Yep, another horny guy looking around ...
At the moment I am simply exploring the possibilities available to me. And having a look about this site. If I like it enough, then I'll be sure to get some pics up for those interested.
But just so you know, I'm male, straight, and from the UK. Also, I tend to have a welcoming personality to anyone who offers me respect openly ... and have a very aroused mind when it starts. So yeah ... very easy to turn me on if you're a female.
I would add my messenger addresses here, but apparently you're not allowed to do that, so yeah...leave a note or something if you can and I'll try to get back to you somehow.
May add more later.
Thank you WN for the kindness all of you extend toward new members. You have all become an extension of my daily routine that I look forward to every day. All the jokes and the kidding that is shared between everyone and the closeness is unlike any other site I have found.
It is my pleasure to be part of such a diversified group of people from all over the world and to be accepted by people of all age groups at the same time. And I must say I have found the forums very funny, useful and informative all at the same time.
Cheers to the staff for a job well done. |
IT'S 100% FREE! |
My Photos
About Me
LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Erotic Chat/E-Mail, Discreet Relationship, Swinging Couple or Partner, 1-on-1 Sex, Casual Encounters, Bondage & Discipline, Long Term Relationship, Other or Special Interest
Tredegar, Wales, United Kingdom
AGE: 38
BODY TYPE: Average
HEIGHT: 6' 0" (183 cm)
WEIGHT: Prefer not to say
RACE: Prefer not to say
PROFILE: At the moment I am simply exploring the possibilities available to me. And having a look about this site. If I like it enough, then I'll be sure to get some pics up for those interested.
But just so you know, I'm male, straight, and from the UK. Also, I tend to have a welcoming personality to anyone who offers me respect openly ... and have a very aroused mind when it starts. So yeah ... very easy to turn me on if you're a female.
I would add my messenger addresses here, but apparently you're not allowed to do that, so yeah...leave a note or something if you can and I'll try to get back to you somehow.
May add more later.
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