the entertainment bizz. for 11years and work for Warner Brother to San Digeo KNBC. I worked on many Indy films and made my own. I got really burned out not sleeping day to day life. My dad in 2003 past away and mom joined him in 2006. I'm a very 'extroverted' person - I tend to be comfortable in any social situation - I can walk into a room of strangers, and come out with new friends. I've done my partying times - I still enjoy going out with friends now and then to have some fun - but I also enjoy sitting at home, watching movies. I also enjoy going to concerts and sleeping in on weekends!!! I have great pride in anything I do. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist - but I don't expect perfection from others. I enjoy a good laugh - and making others laugh. I can be quite sarcastic at times, but once you get to know me, you learn to detect it easier...I enjoy new things - but also tend to have an 'old soul' in some activities I enjoy. I've been told I'm more entertaining than TV (woo hoo) But my girlfriend thinks I'm WEIRD- but I don't want to be wholly depended upon for entertainment constantly. I enjoy any time I spend with friends and family - live every moment in life, because you don't know how many more you may have left. I believe in letting others be who they want to be - as long as it hurts no one - let it be. I'm very open-minded and prefer others that are as well. I don't expect a lot from others - I only expect the truth. To lie to someone, shows you have no respect for them -





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About Me

LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Erotic Chat/E-Mail, Discreet Relationship, Swinging Couple or Partner, 1-on-1 Sex, Casual Encounters, Bondage & Discipline, Long Term Relationship, Other or Special Interest

LOCATION: Riverside, California, United States
AGE: 49
BODY TYPE: Prefer not to say
HEIGHT: Prefer not to say
WEIGHT: Prefer not to say
HAIR COLOR: Prefer not to say
RACE: Prefer not to say

PROFILE: There's really too much to say - and besides, what do you expect a person to say??? I'm been working in the entertainment bizz. for 11years and work for Warner Brother to San Digeo KNBC. I worked on many Indy films and made my own. I got really burned out not sleeping day to day life. My dad in 2003 past away and mom joined him in 2006. I'm a very 'extroverted' person - I tend to be comfortable in any social situation - I can walk into a room of strangers, and come out with new friends. I've done my partying times - I still enjoy going out with friends now and then to have some fun - but I also enjoy sitting at home, watching movies. I also enjoy going to concerts and sleeping in on weekends!!! I have great pride in anything I do. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist - but I don't expect perfection from others. I enjoy a good laugh - and making others laugh. I can be quite sarcastic at times, but once you get to know me, you learn to detect it easier...I enjoy new things - but also tend to have an 'old soul' in some activities I enjoy. I've been told I'm more entertaining than TV (woo hoo) But my girlfriend thinks I'm WEIRD- but I don't want to be wholly depended upon for entertainment constantly. I enjoy any time I spend with friends and family - live every moment in life, because you don't know how many more you may have left. I believe in letting others be who they want to be - as long as it hurts no one - let it be. I'm very open-minded and prefer others that are as well. I don't expect a lot from others - I only expect the truth. To lie to someone, shows you have no respect for them -
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