Web Naughty - Gimme a chance... - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!


Gimme a chance...

What I'd like to find through this site is safe, fun, no strings attached sex.

In case you're wondering how I look, I'll just say that I'm no great, astounding beauty, but I get called cute and pretty with regularity. Guys do consider me attractive (some of them at least) so don't worry about me being fugly or anything. He he. As far as my body goes, I am no where near fat, but I'm not skinny either. I would say I'm somewhere between average and chubby, with most of the weight being in my hips and thighs. I also have big boobs, if you're into that (double Ds). As far as how I dress, it's most often described as "kind of punk" by other people, but I don't subscribe to labels. I do have a few tattos and my lip is pierced, just in case you aren't into that sort of thing (or in case you are). Finally, I'd just like to add that I'm mixed (so I have brown skin). If you're only into white chicks please pass by this ad.

Okay, now that I've told you about myself, I'd like to go a little deeper into what I'd (ideally) like to find.

Like I mentioned, I want sex and only sex, with no emotional attachments. It can be a one time thing, a two time thing, maybe a three time thing, but not an ongoing thing, because I've found when something like this goes on for too long one person or the other develops feeling and things get complicated.

I'm looking for someone who is in their 20s. You should be kind of tall or at least average height. Also, I'm sorry but I'm not really into fat guys, but if you have a little extra padding that should be fine. And yeah. I hate to say it, but don't be ugly. I would really, really prefer a bigger guy, if ya know what I mean. 8 inches would be perfect, but I might go fr something smaller or bigger if you give me good reason to.

If this sounds good to you, please get back to me! I can send you even more details in a private message. But please, if you answer this ad include a picture! I have pictures I can send to you, but nothing risque' since I don't have my own camera. Also, I've been told on numerous occasions that I look better in real life than I do in pictures... (Which is shocking 'cause I'm so darn cute in pictures ;)





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What are you waiting for?

I need a fuck buddy r u out there

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About Me

LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Discreet Relationship, 1-on-1 Sex, Casual Encounters

LOCATION: Centralia, Washington, United States
AGE: 38
BODY TYPE: Average
HEIGHT: 5' 4" (163 cm)
WEIGHT: Prefer not to say
RACE: Prefer not to say

PROFILE: What I'd like to find through this site is safe, fun, no strings attached sex.

In case you're wondering how I look, I'll just say that I'm no great, astounding beauty, but I get called cute and pretty with regularity. Guys do consider me attractive (some of them at least) so don't worry about me being fugly or anything. He he. As far as my body goes, I am no where near fat, but I'm not skinny either. I would say I'm somewhere between average and chubby, with most of the weight being in my hips and thighs. I also have big boobs, if you're into that (double Ds). As far as how I dress, it's most often described as "kind of punk" by other people, but I don't subscribe to labels. I do have a few tattos and my lip is pierced, just in case you aren't into that sort of thing (or in case you are). Finally, I'd just like to add that I'm mixed (so I have brown skin). If you're only into white chicks please pass by this ad.

Okay, now that I've told you about myself, I'd like to go a little deeper into what I'd (ideally) like to find.

Like I mentioned, I want sex and only sex, with no emotional attachments. It can be a one time thing, a two time thing, maybe a three time thing, but not an ongoing thing, because I've found when something like this goes on for too long one person or the other develops feeling and things get complicated.

I'm looking for someone who is in their 20s. You should be kind of tall or at least average height. Also, I'm sorry but I'm not really into fat guys, but if you have a little extra padding that should be fine. And yeah. I hate to say it, but don't be ugly. I would really, really prefer a bigger guy, if ya know what I mean. 8 inches would be perfect, but I might go fr something smaller or bigger if you give me good reason to.

If this sounds good to you, please get back to me! I can send you even more details in a private message. But please, if you answer this ad include a picture! I have pictures I can send to you, but nothing risque' since I don't have my own camera. Also, I've been told on numerous occasions that I look better in real life than I do in pictures... (Which is shocking 'cause I'm so darn cute in pictures ;)

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